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23.08.2007, 05:02
Сообщение: #1 (499093)
Прошивка: 3.52 M33-4
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Pandora Battery release by Prometheus/c+d !! UNBRICK ANY PSP!
We told you that we'd be releasing an unbricker for the M33 bricks. But then we got to thinking, maybe that just wouldn't be exciting enough. Would you like a super special surprise bonus? How about an unbricker for ALL PSPs? Yep, you read that right. We call it "Pandora's Battery".
There's a larger story behind this unbricker, though, and it deserves to be told. It's the culmination of years of behind-the-scenes research and development by some of the top names in PSP hacking, under the name of the Prometheus project. This group of people, from various development teams, was dedicated to developing and releasing PSP hacks and exploits, with the aim of improving the status of PSP homebrew, and making sure that it was kept alive.
For some time this project was highly successful - many releases from Noobz, C+D and others were direct results of this work. The zenith of this success was the development of this unbricker - which required some amazing technical leaps, including:
1. Reverse engineering of the service (unbrick) mode
2. Development of a technique to change an ordinary battery into a service mode trigger battery (and back)
3. Development of custom IPL code along with a technique to sign that code as authentic.
Even more impressive is that all of the above was achieved without any access to the official hardware or software. With careful nurturing, this unbricker and custom IPL was to become the foundation of a whole new homebrew environment. Unfortunately something happened to shatter the idyll. Somehow, the unbricker was leaked into the wider world before it was ready to be released. Whether this was deliberate, by one of the team members, or accidental via a security breach is still unclear. The fact is that this unbricker appeared on the black market, being sold for huge prices. As far as we know, it is probably very close to the same software that appears in at least some of the 'magic unbricker'/'jigkick' videos.
So, although the time was not right to release this (it would have been wise to wait at least until the PSP Slim release), our hand has been forced. In order to prevent small fortunes being made by leeches, we are giving this unbricker away for free. So - let it be known - if you have paid for an unbricker, then you have been ripped off. I suggest that you take up your grievances with the seller - it should never have been sold. And if you're unhappy about this being released before PSP Slim - then blame whoever it was that leaked or stole it.
It's unclear whether or not this is the end for the Prometheus project - hopefully not, but that is undecided so far. In case it is the end, it is worth a quick roll of honour. In alphabetical order:
Adrahil, Booster, Cswindle, Dark_AleX, Ditlew, Fanjita, Joek2100, Jim, Mathieulh, Nem, Psp250, Skylark, TyRaNiD.
And here are their respective C+D (Create and Destroy) nicknames.
Mathieulh = WiseFellow
Tyranid = bockscar
Fanjita = FullerMonty
Joek = CosmicOverSoul
Dark_Alex = Malyot
Chris = Caretaker
Adrahil = VoidPointer
nem = h1ckeyph0rce
Anyway - make sure to read the readme.txt in this release for how to use it, but in brief it works like this:
1. You run a program on a homebrew-enabled PSP that will convert a standard PSP battery into a jigkick battery. Note that you can't then use that battery normally - so you should use a spare one.
2. You run a program to generate the unbricker memory stick image, built from the v1.5 update EBOOT (note that this, and the custom IPL, means the release is completely free of Sony copyright materials).
3. You run some programs on a PC to install the image to your memory stick.
Now, you have a battery/memory stick pair that works just like the famous jigkick combination (but better) - just insert them into any PSP (even a brick) and the PSP will be reinstalled with the v1.5 firmware. As far as we know, this will continue to work for all future firmwares.
Enjoy! And remember - if you find this useful, please donate to the original developers - it's a lot cheaper than paying Ј1500 for it on the black market... Donations via paypal please via this button:
(Webmasters reporting this news on other sites : please include this alternative donation link. Please also preserve our Digg, rather than starting your own).
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Эти 5 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо BrandonM33 за это полезное сообщение:
23.08.2007, 05:53
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from what I can tell you can also use this as a universal downgrader like with 3.51 and 3.52... not sure but thats my understanding...
