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14.09.2008, 20:42
Сообщение: #1 (711977)
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PS1 - PSP game playing
Hi, i've recently downloaded Final Fantasy 9 to my computer and its in a four disc (four diff folders) within the main folder, then within those folders theres a eboot.pbp and a keys.bin
and i cant get it to work, i read in the readme that came with the file that
to play this game you need a custom firmware psp + popsloader!
and i have a custom firmware psp, 3.90 m33 to be precise, and have been following htt p://tech84.wordpress. com/2008/07/11/installation-guide-for-popsloaders/
(without the space)
this guide for how to put on popsloader, however i couldn't find
the firmware update that corresponds to the version of POPS that you would like to install
so was wondering if someone could please tell me, step by step from the 3.90 m33 version with a eboot.pbp file in the root folder of my psp, and a iso folder there alongside the usual stuff, what to do to get it to work? cause i never got around to completing FF9 and sold my PS1 =(
14.09.2008, 21:16
Сообщение: #2 (711990)
Модель консоли: PSP-1004
Прошивка: 6.61 PROMOD-C2p
Другие консоли: Все PSP, все PSV, SCPH-1002, SCPH-102, SCPH-77008, CECH-4208C, SCPH-1000R
Регистрация: 19.03.2008
Адрес: Россия
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Сила репутации: 1Репутация: 3925 
(репутация неоспорима)
Move eboot+keys files to card/game/ff9cd1/, card/game/ff9cd2 etc.
15.09.2008, 19:04
Сообщение: #3 (712395)
Регистрация: 14.09.2008
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Сообщение от Yoti
Move eboot+keys files to card/game/ff9cd1/, card/game/ff9cd2 etc.
shall do, thanks ^^
but dont i need a pops loader or w/e or is there already one on with the version i has?
18.09.2008, 14:19
Сообщение: #4 (713601)
Модель консоли: PSP-1004
Прошивка: 6.61 PROMOD-C2p
Другие консоли: Все PSP, все PSV, SCPH-1002, SCPH-102, SCPH-77008, CECH-4208C, SCPH-1000R
Регистрация: 19.03.2008
Адрес: Россия
Сообщений: 5,795
Вы сказали Спасибо: 823
Поблагодарили 3,925 раз(а) в 2,058 сообщениях
Сила репутации: 1Репутация: 3925 
(репутация неоспорима)
If you have no errors, forget that popsloader means;-)
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