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06.09.2007, 21:06
Сообщение: #41 (509912)
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07.09.2007, 23:45
Сообщение: #42 (510879)
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Suggestion for M-33
Here recently knew about all of subtleties of format of JSO ("JSO is a not taking a place killer CSO. In him GTA did not almost brake.Works only with plugin for DEVHOOK, well and certainly only through DEVHOOK."GooDOK) And than as I understood a format that very even the good compresses strongly and works without the brakes(in the compressed kind) of,но works only through not comfortable DEVHOOK with some there unknown plaginom! And want to offer to you in the next version of Your sewings to build support of ISO,CSO and DAX,but and JSO not only! It will be an important and useful innovation! Who agrees with suggestion, please bequeathed, this be very important! Beforehand Thank you!
08.09.2007, 01:40
Сообщение: #43 (510966)
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Perhaps 3.03 popsloader? 
09.09.2007, 17:41
Сообщение: #44 (512148)
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I'd like that M33 improve the installation of their CF with the add of lflash_fatfmt.prx lke OFW so bad block will be remap during the istallation of CF.
Thankyou M33, your CF is the best
10.09.2007, 14:47
Сообщение: #45 (512736)
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Play iso's with usb hosts
I'd like to be able to play my iso/cso files from my pc with usb hosts - since m33 3.52 updates 3 & 4 usb hosts now doesn't work anymore (probably due to the new xmb menu) It would be cool if we could somehow dissable this so that playing games via usb works again.
11.09.2007, 14:05
Сообщение: #46 (513580)
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Just a Simple Request
3.70 M33 =P
11.09.2007, 21:45
Сообщение: #47 (514027)
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only if it is not working this way:
during flashing M33 custom firmware first files to flashed should be:
- Recovery Module
- USB connection files
so in any case of "something went wrong etc" Recovery will work
11.09.2007, 23:40
Сообщение: #48 (514117)
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Сообщение от chonghan
Just a Simple Request
3.70 M33 =P
Me too !!!! Plz tell us if it is in the works ????
12.09.2007, 00:40
Сообщение: #49 (514163)
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The progressive / component video out only on games sucks! The official firmware of 3.60 doesn't allow you to output video in interlaced mode through any of the non-component cables!
I was hoping it would be possible to circumvent the psp from stopped you running a game with interlaced tv out. Right now it checks and says 'in order to play a game with tvout you must be in progressive mode).
On LCD HDTV's it makes the screensize tiny as its pixel for pixel (unless the tv has a zoom function. It just isn't the same experience as it was back in the day (say for NES emulation)
Thank you for everything, very impressive work thus far!
12.09.2007, 02:44
Сообщение: #50 (514229)
Модель консоли: Philippines
Прошивка: DavidSuelmAJ
Другие консоли: DavidSuelm
Регистрация: 18.07.2007
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I request the continue of ISO video CSO and DAX support for games and others addicional input plugins for a new custom firmware on 3.70 M33 and the way to put plugin remotejoy imbuted in custom firmware for play psp on screen of my home pc windows for fat psp because the fat psp not got the thing addicional tv out cables for play on my tv and because the fat psp not got the output tv out inserted on original fat psp's
Tanks for all and good work TEAM M33
12.09.2007, 13:00
Сообщение: #51 (514412)
Модель консоли: PSP-2004
Прошивка: IRshell 3.90
Регистрация: 18.08.2007
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(очень-очень хороший человек)
Okay guys, now I have a request for the old fat PSP!
As we all know, PSP slim has a TV-Output.
It would be great to have that feature on the old PSP, too!
I thought about something like streaming the data to PC over USB while playing.
I know - there is some homebrew for this on the net, but its way too slow and it doesn't work on m33!
DON'T FORGET PSP1000!!! ^^
12.09.2007, 23:52
Сообщение: #52 (515012)
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Сообщение от Fejwin
Okay guys, now I have a request for the old fat PSP!
As we all know, PSP slim has a TV-Output.
It would be great to have that feature on the old PSP, too!
The Old PSP does not have the hardware to be able to do it. So that request is in my opinion very useless.
14.09.2007, 00:12
Сообщение: #53 (515789)
Модель консоли: PSP-2004
Прошивка: IRshell 3.90
Регистрация: 18.08.2007
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(очень-очень хороший человек)
Сообщение от Jachra
The Old PSP does not have the hardware to be able to do it. So that request is in my opinion very useless.
Well, ofcourse there is no TV-Out integrated in fat PSP, but I mentioned the USB connection to PC (and that there allready ARE some homebrew, that managed to stream data to PC while Playing).
So it is possible actually!
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Fejwin за это полезное сообщение:
14.09.2007, 00:57
Сообщение: #54 (515807)
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I see what you mean. It could be possible.
14.09.2007, 02:40
Сообщение: #55 (515828)
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Сообщение от Fejwin
Well, ofcourse there is no TV-Out integrated in fat PSP, but I mentioned the USB connection to PC (and that there allready ARE some homebrew, that managed to stream data to PC while Playing).
So it is possible actually!
A prx for make an option in Home Vsh menщ
to enable a screen streaming on usb [or WiFi] for PC
this will be AWESOME!!!
Please make the miracle!!!!
Последний раз редактировалось santopazzo; 14.09.2007 в 02:41.
14.09.2007, 12:44
Сообщение: #56 (515918)
Прошивка: 3.52 M33-4
Регистрация: 19.07.2007
Адрес: France
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Playstation Spot for All !!
Please !!! Do "Playstation Spot" for all !!!!
With the 3.70 firmware update, Sony give to all of us the "Playstation Spot" icon available, this new option (for non Japanese user) is really cool to download some new extra for our PSP.
But with 3.71 firmware, Sony just give back this nice option.
So please my dear loving M33 team, make this option available for all of us !! 
Последний раз редактировалось Blubibulga; 14.09.2007 в 12:52.
14.09.2007, 12:50
Сообщение: #57 (515921)
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14.09.2007, 18:14
Сообщение: #58 (516090)
I believe it won't be hard for M33 Team to add a simple "Power off" option to VSHMENU for people with broken switch (or for those who would prefer turn off their psp that way).
Последний раз редактировалось poomex; 14.09.2007 в 18:15.
14.09.2007, 21:24
Сообщение: #59 (516242)
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Сообщение от Blubibulga
Please !!! Do "Playstation Spot" for all !!!!
With the 3.70 firmware update, Sony give to all of us the "Playstation Spot" icon available, this new option (for non Japanese user) is really cool to download some new extra for our PSP.
But with 3.71 firmware, Sony just give back this nice option.
So please my dear loving M33 team, make this option available for all of us !! 
Recovery Mode, change region to Japan, done.
15.09.2007, 01:50
Сообщение: #60 (516466)
Прошивка: 3.52 M33-4
Регистрация: 19.07.2007
Адрес: France
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Oooopppsss, thanks a lot kkssgg :man_in_love:
I feel now like a little noob ... 
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