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21.08.2007, 14:56
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-Official statement from M33 Team-
To Dark_AleX:
We've seen your answer to ps3news request @ http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=75478 and we have just to say that we partially know what you have been through, and that if you need anything, contact us and we will help you and all the respectable part of the PSP Scene with all of our means.
It's a pity though that you are out from this world, but God bless you for all you have done for us all
To Wilc*rd Team:
We fully support you and your actions described on some forums about taking anti-credits and other actions against criminal sites.
We really hope that all the people around the PSP Scene will know about you and about the actions that the respectable part of the Scene are making to try to make this world greater and without any criminal actions.
To the ps3news.com administrator:
This is a direct message from M33 Team in answer to your request @ http://www.ps3news.com/forums/site-n...ead-88264.html that is being posted at pspx.ru forums and our webpage, as your "contact us" link is broken and we wanted this to come public.
We have been eyewitnesses from some of your "actions" that are very different from what you do say in public.
There is no harassment in publishing public information. There is no harassment in making anticredits. There IS harassment when you try to take "legal" actions against the ones that doesn't think like you, and when you DO support anyone that hacks a private database and leaks non-public sources.
As Dark_AleX said, his personal name with second and third was published on your web, and this "leak" is more "illegal" that ours, if copy-paste the public information from a web registration is illegal
You've said:
"If this is acceptable then we will completely purge our Forums of all past releases and related posts, and only link to their official Web sites with their official releases from this time onward giving them full credit and donations as they wish."
We do really hope that this could come true, but the time and the experience with the past and the -harassment- done to the PS2/PSP/PS3 Scene from your side makes us think that this is just a waste of time and just a bunch of lies, that we'll not believe till some requests are done:
1. Say sorry for all the harm done to PS2/PSP/PS3 Scene, Wilc*rd Team, Dark_AleX, Fanjita, and all the others developers that we've not mentioned and that have got their work menaced (aka OE source) because your hex-edits and self-interest to make more visitors and, in fact, more money. This is a shame.
2. Once done the above, close the web permanently and do not ever return, with same or other mask. The -harm- that you have done along in your history it's so damaging that can just be repaired with a perm. close.
If this doesn't come as we and others have said, we will continue with our releases, anticredits, and, if you like the word, anti-ps3news campaign
You harvest what you have sowed. You get what you deserve. No mercy for the ones that doesn't have it.
Ps. By the way, we have more info in our hands to show if needed, a VERY interesting info, that might be released if above conditions are not met.
Team M33.
Последний раз редактировалось HM33; 21.08.2007 в 15:05.
Эти 18 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо HM33 за это полезное сообщение:
A$h X (21.08.2007),
Annama (22.08.2007),
Bl@deAP (27.08.2007),
Blubibulga (21.08.2007),
Dan4o2 (25.08.2007),
ericbbs (22.08.2007),
gazeddy (26.08.2007),
hugo555 (25.08.2007),
jeffthree (21.08.2007),
postal (21.08.2007),
pspowner (21.08.2007),
Shadow Hunter (26.08.2007),
spuukey (14.09.2007),
SееD (21.08.2007),
TokenKopf (08.09.2007),
Yongobongo (02.09.2007),
z4g0r (06.09.2007),
Zubastic32 (21.08.2007)
21.08.2007, 15:01
Сообщение: #2 (497619)
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No mercy indeed. They started all this by publishing dev's home address, so it's fair the same is done to them. Finish them off now.
21.08.2007, 15:07
Сообщение: #3 (497632)
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i agree whit everythink you say, and you make, you hacking-protection is great
only one question, why you don't post to maxconsole?
i read this forum everytime but if i see the maxconsole forum, there is Dark-Alex,
Wildcard, and a lot other coder they post there to.
Another new Valantin (italien) he post in maxconsole and in his home site psp-ita.com.
if you will post to in the Maxconsole forum, to communication between users, fans, an coder is better, AN THE WAR AGAINST LAMERS (ps3news) EASYER
i forgot, very very thanks for you WORK
Последний раз редактировалось knuckles84; 21.08.2007 в 15:08.
21.08.2007, 15:18
Сообщение: #4 (497641)
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(скоро придёт к известности)
Сообщение от knuckles84
only one question, why you don't post to maxconsole?
i read this forum everytime but if i see the maxconsole forum, there is Dark-Alex,
Wildcard, and a lot other coder they post there to.
Another new Valantin (italien) he post in maxconsole and in his home site psp-ita.com.
if you will post to in the Maxconsole forum, to communication between users, fans, an coder is better, AN THE WAR AGAINST LAMERS (ps3news) EASYER 
You are allowed to post this on maxconsole if you want  We'll post our releases and official stuff on this forum as we all agree since the beggining.
Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо HM33 за это полезное сообщение:
21.08.2007, 15:30
Сообщение: #5 (497652)
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thank, i have done this now, so more people can read you Statment.
In my Land i work for the execution of the law (so you must now wich firm it is :banned:, a little like this smile), and what ps3news are doing is totaly against the law.
If i compare this to the official Sony-Forum, there it seems that CFW are totaly accepted by sony(but not supportet).
21.08.2007, 17:09
Сообщение: #6 (497725)
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Good statement, no mercy for the ones that think they are above everyone.
21.08.2007, 17:16
Сообщение: #7 (497731)
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22.08.2007, 02:13
Сообщение: #9 (498139)
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He has updated his post. Seems he wants to sue the world.
20 millions PSPs have been sold around the world. We'll say at least 2 million people blame him. At the very most, 10 people support him. What can do 10 people against 2 millions ?
Последний раз редактировалось Dan4o2; 25.08.2007 в 04:34.
Причина: Corrections
22.08.2007, 03:58
Сообщение: #10 (498177)
Прошивка: 3.52.M33-4
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
Attention All Visitors: Read In! - Aug 20, 2007 - 7:37 PM - by PS3News Update: Dark_AleX, M33, and Wildcard have now publically responded stating they do not intend to stop harassing the owner of PS2Ownz and his family as long as the PS3News Web site is online. First and formost, PS3News.com is a news site and will never be taken offline due to threats made by terrorists regardless of what personal information is published. Secondly, as a result of some irresponsible Web masters failing to comply and remove the personal data the owner of PS2Ownz has already received numerous phone calls ranging from Kansas to California with each number being documented as a harassment occurrence.
The identities and location of Dark_AleX and those behind M33/Wildcard (approximately 16 individuals) are known and will be included in the harassment charges to be filed with the proper authorities, and all Web sites who continue publishing this personal data and/or files containing this data leading to the continued harassment will also be cited with direct links to the offending material hosted on your servers used as evidence. Should anything malicious beyond harassing phone calls happen to the owner of PS2Ownz or his family as a result, criminal conspiracy among other charges will be filed in addition to harassment against all parties involved. This is no longer a game, as you are now jeopardizing the life and well-being of an individual and his family.
With that being stated, for those not involved in this horrific situation our Forums are now reopened with the exception of the PSP Forum which will remain closed along with New Registrations until further notice.
Although nobody can change the past, we will be doing everything in our power to ensure the future of PS3News.com and see that ALL news/releases are being reported properly from this point forward.
PS3News Staff
Here is what they said...
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Erland за это полезное сообщение:
22.08.2007, 04:09
Сообщение: #11 (498183)
Прошивка: 4.01M33-2
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
This is funny, more so as it is from "Staff" rather than any soliciter, lawer, or legal council. For anyone concerned: it is illegal to send threats by wire, or by USPS so please send all threats to PS3News by indipendent parcel service (like FedX, UPS, or DHL)
22.08.2007, 19:28
Сообщение: #12 (498649)
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HM33: Ps. By the way, we have more info in our hands to show if needed, a VERY interesting info, that might be released if above conditions are not met.
23.08.2007, 05:38
Сообщение: #13 (499099)
Прошивка: Дизельная
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(очень-очень хороший человек)
My friends, if you're agree with someone or you want to say thanks press the button CПАСИБО , СПАСИБО = Thanks. I'm begging you to do not post any messengers that contain simple "Thanks" or "Awesome!" we will delete them.
Говори что думаешь, думай что говоришь.
Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Ivec за это полезное сообщение:
23.08.2007, 08:51
Сообщение: #14 (499142)
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(скоро придёт к известности)
Эти 7 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо GudviN733 за это полезное сообщение:
09.09.2007, 04:54
Сообщение: #15 (511763)
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It kinda makes you wonder what other personal info they have....
 <<<<Enjoy That Tomato Daniel Serafin 
10.09.2007, 15:01
Сообщение: #17 (512742)
Прошивка: 3.52 M33-4
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Nice idea in it self but PS3**** will just hexedit that game out,
change the credits and
if they do something wrong in the progress they will just let it be on there page.
Imagine what the unaware downloaders will think when a noob downloads that nonfunctional CFW
Yes, he will think M33 has screwed up -.-
17.09.2007, 14:15
Сообщение: #18 (518182)
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This thread has become a little bit useless.. looks like things are getting more calmed, what is interesting
Please close this thread, we hope it won't be needed to be reopened ;D
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