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21.08.2007, 21:48
Сообщение: #21 (497957)
Сообщение от zaindapain
nicely done m33, just installed the update and works great. Although i have a problem. When ever i set a background and play a game. Then when i close the game, i get these 2 icons called psp spot and poratble tv. Wondering how to fix that. My isof loader also gets disabled and then i have to go back into recovery and fix it. Can any1 tell me how to fix this?
If your settings aren't being saved then go into flash1 and delete the file config.se. Alternatively, you can go into recovery menu>advanced> format flash1
When you have done that, set up your settings again.
You may need to do this a couple of times before the problem is resolved.
22.08.2007, 02:13
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Сообщение от zaindapain
nicely done m33, just installed the update and works great. Although i have a problem. When ever i set a background and play a game. Then when i close the game, i get these 2 icons called psp spot and poratble tv. Wondering how to fix that. My isof loader also gets disabled and then i have to go back into recovery and fix it. Can any1 tell me how to fix this?
thats cuz u changed the fake region to japan
22.08.2007, 13:16
Сообщение: #23 (498393)
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found little bug : file assistant, afkim not works on 3.52 m33-4 ....
Последний раз редактировалось Hojas86; 22.08.2007 в 17:08.
22.08.2007, 14:35
Сообщение: #24 (498441)
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Ok i have found a bug in the VSHMENU, he give speed rushes and than we can't make ours settings not sou good, her the conditions to see the bug:
-make the XMB clock 100MHZ or less
-switch the mune in XMB sometimes that you can see that the clockspeed is activated (the xmb slow down a little), or wait a little that the clockseed is sur enable.
-open the the vhsmenu and you will see the problem (it's a lot more faster than befor)
A second Bug is that you can disable the sleep-mode with the clockspeed int the vshmenu, her the conditions:
-set the clockspeed in the vshmenu 266MHZ or higher
-exit vshmenu and wait, that the new clockspeed is activated
-set the clockspeed in the vshmenu 222MHZ or lower
-exit vshmenu and wait, that the new clockspeed is activated
Now you can do what you would but the sleep-mode is dead!!
Thanks Team M33!!
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22.08.2007, 18:11
Сообщение: #25 (498576)
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[Bug Thread] The M33 Glitches/Bugs/Error Thread
Very good point Knuckles!
Последний раз редактировалось BrandonM33; 22.08.2007 в 18:35.
22.08.2007, 19:25
Сообщение: #26 (498646)
Прошивка: 3.52 M33-4
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It's either because you changed your region or it has to be something with your flash. Try re flashing or trying a different region.
22.08.2007, 20:36
Сообщение: #27 (498726)
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Сообщение от BrandonM33
No, 12:00 PM is 12:00 PM, not 0:00 PM smarty, It's a glitch for TA Mobo users.
except 12 at night is 12:00 AM, which is 0:00 AM smarty
 (that smiley owns)
22.08.2007, 20:46
Сообщение: #28 (498737)
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actually there is a fix for that which fixed the brightness issue aswell. before i updated to M33 i used the fix and it showed 12:00 AM, after i updated to M33 it showed 0:00 AM. and no its not counting in military time.
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо xg917 за это полезное сообщение:
22.08.2007, 20:50
Сообщение: #29 (498740)
Прошивка: 3.52 M33-4
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Сообщение от xg917
actually there is a fix for that which fixed the brightness issue aswell. before i updated to M33 i used the fix and it showed 12:00 AM, after i updated to M33 it showed 0:00 AM. and no its not counting in military time.
Finally! Someone who's smart! M33 please fix this bug 
22.08.2007, 21:55
Сообщение: #30 (498806)
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here is a bug my buddy claims he sees:
333MHz works on the XMB but only if you stay in game, if you go to photo or music then it sets the clock back to 222MHz.
something like that.
23.08.2007, 00:13
Сообщение: #31 (498979)
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Hi. I didn't see my bug written here... hope i'm not repeating smth someone else wrote.I'm not sure of all the cases in which this bug occurs but here it is :
I'm starting a game from the MS, and as all you know, there's the PSP animation before the game starts. If you press the Home button when the animation is activated the vsh menu appears, and then the PSP gets stuck and you have to shut it off and turn it on again to pass this.
