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23.09.2007, 07:31
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Of course, I'm sure you all know M33 has decided to take a break.
Taking a Break in the Way
Hello, World.
After a hard discussion between every member of M33 (3 votes against 2), we have decided to take a little break before releasing anything else. (Take it as the russian winter that might come even when there is sun in front of us)
The main reasons for this decision are as follow:
First, looking at how have things have come since we started our work, we now know how might have felt other developers when there are much other interests that don't benefit to the entire Scene. We all know what we are talking about, and we will make our best to eradicate all of this rotted side of the world in which we are nowadays, in the near future.
Second, to teach a lesson. A mayor percentage of the PSP (and others) Scene(s) has to think about what it has come into since there are lots and lots of people that just want to steal money and attention when they don't even deserve it. This has existed since the beggining, and this is, clearly, to that hackers-wannabe that modify a couple of files and want to be acclaimed as a God-like.
And third, to have fun looking at how all this lamers that steal codes don't know what to do when there is no binaries or sources to modify ;-) Ok, that last one was kidding a bit... but that doesn't mean that it's not right :-P
We know, of course, that lots of psp webpages will full with insults and lame plots (we surf daily most of them), but this won't make change this decision, so here's a little advice: Don't waste your breath reinforcing what we have just said, and have patiente. Also, don't look for guilty ones, as you might have to look deeply into every one that have demanded without any right to be released something that will be free for all of the scene, as always.
Also, it's interesting to say that you should buy the games you like, gaving support to the ones that you think that they have done a good job, as we are all developers, and all the ones that stay hours and hours in front of a pc screen have their rights to have a remuneration for what is, after all, their job.
And, by the way, to avoid lamers saying that we have lied or prophets telling lies to the Scene, 3.71m33 *is* finished, and will be released when we come back. (or a later version if needed)
You can always contact us via a pm on pspx.ru forums, and on m-33@yandex.ru.
Thanks for all the support till this day. See you all soon :-)
I, for one, would like to voice my support for the hiatus. The scene has really gotten shitty lately, and all you guys work really hard to make CFW for us. I have never (and will never) expect anything out of M33, I greatly appreciate all you guys have done for us so far. There really is no need to rush the 3.71 CFW anyways since there's no games that require it, and it will be nice for you all to collect yourselves and decide if the scene is even worthy of another M33 release.
People are mostly a**holes and don't deserve the work and time that this requires. Take as long as you need to, as all the real scene supporters will understand and sympathize.
Thanks for everything you've done for us!
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Adultery за это полезное сообщение:
23.09.2007, 08:26
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I know exactly why they did this. Its because of all the lamers that demand. Everyone knows it would've got released when it was finished and now we all have to wait because some morons are impatient.
I would've liked them release it then go for a break but I can see why they did this. Oh well, none of us can demand anything from them. If we do then this is what happens.
Have fun on your break and we will enjoy your work when you get back. No hurry as its not needed atm.
To all the lamers that made this get delayed; "This is your fault. Happy now?"
23.09.2007, 09:51
Сообщение: #3 (521980)
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i understand why? and i don't blame you
thanks for all you have done so far
hope to see you back soon
thanks M33
23.09.2007, 11:25
Сообщение: #4 (522016)
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i myself think they deserve a medal aswell as a break,thanks for al your hardwork and enjoy your break
23.09.2007, 12:40
Сообщение: #5 (522048)
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And what now about the people that donated(like me) ??
23.09.2007, 13:49
Сообщение: #6 (522092)
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What are talking about frankthetank !!!
It's a DONATION not something you pay for !
I'm sure you are the kind of guy who pay for Pandora battery on eBay ....
Scene must be free.
I agree 333 % with team M33, and I donate too for them.
23.09.2007, 14:06
Сообщение: #7 (522110)
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I am only asking what they do with the people that donated? We didn't donate to them that they make a vacation, we donated to them for they actual and future work! And where are the results of the work ?
23.09.2007, 14:36
Сообщение: #8 (522140)
Модель консоли: PSP1004
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(на пути к лучшему)
Сообщение от frankthetank
I am only asking what they do with the people that donated? We didn't donate to them that they make a vacation, we donated to them for they actual and future work! And where are the results of the work ?
