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21.09.2007, 04:50
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3.71 m33
well m33 i want to know when do you will have ready the 3.71 m33??????i love your cf
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо JUANSE254 за это полезное сообщение:
21.09.2007, 05:07
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even if i'm curious like you, you should now that you don't have the right to haste them ... let them work nothing is more annoying than someone that is buzzing you
21.09.2007, 05:44
Сообщение: #3 (520416)
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
Сообщение от crcro
even if i'm curious like you, you should now that you don't have the right to haste them ... let them work nothing is more annoying than someone that is buzzing you
I Agree Let them take there time with it. Ya It would be alsome but do we really need it RIGHT NOW we should be thankful they release 3.52 M33 with updates. Thank You Team M33 you rule 
Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо G111 за это полезное сообщение:
21.09.2007, 14:05
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Creost0 за это полезное сообщение:
21.09.2007, 15:28
Сообщение: #5 (520592)
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Please stop whining.
I hope they don't even read these threads. Just a waste of time. They have real lives too you know.
Let them finish it, when it's ready they will release it. If you don't like waiting then go make your own CFW, then you can see how frustrating it is when people whine about release dates.
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо oglsmm за это полезное сообщение:
21.09.2007, 18:23
Сообщение: #6 (520741)
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
I'm ssory, but how can i downgrade 3.71 on any custom Os? Understand me?
21.09.2007, 18:47
Сообщение: #7 (520758)
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(луч света в тёмном царстве)
You can downgrade from OFW 3.71 only with Pandora Recovery.
Without another PSP with CFW (or 1.50 OFW) you can't (probabbly) create Pandora complect.
21.09.2007, 19:15
Сообщение: #8 (520779)
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could you post a link about how to do it ?? Please, report asap !! Show us how we can do it...
добавлено через 3 минуты
And is it also possible for the PSP Slim and Lite
Последний раз редактировалось Creost0; 21.09.2007 в 19:15.
Причина: добавил, подумав
21.09.2007, 19:18
Сообщение: #10 (520789)
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STFU wybielacz,
If this would be true then M33 would have said such a thing to us..!!
Even if u r right , where's the link/post/article to proof it ??
21.09.2007, 19:49
Сообщение: #11 (520819)
That's the point ;] There is no sign of life from M33 :/
This changes won't probably last too long and won't be an important problem
They posted that about 1 week ago ! And like we see the changes are an important problem because there is no new CF ! There is no way that there will be a 3.71 CF;(
21.09.2007, 20:19
Сообщение: #12 (520852)
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Сообщение от Creost0
Please release it !!
Where's your custom firmware? Come on, Come on, HURRY UP WITH IT!!!
How you you like it?
M33 will release thier CFW when they are ready and not before. They are not $ony that release faulty firmwares. At least they release good working firmwares.
Сообщение от Creost0
STFU wybielacz,
If this would be true then M33 would have said such a thing to us..!!
Even if u r right , where's the link/post/article to proof it ??
Have you had a look at thier website? It's all there. Go and have a look. 
21.09.2007, 20:51
Сообщение: #13 (520877)
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Hmm, i wonder why those 'pushers' are so rager to read over this sentence:
Please have patient and stay tuned for the next Custom Firmware for PSP and PSP Slim and Lite
Probably because of the not soooo good english... ^^
Please be patient, as it seems a lot of the 'tricks' custom firmwares used do not work with this version. Many patches need to be revised, many modules need to be decompiled and reverse angeneered again.
Such things take time and they all do it in their spare time for free!!
so, plz, STFU lean back, enjoy the CFW you have (whats wrong with that??)
and go bugger your selves.
It will be released when it is ready, i am shure.
21.09.2007, 23:29
Сообщение: #14 (520987)
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(скоро придёт к известности)
There will be no 3.71 M33 :/ The changes in the protection that Sony made in the new firmware can not be broken, and this all happened beacause of the source code leak :/ The CF scene is dying ! It's sad ;(
That's the point ;] There is no sign of life from M33 :/
This changes won't probably last too long and won't be an important problem
They posted that about 1 week ago ! And like we see the changes are an important problem because there is no new CF ! There is no way that there will be a 3.71 CF;(
Stop the harassing. Would you prefer us to make a daily announcement like other lammers to say "hey, hold on, you will see it soon!" in an infinite loop, or just work and make it?
Some people need to learn to have a firm position about the upgrades..
If there are many updates with new stuff, "hey, you lammers don't know how to make a simple cfw!! stop the updates!!" and when we try to make it the best and clean and mend the damage made onto the scene by people like this that just want some lame attention, you say "hey, release it!!!" and "Oh no 1 week without an update, they have died!!" or "Im a profet and there won't be any more cfw, please please forgive me $ony i'll be a good kid"
It's being performed, and when it's finished, it will be out. Stop asking or demanding anything related here, please, as you won't get more answers from us. Don't expect any more "sign of life" till is finished, as we are not like those lammers roaming for attention without releasing anything.
Эти 15 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо HM33 за это полезное сообщение:
afiser (22.09.2007),
ana3zoz (22.09.2007),
bmsg (22.09.2007),
BOMFUNKER (23.09.2007),
DremoFF220 (22.09.2007),
Fejwin (22.09.2007),
gunsmoke (21.09.2007),
Ivec (22.09.2007),
johny 5 (23.09.2007),
mrdude (22.09.2007),
Nnemo (22.09.2007),
picchio_75 (22.09.2007),
RedBearRUS (21.09.2007),
soulburn (22.09.2007),
TrueLoonix (21.09.2007)
21.09.2007, 23:40
Сообщение: #15 (520998)
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very short at the point regards M33 respect for your work
22.09.2007, 02:12
Сообщение: #16 (521081)
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Thanks HM33, for setting them straight.
The rest of you:
Get your heads on straight - they said they'd do it for everyone FOR FREE, leave it be and enjoy it when it comes. It's not like you NEED 3.71 today, even 3.10OE can still hold it's own. When something comes out that actually requires 3.71+ to run, then it's time to start wondering what the delay is (the likelyhood of actually needing 3.71+ anytime soon for that sort of requirement could be many weeks, if not months away) or what workarounds can be done to avoid updating. 
22.09.2007, 02:31
Сообщение: #17 (521086)
Прошивка: Дизельная
Другие консоли: PS3
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(очень-очень хороший человек)
Next person who will ask anything like "When m3.71 will be released ?" or "Common , hurry up !" WILL GET 50 POINTS FOR HIMSELF !

Говори что думаешь, думай что говоришь.
Последний раз редактировалось Ivec; 22.09.2007 в 05:38.
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