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24.09.2007, 09:05
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3.71M33 - Need help.
I have a PSP slim with 3.71OFW, i have no other PSP, and i have no pandora battery/memstick. So i decided to go to Ebay and buy a pandora battey/memstick, but they are too much money, and the cheap ones want people to send in the battery/memstick or the PSP, and i am not willing to send my battery/memstick or PSP to anyone. Are there any other ways of flashing 3.71M33 CFW into my PSP slim besides pandora?
24.09.2007, 12:00
Сообщение: #2 (523216)
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You dont need Pandora to install 3.71M33. If you upgraded to CFW3.71 then your SOL till a pandora/downgrader for the slim comes out.
24.09.2007, 13:49
Сообщение: #3 (523288)
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i got 3.71 OFW, and i wanna put 3.71CFW, how do i do it without pandora battery?
Последний раз редактировалось CaptSmokey6; 24.09.2007 в 13:52.
24.09.2007, 14:06
Сообщение: #4 (523305)
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Сообщение от CaptSmokey6
i got 3.71 OFW, and i wanna put 3.71CFW, how do i do it without pandora battery?
you don't.
You need a Custom firmware PSP to install this onto it at the moment.
24.09.2007, 15:50
Сообщение: #5 (523386)
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Why do people update thier PSP's then try to go to custom firmware? They already know that cant be done.
Next time, DONT UPDATE. Your SOL now.
You have to wait for the next pandora/downgrader/unbricker.
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Сообщение от CaptSmokey6
i got 3.71 OFW, and i wanna put 3.71CFW, how do i do it without pandora battery?
Did you even read my post directly above yours? It says you dont use pandora to install cfw. It also says you cant install CFW over OFW.
Next time READ! 
Последний раз редактировалось NakedFaerie; 24.09.2007 в 15:50.
Причина: добавил, подумав
24.09.2007, 16:27
Сообщение: #6 (523440)
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1.Hello i have one question:You say on the readme :
"- Copy the UPDATE directory into /PSP/GAME/UPDATE and copy the EBOOT.PBP of the 3.71 Sony updater
there but with name "371.PBP". Note: the program will not even show if you copy it to a different folder than that."
so what should i do?Apart from the update .pbp in the update folder i should have the official update file of 3.71?
2.And one last question:
You say that these are your final releases.And then what will happen to the psp hombrew and custom firmware scene?Will it die?I mean will you stop developing fws forever or you will just have a break?
Последний раз редактировалось andrewnick; 24.09.2007 в 16:52.
24.09.2007, 19:03
Сообщение: #7 (523618)
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Сообщение от andrewnick
1.Hello i have one question:You say on the readme :
"- Copy the UPDATE directory into /PSP/GAME/UPDATE and copy the EBOOT.PBP of the 3.71 Sony updater
there but with name "371.PBP". Note: the program will not even show if you copy it to a different folder than that."
so what should i do?Apart from the update .pbp in the update folder i should have the official update file of 3.71?
2.And one last question:
You say that these are your final releases.And then what will happen to the psp hombrew and custom firmware scene?Will it die?I mean will you stop developing fws forever or you will just have a break?
1, What? The 371.pbp IS the update file just renamed, so yes.
2, It's exactly like he says. He's leaving. Doesnt mean everyone is gone. There are still thousands of devs out there making homebrew, just not him anymore.
24.09.2007, 20:39
Сообщение: #8 (523706)
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(скоро придёт к известности)
NakedFaerie is true in what he answers you, andrewnick, readme is enough clear about that stuff  It's like past OE/M33 updates with eboot renaming. (Rename it to 371.pbp and copy it inside of GAME/UPDATE/ with EBOOT.PBP and umodule.prx)
Also, remember that you should *not* update to 3.71ofw, as there is not pandora.. by now. 3.71M33 can't be installed on an 3.71 original by now, as there is no public method of downgrading a Slim.
25.09.2007, 03:54
Сообщение: #9 (523975)
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oh darn, if i would of known about CFW, i would of never updeaded to 3.71, but i made the stupid mistake of upgrading, then when i searched the internet for 3rd party software (homebrew), i found out that i needed a CFW, so i searched the net again, and i found M33, and that's when i found out that i shouldn't of upgeaded. I should of search the net first before upgrading, all well. I'll just wait for the next pandora downgrader/unbricker.
25.09.2007, 05:31
Сообщение: #10 (523982)
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CaptSmokey...we r in the same boat.....
28.11.2008, 09:52
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