Do you made a donation? If yes - do anybody forced you to make a donation? Do M33 wrote somewhere about the dates of their releases? They could tell nothing about the reasons of 3.71M33 release delay, but they don't. You can find that reasons on their site. They deserve some vacation.
PS: there's no game at that moment, that needs FW higher than 3.52 so there's no reasons to worry about.
23.09.2007, 15:05
Сообщение: #9 (522171)
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enjoy your brake m33
i wish it was like it was when it all started pure and with good release without all the bitchin people demanding releases and flaming. this is why so many people have left i believe. but m33 and all the other good developers your releases are good and thanked for and you are taking a well deserved brake. i just wish all the falemers and biatches would just leave
23.09.2007, 15:36
Сообщение: #10 (522200)
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You don't understand me! I shit on the 3.71M33 firmware that BTW doesn't exist! I only want to know what they are doing with my money? And what now about the people who donated? At this time it's looking so that they making vacation with our donated money!
23.09.2007, 15:46
Сообщение: #11 (522207)
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People who donated gave them freely some money. What they do with the money is their matter, not ours anymore.
I do think that Team M33 must take a break. There is more to live than just a PSP. However, I am wondering if they will also release the promised new Pandora for the PSP Slim & Light?
23.09.2007, 16:42
Сообщение: #12 (522243)
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
Сообщение от frankthetank
You don't understand me! I shit on the 3.71M33 firmware that BTW doesn't exist! I only want to know what they are doing with my money? And what now about the people who donated? At this time it's looking so that they making vacation with our donated money!
You want to know? Vodka, girl, cigarettes, drugs, cars,(.....) <--- insert what you like, I'm sure that many ppl think so, but even if thats true, does that really your matter? If you dont trust ppl, then just dont donate them. Imho they used them in right way, and I'm agree too, that they must take a break, they deserved it. 
Darkness from twilight, crimson from blood that flows; buried in the flow of time; in Thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness! Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and I possess! DRAGU SLAVE!!" © Lina Inverse
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23.09.2007, 18:56
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Have fun on your break... u deserve it 
23.09.2007, 20:18
Сообщение: #14 (522499)
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I think the break is a good idea. Hopefully things will calm down a bit while Team M33's taking their break.
I also think it's a good idea to wait until they come back to release 3.71-M33. after all, there could be bugs and things (i doubt there are 'cuz of the talent that M33 has but it's possible) that could make a need for help from the M33 team to do even more before their break.
have a good break, M33! everyone should take a break once in a while.
It's not even a matter of 'deserving' a break. Who can really ever say whether or not a non-profit team of people just helping others 'deserves' a break?
for all the people that would complain about the break, all i have to say is: Grow Up! These people have no obligation to make us Custom Firmware. They do it out of kindness. So leave them alone and let them enjoy their break.
23.09.2007, 21:09
Сообщение: #15 (522570)
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
I think M33 have done a great job with custom firmware and I think that they do deserve a break, and I hope they don’t leave the scene and disappear for good. But if they are taking a break because of the recent leaks and back stabbing in the scene, then by taking a break is only submitting to the scum out there and letting them win. But I do agree that M33 are the masters of custom firmware and if this means them leaving the scene for awhile then that’s great.
M33, if you do read this post by me then I just wanted to say in my eyes, you guys are the gods of PSP. When the scene looked like it was dead you guys jumped in and saved the day, and I just wanted to personally for that. And don’t let these scum back stabbers and d**k head discourage you from doing what you do best “CFW”
Последний раз редактировалось Ivec; 23.09.2007 в 21:59.
23.09.2007, 23:27
Сообщение: #16 (522716)
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I think that the scene was always shity, it's not a new thing.
I can understand the M33 team feeling, and they made the good choice.
Последний раз редактировалось Lenmaer; 23.09.2007 в 23:28.
05.11.2011, 22:23
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The team m33 is a good team , But if they are taking a break because of the recent leaks and back stabbing in the scene, then by taking a break is only submitting to the scum out there and letting them win
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