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19.08.2007, 19:21
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Big Team M33 i love you so much
i have do it the update without anyprobleme. but i read some people on psp.gen have bricke our psp way?
i'm sorry for my english
19.08.2007, 19:59
Сообщение: #42 (496148)
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M33 I am proud to use a firmware created by as skilled a group as yourselves,  for this update. Also I commend you on the firm and active stand you have taken to prevent the negative elements in the PSP community from benefiting from your fine work. I can not express how pleased I am with the letter and intent of what is said in LICENSE.TXT,  .
19.08.2007, 20:21
Сообщение: #43 (496168)
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M33, thanks for the best CFW outhere.
Will you be adding .JSO support in the near future if at all possible????
19.08.2007, 20:29
Сообщение: #44 (496177)
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I hope m33-4 more than the patch,The patch add some item,These item have some funny,HOHO,let's expect the next patch!
19.08.2007, 20:43
Сообщение: #45 (496190)
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(скоро придёт к известности)
- About flashing in flash0 via XMB. The CRC error should happen only when writing to kd and vsh/module.
- No JSO support planned
- We do not give update dates.
19.08.2007, 21:05
Сообщение: #46 (496210)
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Thanks Team M33.
I hope you continue to make Custom Firmwares of this standard. Updating now.
19.08.2007, 21:48
Сообщение: #47 (496240)
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I have installed the M33-3 and the NetHost in IR Shell 3.61 doesn't work. In the version M33-2 it worked perfectly.
And in France there are many bricks with this update... have you any bricks listed ?
How can you explain the many bricks with this update ?
Последний раз редактировалось Stazie; 19.08.2007 в 22:25.
19.08.2007, 22:08
Сообщение: #48 (496249)
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I have installed the new M33-3,and now my psp is dead,what`s up with that?
I tought you were a serious custom firmware group,and if you are so fix my psp which got bricked by installing your Custom firmware M33-3,then i will be happy 
19.08.2007, 22:40
Сообщение: #49 (496266)
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I think your revenge function is freakin awesome...those ass bananas at the unnamed site SHOULD get bricked from this update
All of the M-33 team guys are VERY clever and I encourage you to continue to skeet skeet the unnamed site and their dirty users in such ways!!!
Cheers M-33!!
One question i have is what if you have a user account at a criminal web site but have not logged in for years? Do i get bricked? 
Последний раз редактировалось SchmilK; 19.08.2007 в 22:52.
19.08.2007, 22:55
Сообщение: #50 (496290)
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If they really is SO clever,i hope they have a fix for this mess they made for peoples psp (bricked).
If they have a personal problems with that ps3 site,they can just tell people to not download from there, becouse then you can end up with a brick or something,but noooooo nothing like that,lets just fu..k up everyone`s psp, just becouse they downloading the file from a different place and not from pspx.ru 
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Frolle за это полезное сообщение:
19.08.2007, 23:01
Сообщение: #51 (496296)
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Сообщение от Frolle
If they really is SO clever,i hope they have a fix for this mess they made for peoples psp (bricked).
If they have a personal problems with that ps3 site,they can just tell people to not download from there, becouse then you can end up with a brick or something,but noooooo nothing like that,lets just fu..k up everyone`s psp, just becouse they downloading the file from a different place and not from pspx.ru 
In the readme.txt there is a line that sounds like they tell you what to do to fix it :O You should read that again.
19.08.2007, 23:03
Сообщение: #52 (496298)
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While I fully agree with your LICENCE I have to report that there are several people who now don't trust you guys, they wonder what sites your going to ban people from next.
Bollocks I know, but there are quite a few people expressing this belief on plenty of PSP related forums.
19.08.2007, 23:21
Сообщение: #53 (496315)
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There is nothing in the txt file saying how to fix your psp,except:
delete browser cache of both,
psp and pc, and stop visiting that site.
How am i gonne delete browser cache on psp,when it wont even start?
Tell me that?
19.08.2007, 23:27
Сообщение: #54 (496318)
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befor make somethink that flash the PSP you must read the redmee!!!!!!!!!
so if you brick you psp whit the M33-Lamers-Protection its you fault, and M33 have nothing to do whit it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19.08.2007, 23:39
Сообщение: #55 (496322)
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Ihave read the read me.txt before i installed the update but that didnt help did it?No.And yes they are responsible for bricking my psp,they should not harm the users of the firmware like this,its not right.No more testing their firmware EVER if the dont fix all people psp who has gotten bricked. 
19.08.2007, 23:40
Сообщение: #56 (496323)
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
20.08.2007, 00:00
Сообщение: #57 (496335)
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I'm officially an extra special fan of this firmware because of all the idiots who are getting bricked, perfect.
Последний раз редактировалось UncertainGod; 20.08.2007 в 00:00.
20.08.2007, 00:02
Сообщение: #58 (496338)
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Thanks a bunch M33. The umd videos iso feature is amazing...
About the bricks, I think they're right. They DO WARN the people on the readme about the consequences of running the file IF downloaded or uploaded by someone who has downloaded it from ps3news. They've already warned people before, on the other updates about that site. You should stick to sites that really support homebrew producers, they sure are the community.
Thanks M33 once again for such nice update. Greetings.
20.08.2007, 00:05
Сообщение: #59 (496340)
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lol next they should make a firmware that makes people like UncertainGod brick that would be fun,f.. idiot 
20.08.2007, 00:07
Сообщение: #60 (496342)
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Have you tested the Nethost with IRShell 3.61 ?
This bug will it be corrected ?
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