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25.08.2007, 11:18
Сообщение: #1 (500795)
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[Request] M33 will you stop or continue??
So in you interview, you had say:
"Because he stopped his work. And we thought that CFW must live, and someone should continue his work."
Now i seems Dax has make a great comeback with the Pandore, and he sad in future it will be possible to make real CFW who load with a 3.xx kernel, an than we don't need kernel 1.5.
Whit that he has open a dor that he make perheps a nextgen CFW. And than the reason why you have start with the CFW is down.
So would you than continues whit you very great work, and make a nextgen CFW to, with you own features?? you have great skills and i think you are able to do think like this!!
Or will you stop, after Dax make realy a nextgen CFW???
What are you Plans in the scene for the future???
But thanks a lot for you work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25.08.2007, 11:30
Сообщение: #2 (500804)
Прошивка: 371 М33-2
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WTF are you talking about , knuckles this question had no place here ...
And you made request of this ???
Последний раз редактировалось gunsmoke; 25.08.2007 в 11:36.
25.08.2007, 15:12
Сообщение: #3 (500943)
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looool if i were u i will request M33 to do something with PS3
27.08.2007, 00:03
Сообщение: #4 (501914)
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That would be cool! When the PS3 starts, have it say:
"M33 Home Entertainment"
27.08.2007, 07:30
Сообщение: #5 (502031)
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28.08.2007, 00:55
Сообщение: #6 (502790)
Прошивка: 3.52.M33-4
Регистрация: 02.08.2007
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Dax has still said he is out of the game. He said they made Pandora back in April / May and he is still staying retired and will not work on his own cfw.
He just said it is now possible for team C+D to be able to make the true cfw but until someone finds out how to sign the ipl like they do then they will be the only ones able to do it...
Now speaking down on M33 or anything just letting you know what was said.
29.08.2007, 04:39
Сообщение: #7 (503864)
Прошивка: 4.01M33-2
Другие консоли: Xbox, Xbox360, PSX, PS2, NES, SNES, GC, SMS, GBC, GBA, DS,
Регистрация: 04.08.2007
Адрес: New York
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Custom Firmware all starts out as Sonys work, it is what ia patched by others that makes it work using. Just because some one was first on the scene doesn't mean they are any more skilled or entitled to claim dominance of Custom Firmware than any other. Even if Dax came back and decided to take over there is not a reason for other Custom Firmware creators to stop.
I for one hope that there will be more Custom Firmwares created by increasingly diverse groups, this is how innovation is made. If Custom Firmware becomes bogged down one person or group claiming to be 'true' and 'original' growth will slow, or stop completely. I fear this.
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