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26.08.2007, 10:03
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Downgrading 3.52 to 1.50
Has anyone successfully downgraded 3.52 to 1.50 using the Lumines hack (is there any other way?). Looking at the Wikipedia entry for Lumines it says Sony fixed the exploit in 3.51. I just purchased my PSP and like an idiot the first thing I did was run the network update. Now after doing some research it looks like I might have screwed myself. Am I also correct in understanding the only way to flash any of the hacked firmware (M33 more specifically) is to start with a PSP running 1.50? I really don't want to brick my unit as I don't know anyone else with one.
Also once the M33 firmware is running is it possible to reflash the Official 3.52 firmware if needed for warranty purposes?
Thanks everyone in advance for your help!
26.08.2007, 10:15
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26.08.2007, 10:28
Сообщение: #3 (501385)
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I came across Pandora Battery earlier, but I don't have access to a PSP with custom firmware or 1.50. I do have an extra battery and memory stick though.
Am I S.O.L? I purchased my PSP at Best Buy with the extended warranty. I imagine I could somehow brick my unit and take it back and exchange it - hopefully getting another unit with 3.50 or lower - but that is always such a pain in the ass.
I live in the Madison, WI, US area if there's someone that would jigkick a battery for me.
(Edit) You are right that Pandora would let me reflash the official version. Once I get my PSP running 1.50/M33 I'll definitely be jigkick'ing a battery.
Последний раз редактировалось CrEOF; 26.08.2007 в 10:34.
Причина: Brain fart
28.08.2007, 01:45
Сообщение: #4 (502832)
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(с надеждой на лучшее)
either take it back or find someone with a custom psp... If you want to ship me the memory stick and battery I can make them for you and ship them back.
28.08.2007, 01:49
Сообщение: #5 (502836)
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Yes. i have used the Lumines downgrader from Noobz on firmware 3.50. It works if you follow the included readme-file.
Firmware 3.52needs to be done with the Jigkick-battery.
Последний раз редактировалось Jachra; 28.08.2007 в 01:50.
28.08.2007, 08:37
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no need for extra battery
try this easy Pandora GUI here AIO
28.08.2007, 11:52
Сообщение: #7 (503026)
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Сообщение от ana3zoz
no need for extra battery
try this easy Pandora GUI here AIO
that still asks for an extra battery, im lost
28.08.2007, 11:59
Сообщение: #8 (503034)
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I took the unit back to Best Buy and exchanged it but the new unit had 3.51 on it. I figured 2 PSPs are better than one so I picked up a use unit with 3.03 on it and I've got 3.52M33-4 running now. After a little sleep I'll jigkick a battery and get the new PSP on M33 too.
Looking though the forums it appears someones figured out how to restore the keys and go back up to 3.52 official.
Now it's time to really see what the PSP can do 
30.08.2007, 21:39
Сообщение: #9 (505515)
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I just downgraded my BRAND NEW 3.51 PSP with the Pandora battery. It was REALLY easy and I'm now running 3.52 M33-4. Love it!
31.08.2007, 00:33
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