23.08.2007, 07:07
Сообщение: #3 (499106)
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OMMFG wow has an1 personally tried this?
23.08.2007, 09:40
Сообщение: #4 (499171)
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the pro bowl of psp hacking!
all those minds to create such code, wow.
23.08.2007, 14:21
Сообщение: #5 (499416)
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This downgrade is for the firmware version 1.50 or OE o M33, which they can execute homebrew. Only for this version, no for SONY firmware....
Read the readme... :
- A spare PSP Battery. Any make will do. Using a spare is best, as it
will not be possible to boot the PSP in its normal state with the
modified battery.
- A spare Memory Stick Pro Duo of less than 4Gb. (256Mb should be
enough for all applications).
- A PSP with a Custom Firmware such as OE, M33 or WC, or a PSP with
the 1.5 original kernel.
23.08.2007, 14:26
Сообщение: #6 (499425)
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It really works, I've seen a movie on some site like youtube.
Those developers are genius.
23.08.2007, 14:38
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(просто великолепная личность)
It's works. Some users from pspx.ru forum already used it.
23.08.2007, 15:21
Сообщение: #8 (499475)
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This downgrade is for the firmware version 1.50 or OE o M33, which they can execute homebrew. Only for this version, no for SONY firmware....
Read the readme... :
To run the software Pandora Battery(unbricker memory stick image and to convert a standard PSP battery into a jigkick battery ), after you have done that you can use it downgrade on any psp with any firmware.
Please be nice we all been noobz haven't we
23.08.2007, 16:10
Сообщение: #9 (499498)
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Oh my god! I have a heart's attack XD This is a great day for Psp's Users!!
And Thanksss Noobz, they are big!!
23.08.2007, 17:26
Сообщение: #10 (499548)
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Jeezuz H Christ, you guys are friggin amazing! So now any who has bricked their psp (and has either 1.5 OR a custom firmware) can revive it? Awesome!
23.08.2007, 19:43
Сообщение: #11 (499562)
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i unbricked one PSP. Its Very easy when u do the tings from the readme. The other thing is that u can recover ur battery and use it like a normal one. The whole process took me about 20 mins to unbrick then install m33-4 and then put a custome theme. I use mine psp my mem stick and the other guys battery. He helped too. theres one thing i forget to backup my data sooo 20hrs MGS PO 30 hrs Ratchet and clank and other RPG savegame's r gone.
sry bout my english
23.08.2007, 20:11
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so after u recover using tis u can still flash CFW? i know its not sony 1.5 ........
23.08.2007, 20:40
Сообщение: #13 (499599)
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during the unbricking process u flash the official 1.50 (u can flash any official fimrware u want) so ur now on 1.50 then u can install every custome firmware.
23.08.2007, 22:38
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i just unbricked my old psp. this thing is great.
24.08.2007, 04:47
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i have 2 psp's one of them 3.40 'official' i have question after doing this Downgrade(Unbrick) the psp to 1.5 can i still Upgrade to M33 directly ??
Edit : it works now i have 2 psp's with M33 v4 
Последний раз редактировалось ana3zoz; 25.08.2007 в 20:00.
24.08.2007, 07:58
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Последний раз редактировалось cosmik; 24.08.2007 в 15:49.
25.08.2007, 02:46
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This is a good news,bug i coming late,because i come from mars just now!sorry
29.08.2007, 00:03
Сообщение: #18 (503733)
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
holly makaroni!
awesome stuff, i never doubt in C+D and Noobz crew!