23.08.2007, 00:25
Сообщение: #32 (498988)
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If i read all the bug from M33-3/4, the VSHMNUE have some bugs, and the most on the changing of the clockspeed.
I'm sure that M33 will bugfix all this, but they will every bring a new feature with a new update, i'm curius what it would be next time 
23.08.2007, 02:44
Сообщение: #34 (499056)
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Some small things...
1- When I first installed the update 4 (skipped 3) it would not show in the game folder in the XMB... For more info the homebrew kernel was 3.52 and the folder GAME150. It was the only game in my MS at the time (no other eboots or isos in any of the 3 game folders... actually GAME150 was the only game folder). In the GAME folder it worked...
2- In the new VSH menu, "CPU CLOCK GAME" section, if the value is default and you try to change it by pressing left in the d-pad it won't do anything when it should change to 333(only happens from Default to 333). All the others seem to work fine...
Последний раз редактировалось frmariam; 23.08.2007 в 02:46.
23.08.2007, 05:18
Сообщение: #35 (499095)
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I've played GTA LCS from a UMD the day i recived my PSP, and it worked smooth. I can't remember if it was the original 2.81 firmware or 3.40OE-A. After i sent back the UMD as you know, 3.40 OE-A could play the game but it needed a UMD, any UMD, which i lacked because of my CORE version. Now then the M33 CFW(woohoo) i could run the game but it runs quite jerky even with 333Mhz on the CPU  . Do you have any clue?
26.08.2007, 23:29
Сообщение: #36 (501882)
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Probable BUG 3.52-4
Hallo at all,
I don't say if it is a bug or if is my PSp that don't work properly:
In the 3.52-4 M33 have correct the 3.52-3 vshmenu's bug on XMB USB Device(when you copy a file in flash0 having an error).
Now with 3.52-4 I can copy a file(I don't have an error) and apparently all is ok,but after a PSP's reboot the file is not working(if I simply copy it) or the file is the same(if I overwrite it)
es:I have the file called 1.prx with MD5:12345 on flash0 and I want overwrite it with the file called 1.prx with MD5:54321 on my desktop,the result is that if I check the MD5 before a PSP's reboot it is 54321 so apparently the overwriting is good,but after a PSP's reboot th MD5 of 1.prx on my flash0 is 12345!
Finally don't replaced anything.
I have check this problem in folder kd and resource(the most important),in another folder apparently all works.
Anyone have checked this problem?
I suppose that this is a problem of satelite.prx(vshmenu prx) because the transfer with recovery menu is ok and because I tryed to restore a clean M33 3.52-4,I tryed to restore windows........I tryed all!
Team M33 please correct it (if it is a bug) because this function is very useful!!!
I remember my compliments for your wonderful work!
26.08.2007, 23:35
Сообщение: #37 (501892)
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I haveing a problem with GO! cam , it's doesent work well , sometimes dosent work at all.
(it happened to my friends too)
plz fix this bug..
27.08.2007, 04:18
Сообщение: #38 (502007)
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ratchet & clank size matters infrastructure hasnt been working on any OE or M33 firmwares. can you fix this some how?
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо xg917 за это полезное сообщение:
27.08.2007, 05:05
Сообщение: #39 (502017)
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MicroSD adapter won't work
I installed on my PSP (1004 version) the last M33 CF, the 3.52 M33-4.
I bought a MicroSD to Memory Stick Pro Duo adapter on eBay, and I tried it (with a 1gb microsd) on the psp, but it don't work.
I tried then on my card reader/writer and in a divx with card reader player, and it worked.
Then, lastly, I tried to use it in the PSP by using the recovery menu and toggling the USB on, so finally the PSP read the adapter and it showed as a external disc on windows...
So I guess the problem is in the CF: is it possible to fix it so I can use my adapter, please?
Actually I'm trying to downgrade my psp again to original firmware 1.50, so I can totally try if it's the CF or not (but i still guess so ^_^).
Thanks in advance!
Edit update: I downgraded to 1.50 and the adapter is working! Please fix it, I need it! (and I guess many other ppl need it :P)
Последний раз редактировалось Ranmamez; 27.08.2007 в 16:48.
28.08.2007, 08:00
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xg917, just set the cpu at 266, works like a charm 
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