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11.09.2007, 12:59
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please help,thank
 After flash,my psp slim semi brick,on with green light but no screen.anyone please help!!!!!!!!
thanks thanks
Последний раз редактировалось steven9; 11.09.2007 в 16:36.
11.09.2007, 20:18
Сообщение: #2 (513936)
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(очень-очень хороший человек)
[BUG THREAD][3.60 M33] Report for errors and bugs. ! PSP SLIM !
Report for errors and bugs.
-------3.60 M33----------
Говори что думаешь, думай что говоришь.
11.09.2007, 23:01
Сообщение: #3 (514092)
Прошивка: 371 М33-2
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Well it hapened to me once , but then i restarted the SLim , and it worked again.
If you didnt try , make a hard reset , hold the On button for 3 or more seconds , then power it on , to see if still stays the same ... sorry i cant help more.
Edit : To be exact after i play some backup , after then press home , go to XMB , then off and back on , and the PSP stays Black Screen , then i Reset the PSP and it got fixed ...
what i use : screen capture plugin ; NO_umd33 or Np9660 ; Cpu 333 all ...
Последний раз редактировалось gunsmoke; 12.09.2007 в 22:14.
12.09.2007, 16:03
Сообщение: #4 (514575)
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POPs done with PSP1000 wont work correctly with PSP Slim. Display isnt sized correctly. Its more "above". 3.40POP didnt started.
12.09.2007, 19:02
Сообщение: #5 (514735)
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PSX game not working
loaded a rip of Simpsons Wrestling (NTSC) onto slim w/CFW. after a few seconds of sound there is a loud screeching noise.
when loading the game, load screen appears for a few seconds and then PSP freezes. this didn't happen with the game when running on 3.52 M33-4.
this is a bug report, but i also want to note that the M33 team are geniuses and to say thanks for your dedication!
you guys really are the gods of the PSP homebrew scene right now. enjoy it!
13.09.2007, 02:45
Сообщение: #6 (515076)
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Noticed some very annoying in game slow downs when playing of mem card that aren't as bad on the PSP-1004
13.09.2007, 02:52
Сообщение: #7 (515077)
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There is a little bith work on the np9660 also needed, there are a fue games that give error.
Also that sleep bug i have notice one time so thats not realy a bug i guess
Anyway hope we get 3.71 M33 verry soon and there will be allot more bug fixe
M33 Rocks all the way !
13.09.2007, 06:10
Сообщение: #8 (515092)
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yeah, undertaxxx. team m33 does rock!
i've noticed no one mentioned that custom gameboots don't work. just get a white screen with PSP branding and no sound. not sure if that counts as a bug but this is only the first version of 3.60 m33 so i know things will improve.
you guys rule!
13.09.2007, 07:21
Сообщение: #9 (515099)
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what sleep bug. Before m33 install my psp would crash after i exit a game back to xmb, put psp to sleep with power switch. Then next time i turn it on the screen is black and it shuts off a fter a few seconds. Then i turn it on and it cold boots fine. Since m33 install i have not had that problem.
Is that what you are saying undertaxxx?
13.09.2007, 08:06
Сообщение: #10 (515112)
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Сообщение от SchmilK
what sleep bug. Before m33 install my psp would crash after i exit a game back to xmb, put psp to sleep with power switch. Then next time i turn it on the screen is black and it shuts off a fter a few seconds. Then i turn it on and it cold boots fine. Since m33 install i have not had that problem.
Is that what you are saying undertaxxx?
Well i got this problem with the CFW , but as you stated after Reset , the PSP boots Ok , mainly this is hapening after playing a backup , and sleep mode .
13.09.2007, 15:52
Сообщение: #11 (515321)
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not an m33 bug
actually i think this is a slim psp bug. i too had the same problem before i installed m33 on my slim. only it happens randomly so i can't figure out what causes it, but i would put psp to sleep, then sometimes when turning it back on i get a black screen for a few seconds and the psp turns off. then i turn it on again and it works.
same thing has been happening with m33, no change for me. in other words not an m33 problem.
13.09.2007, 17:38
Сообщение: #12 (515446)
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I have that sleep bug have one time now so dont now why that whas happening.
Another strange problem, cople days ago when i installed 3.60 M33 i tought to test some games, all working fine. Only Formula One 2006 dont work and give a error. So i tought i try it again today and guess what, games start fine. Thats realy a strange thing and i have nothing changed on my settings since the first time.
Anyway this are just little bugs i guess and im sure that 3.70/3.71 M33 will be allot more bether.
Also because Sony releases there firmwares so fast im 100% sure they also have find bugs in the Official Firmware.
14.09.2007, 07:28
Сообщение: #13 (515864)
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
i have corrupted my 01-12.bmp and no matter which one i put on after deleting to replace it I display a corrput image for 6 (number 20 in the list) and nothing for 7-11, and 12 is red (12 being the last one in the list of 27.)
its fuct up and i dont know when/why/how it started. i have 3 seperate backups of flash0 all the files are the same but 01-12 is always broke when i transfer it back. 
14.09.2007, 17:30
Сообщение: #14 (516038)
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Tested it with the new psardumper. Wont work for me.
Converted the PRX with the eboot.pbp from 3.40 and 3.51. Did all files in renamed and so on. Then started Final Fantasy VIII crash with both.
3.03 i converted too but didnt found the meaudio.prx in the folders. Used search too. Then i used the meaudio from my fat psp together with the new prx(pops,...)
Game started but the display was moved like i used the old one. Maybe the meaudio was it but dont think so. Looks more like PSP Slim dont support the pbps correctly :/
With the fat psp prx from 3.51 it worked but display was moved too... Even if i try to use zoom, fullscreen, normal and so on its more on the top and i dont see all of the display.
Последний раз редактировалось Firbel; 14.09.2007 в 17:34.
14.09.2007, 20:56
Сообщение: #15 (516225)
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My PSP Slim 3.60 brick when i change Font help please
15.09.2007, 07:15
Сообщение: #16 (516507)
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
16.09.2007, 21:16
Сообщение: #17 (517855)
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Going into HOME Menu in pops, and/or exiting from pops make the screen backlight go up and down, randomly it seems. When starting a pops game it will go to darkest setting, then when manually raising the setting to brightest again, and exiting pops it will switch back to dark setting again. confirmed by several ppl now. Might be a sony bug in official 3.60 though!
17.09.2007, 12:39
Сообщение: #18 (518149)
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When my slim & light is more than copple of hours on stand-by and i puth back on for playing a game, i always get a error message, so i must always launch the game two times before it back works after sleep mode. Any person that have the same problem ?
21.09.2007, 18:12
Сообщение: #19 (520733)
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i haven't had that problem. but i did have a problem after leaving usb enabled in recovery mode...it said my flash0 was empty. had to turn my psp off and back on to fix it.
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