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04.08.2007, 21:55
Сообщение: #1 (487740)
Прошивка: 4.01M33-2
Другие консоли: Xbox, Xbox360, PSX, PS2, NES, SNES, GC, SMS, GBC, GBA, DS,
Регистрация: 04.08.2007
Адрес: New York
Возраст: 40
Сообщений: 39
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
what is the 3:33:33
First let me say how much I love the work of the M33 team,  so much! Now heres the thing, what is the story behind 3:33:33? specifically why is the date set to "when the sun shown in the dark or night" on 3.51M33? does it have anything to do with the Multiwavelength Messier 33 spiral galaxy? is it just a coincidence that the Uncertainty Major and Ellipse Minor are 1.50E+00? see link http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/supp/m_NED.html#m33 which is the same firmware version that is needed to add support for unsigned code to CFW? Please let me know, many people over at the Sony forums (for the us) are very curious. thanks again.
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