Mini-USB pinout:
1- +5V
2- D-
3- D+
(4)5- GND
PSP Go Pinout (related to USB):
1: GND (Ground can be found anywhere on the board)
2: D+
3: D-
4: GND (Ground can be found anywhere on the board)
8: +5V USB
PSP Go Pinout (related to Audio):
19: Enable Audio Out (when Grounded)
20: GND (Ground can be found anywhere on the board)
21: Right
22: GND (Ground can be found anywhere on the board)
24: Left
1: GND
2: D+
3: D-
4: GND
5: ???
6: ???
7: +5V (Not from USB)
8: +5V USB
9: ???
10: Component Blue
11: ???
12: GND
13: Component Green
14: ???
15: Enable Component Video Out
(Resistance 50k to GND)
16: Component Red
17: GND
18: GND
19: Enable Audio Out (when Grounded)
20: GND
21: Right
22: GND
23: ???
24: Left
25: ???
26: ???
27: ???
28: GND
Аксессуары и комплектующие для Sony PSP и PS Vita (г.Москва, отправка в регионы, пишите в личку)
Последний раз редактировалось Multisoft; 06.09.2012 в 01:25.
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