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Показано с 1 по 3 из 3. На поиск затрачено 0.00 сек. ПОИСК: Сообщения от: Bilkoff
Раздел: For english speaking 17.09.2007, 14:22
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 7,731
Автор Bilkoff
You can try irshell too, it works for me on 3.52...

You can try irshell too, it works for me on 3.52 m33-4
Раздел: For english speaking 27.08.2007, 22:45
Ответов: 82
Просмотров: 57,605
Автор Bilkoff
Load plug ins from flash 2 or flash 3? You can...

Load plug ins from flash 2 or flash 3? You can put your own plugins with the CF and they will be there always, not depending of the removable memory stick neither the space of flash 0.
Or some kind...
Раздел: For english speaking 27.08.2007, 22:26
Ответов: 19
Просмотров: 12,630
Автор Bilkoff
The solution is not exactly formating in fat16,...

The solution is not exactly formating in fat16, is to format with a cluster of 64k (if you do so you can format up to 4gb partitions). If you format with fat32 and the cluster size of 64k it works...
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