After M33 3.52 update 4 (that file was sent 2 me by my friend via ICQ, i didint knew that this module was fucking modified by someone, after i installed it i have a brick, well if only Recovery can work it might be semi-brick, but recovery was fucked 2)...
well after it screwed up my primary black pre TA-82 psp, i bought myself new http://gamepark.ru/psp/playstation_p..._sony_eur.html silver psp, and seems that local retailers was forced by sony to install latest firmware (or something like that... im not sure that this unit so "fresh", latest as i know 1010)... well by default it was 3.52, i was hoping 2 find lumines and try 2 downgrade it but no luck in search and as i know there is no discovered way 2 downgrade 3.52 (official)... until few days back)))
Few days ago i checked qj and noobz site and found this pandora box... well i was wondered that usual battery have eeprom with microfirmware.... (week ago one on M33 members gave me his "sorry about brick" via pm and told me 2 ask some guy in london or uk, for that "magic" batter to unbrick m33 u4 bricked psp... but i didnt expected i can made my own "magic" battery)
... Well, when i found pandora`s box, it was not a big deal 2 find some local friend with homebrew enabled psp. Then i prepared memorystick and my battery - i did all the things described in readme, and unbricked my old 1004 psp black unit. After that i have nothing t lose and decide 2 try in on my brand new silver psp with official 3.52.... tada!!! it was downgraded !!!! after that i sold this new silver PSP to one guy
(i dont need it anymore, im happy with my old 1004 black one and me and my money waiting for shiny new slim units for region 2 (eu)... by the way, if sony will not "block" this service mode or change the way it works in new slim units then "pandora box" possibly may downgrade any slim unit)
Also i forget to mention that Battery maker tool from pandora pack can backup and restore original EEPROM from battery, so dont worry, any battery can be reconverted to normal state (its just matter of few seconds) if u have custom or 1.5 official firmware and prepared memory stick.
So realy u dont need 2 have 2 batteries!!!
Just dont forget to backup original battery EEPROM when u will transform in service battery, after that u can run again this tool and transfrom it into normal battery just in 20 seconds (u need remove your service battery and boot homebrew enabled psp with psp charger, then while u will c normal XMB menu plug your service battery and then run again Pandora`s battery creator. In this
tool press L+R to restore backuped EEPROM of your battery.... also u can try [] button (only if u didnt do backup) ... but i didnt checked this way, it may work on every battery, but if your battery have some differend eeprom then it may be screwed up... so safest way is backup\restore original eeprom.
btw if someone need 2 unbrick or 2 downgrade psp for free (fuck that jerks who asking money for such things)... or maybe just for cup of some good drink without alcohol))) , PM me if u r from Moscow, Russia or u r planing 2 visit or already visiting Moscow.
добавлено через 16 минут
here is a good guide about all the pandora related stuff http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-hacks-9/t...ry-118789.html
Последний раз редактировалось Voodooman; 29.08.2007 в 00:03.
Причина: добавил, подумав
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Voodooman за это полезное сообщение:
29.08.2007, 04:06
Сообщение: #19 (503857)
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Voobooman one question
when reverting the battery back to normal did you too get the error message:
Warning: Error writing at address 0x14
My psp gave me that warning when recovering my original saved eeprom but everything works as normal.
(its the original Sony 3.6v 1800 mAh Battery that came with the PSP 1004)
Последний раз редактировалось TrueLoonix; 29.08.2007 в 04:07.
Причина: Typo corrected
29.08.2007, 04:35
Сообщение: #20 (503860)
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
yeah i was wondering that im choosen one, just like jesus or neo who have this error))) but seems that its common error and im not choosen one)))... dont know what caused it but for me restoring from eeprom dont work, so i just used Restore normal battery and my battery become normal again.... after that i fully bricked my psp by installing one superb theme (not even recovery work)... and unfortunatly my battery now in normal state, also now is deep night here so im stuck here for day or two with BLACK SCREEN enabled psp (((.... tomorrow gonna look for some OE\M33\1.5 owner 2 run Batter maker on it... fuck i need 2 remeber 2 enable service mode next time on my battery before i will mess with firmware... damn it!
добавлено через 5 минут
also strange thing that NAND backup that i made cant be restored for some unknown reason, it just said cannot open nand backup (i checked it on pc, file exist, and its not dummy) i was forced 2 install 1.5 firmware (if only nand restore may work fine 4 me it could save me extra 30 minutes)
добавлено через 2 минуты
btw i have same battery, maybe this error may not appear on other psp or battery. but we should notice Noobz n c+d about that issues
Последний раз редактировалось Voodooman; 29.08.2007 в 04:35.
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