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09.07.2008, 20:09
Сообщение: #1 (687150)
Прошивка: 4.01M33-2
Другие консоли: Xbox, Xbox360, PSX, PS2, NES, SNES, GC, SMS, GBC, GBA, DS,
Регистрация: 04.08.2007
Адрес: New York
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While we were out....
A great deal of M33 firmwares have dropped since we were last active here so let me just sum up quickly with what M33 has been up too. (I'm not going to be listing any features that were added by the official firmwares this is just to let everyone know about what M33 has done for us.)
came out but that's already covered in another thread.
1.50 Kernel addon for 3.71M33
added backwards compatablity for some 1.50 firmware dependent homebrew to the old-style phat PSP.
1.50 Kernel addon #2 for 3.71M33
corrected a bug that when returning from sleep mode, caused 3.71 ipl to be executed resulting in an immediate crash.
corrected a very serious bug that caused all files larger than 32256 bytes to be corrupted when written to flash over USB; the PSP Slim saw the addition of the ability to charge the battery when a USB cable is connected; programs in the UPDATE folder were always executed using the native kernel regardless of configuration; the VSHMenu was disabled when the On-screen keyboard is active so the select button would behave normally; the ability to reset the PSP was added to the VSHMenu; VSH plugins were disabled in recovery mode as some were resulting in pseudo-bricks.
had some bug fixes for the developers out there and a few more general fixes and feature expansions; PSP Slim programmers could now set the user memory to 52 MB; the HEN core saw kernel prx's that had syscall exports work once more; another bug involving USB access to flash was taken care of; the March33 NO-UMD driver was fixed up to work with Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles, and maybe some other games; resolution of the VSHMenu was fixed when used with the TV-Out abilities of the PSP Slim; the PopsLoader got added support for 3.71 and 3.72 pops.
fixed support for multidisc PSX games purchesed from the PSN store; and added support for multidisc PSX games decrypted and created with popstation_md (which came out with this release); uncompressed games had audio issues when used with the 3.72 pops and this was fixed.
Then we didn't see anything from M33 for what seemed like a very very long time, but that was about to change.
saw the HEN core get the ability to load signchecked files directly from flash; using recovery to format flash1 would now create all the usual directories in flash1; the network updater is now set to update from dark-alex.org by default but will still download official sony updates if set to; and we now had a NIDs resolver for various kernel libraries.
1.50 Kernel addon for 3.80M33
was released once again bringing limited kernel backwards compatibility to old-style PSP Phat users.
had a fix for all the overclockers out there as scePowerGetClockFrequency/scePowerGetClockFrequencyInt would now see proper resolution when two NIDs applied to the same function; PSX EBOOTs with icons of 80x80 will no longer have their save data icon replaced by the Dracula icon.
fixed an issue with plugins that check code in PSN NP9660 games; added more libraries to the NIDs resolver; and changed how a few things were handled for compatibility with the 3.80 popsloader.
galaxy.prx was updated (in the 3.80 firmwares) to a new version that caused problems with slow memory sticks, M33 reverted galaxy.prx to a previous version.
resolved an issue with games not using custom CPU clock settings; an option was added to recovery that would hide PIC0.PNG and PIC1.PNG images in the XMB game menu for media on the memory stick.
was released to get the M33 firmwares back up to date with official firmwares.
1.50 Kernel addon for 3.90M33
came out for PSP Phat owners once more.
1.50 Kernel addon #2 for 3.90M33
fixed an issue with TA086 mother boards waking up to a black screen when using the 4th brightness level; enabled support in the 1.50 kernel for memory sticks greater than 4 GB.
saw plugins get much more compatible; plugins read faster; some memory sticks that weren't being mounted were resolved; lines ending with spaces were not read properly; the remaining regions were added to the fake region selector in recovery; the PSP Slim version had patches in the nand ipl to allow booting the Booster multiiplloader and TimeMachine iplloader from the nand; improvements were made to the M33 updater correcting the annoying way it would freeze.
brought the March33 NO-UMD driver up to date with support for games such as Coded Arms, Patapon, Harvest Moon Innocent Life, and others.
saw the VSHMenu be disabled when using the camera so the camera mode could be changed (using the select button); translation of the recovery menu was made possible and a Spanish language translation was included by default; the M33 Software Development Kit was updated; the psp-packer tool for compressing prx's and PBP's in the PSP format; the homebrew folder for 4.XX generation M33 firmware was changed to GAME4XX, rather than update it with each release.
1.50 Kernel addon for 4.01M33
brought compatibility to PSP Phat users everywhere one more time.
fixed the scePowerGetCpuClockFrequency bug we saw in 3.80M33, again; issues with how the recovery translations were handled were resolved; typos in the included Spanish recovery translation were corrected.
So that's where we are, I'm sure there are probably a lot of wonderful things I've left-out, forgot, or just plain got wrong, but at least i tried, what have you done lately? :p
Speaking of which it would be nice if someone would summarize the whole Dark_Alex/M33/CFW/PS3news drama for us...
Jephrei, Джеффри, Geoffery, however you say it...
I'm still the worst mod on this site ;-)
Rhodes: [screaming] I'm running this monkey farm now Frankenstein and I wanna know... what the f*** you’re doing with my time?
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