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08.08.2007, 23:38
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[BUG THREAD][3.52 M33-4] Report for errors and bugs in M33 firmware.
The infrastructure (online multiplayer) mode of Socom FTB2 for PSP (US version) now requires a new patch to play. The patch is version 1.30, and is a file saved on your memory stick. After the new 1.30 patch was released, all of the No-UMD drivers don't work correctly. The game freezes about 25% of the time when the new patch automatically saves your CE.
The game never freezes when I use a umd, but it does freeze when using an iso. And the iso I tested was the full one, it had nothing deleted from it.
So can the M33 team try to fix this in their own no-umd driver?
09.08.2007, 03:13
Сообщение: #2 (490181)
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Сообщение от burrito
The infrastructure (online multiplayer) mode of Socom FTB2 for PSP (US version) now requires a new patch to play. The patch is version 1.30, and is a file saved on your memory stick. After the new 1.30 patch was released, all of the No-UMD drivers don't work correctly. The game freezes about 25% of the time when the new patch automatically saves your CE.
The game never freezes when I use a umd, but it does freeze when using an iso. And the iso I tested was the full one, it had nothing deleted from it.
So can the M33 team try to fix this in their own no-umd driver?
just use a umd, plain and simple
09.08.2007, 05:35
Сообщение: #3 (490196)
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issues with standby one 3.52
Killzone's update that includes the infrastructure and chapter 5 pack seems to have problems when using "Sony's Loader No UMD" on 3.52 M33-2. it causes the game to crash when coming back from standby mode but is working FINE unpatched.
the standby issue goes away when u choose "OE isofs legacy" under no-umd mode.
hope you can fix this.
09.08.2007, 05:41
Сообщение: #4 (490197)
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[Bug Thread] The M33 Glitches/Bugs/Error Thread
Instead of making threads, please post the bugs, glitches or any other type of errors that are occurring in M33 firmware. Note, not all bugs will be fixed, but at least we can cut them down.
To start it off, I'm having an USB error, when I go to GAMES/MEMORY STICK on my PSP then go to USB mode, USB mode does not work. Also when it's 12:00 at night when in a game and you press "home" on your PSP the clock says 0:00 or 0:12 (How many minutes).
Not all bugs can be fixed at one time so be patient!
This thread was posted to cut down on the threads that ask for bugs/glitches to be fixed.
This is an official thread, I made this thread because I wanted to help out the English Forums.
Последний раз редактировалось BrandonM33; 22.08.2007 в 18:35.
Причина: [Bug Thread] The M33 Glitches/Bugs/Error Thread
09.08.2007, 07:19
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I prefer not to use the umd because the iso uses less battery and makes no noise.
M33 Team, will you fix this in your next firmware update?
Последний раз редактировалось Agent Raptor; 11.08.2007 в 02:05.
09.08.2007, 17:18
Сообщение: #6 (490517)
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when it's 12:00 at night when in a game and you press "home" on your PSP the clock says 0:00
Ermm, 12 at night = 00:00.
That's not a bug, that's how you tell the time.
09.08.2007, 22:44
Сообщение: #7 (490718)
Прошивка: 3.52 M33-4
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No, 12:00 PM is 12:00 PM, not 0:00 PM smarty, It's a glitch for TA Mobo users.
10.08.2007, 03:54
Сообщение: #8 (490826)
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My TV tells time the same why 12:00=00:00 in military time or other, its a common thing in many electronics
10.08.2007, 14:47
Сообщение: #9 (491001)
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Сообщение от BrandonM33
No, 12:00 PM is 12:00 PM, not 0:00 PM smarty, It's a glitch for TA Mobo users.
lol all mobos are TA-0XX. i think you mean TA-082/86. i wouldnt know i have a TA-081. the problem might be an idstorage key issue but i dont know for sure.
another request i have is to fix the issue that doesnt allow PRX Launcher to launch kernel eboots
11.08.2007, 04:57
Сообщение: #10 (491335)
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i've read some instances that after upgrading to 3.52 m33 (then patch update 2), wifi mac id is blank in the system settings, is this a known bug?
11.08.2007, 17:31
Сообщение: #11 (491552)
Прошивка: 4.01M33-2
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I've only heard of that happening when the Username is left blank.
17.08.2007, 12:09
Сообщение: #12 (494905)
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M33 - PLEASE try to FIX final fantasy!!
Final Fantasy 8 crashes - i would love to even understand WHY this came crashes during some battles - even if it couldnt be fixed until Sony increased compatability - it frustrates me that much not knowing why it crashes that i just want to know!
And also ever since i upgraded to 3.52 Fina Fantgasy IX wont load (UKPAL patched version) worked perfectly on 3.51 and now doesnt load - just loads the PSX symbol, the patch then goes black.. I even specifically downgraded back to 3.51 and it worked again - re-upgraded to 3.52 and it didnt work so deffo the FW.
If these problems were fixed i would love you forever
17.08.2007, 13:58
Сообщение: #13 (494973)
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I've completed FFVIII on 3.52 M33-2, didn't crash for me. Perhaps you should convert it correctly and use the correct popsloader.
17.08.2007, 16:11
Сообщение: #14 (495061)
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hey hey tell me how and i'll try it. You are the first person i have ever heard of though to say that!! Ive looked about on the net and everything says it crashes?
What is the "correct" way to convert it and what on earth is a popsloader? Is that like popstation?
17.08.2007, 21:30
Сообщение: #15 (495184)
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If you don't know what popsloader is then you havn't read very much, and as for me being the only person to play it through, BOLLOCKS.
Heres the link to all the answers
Последний раз редактировалось UncertainGod; 17.08.2007 в 21:31.
18.08.2007, 14:19
Сообщение: #16 (495321)
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Thanks for the link but there is no need to be so rude. Im just asking innocent questions. And no i dont know what a popsloader is - but whatever it is i havent needed one to run any other psx game on my psp - everything else has run perfectly. And i didnt say you were the only one who had played it through - i said your the first person i had heard of. Theres a big difference.
Dont. Be. Nasty.
EDIT - and a link to google? What is your problem? Jesus Christ.
Последний раз редактировалось Zantetsuken88; 18.08.2007 в 14:21.
21.08.2007, 05:03
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3.52-4 Update Problem
Hello everyone. I seem to be having some problems with the new 3 and 4 updates. I have been running M33 3.52-2 since day one and have had no problems at all. But since I have used the recent updates my PSP has grown some problems. Now when I turn the PSP off the green light stays on even after the screen has turned off. I have to take the battery fully out and then reinsert it to get my PSP to turn on. I have never used any custom themes or homebrew so I just don’t know what the problem is.
I have just now gone back to 1.50 and then back to M33 3.52-2 and everything work great. Any clues as to why I am having the new problem? Thank in advance for any help you can give me.
:king: Great Work M33 Team. You have done the PSP community Proud:king:
Последний раз редактировалось Ivec; 22.08.2007 в 21:36.
21.08.2007, 14:56
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His problem is that you're incapable of finding your answers on Google, so you go whine on Afterdawn about people being "nasty" on this forum.
Boo hoo hoo. Go stay there.
21.08.2007, 18:27
Сообщение: #19 (497789)
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nicely done m33, just installed the update and works great. Although i have a problem. When ever i set a background and play a game. Then when i close the game, i get these 2 icons called psp spot and poratble tv. Wondering how to fix that. My isof loader also gets disabled and then i have to go back into recovery and fix it. Can any1 tell me how to fix this?
21.08.2007, 18:41
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Did you change fake region???
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