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Раздел: For english speaking 24.09.2007, 13:07
Ответов: 22
Просмотров: 28,417
Автор vinnydisilvio

first i want to make it clear that i'm not complaining about 3.71 M33. as far as i'm concerned D_Ax is a genius and fooled us all but made some great CFWs.

however, the only thing with 3.71 M33...
Раздел: For english speaking 21.09.2007, 18:12
Ответов: 18
Просмотров: 14,767
Автор vinnydisilvio
i haven't had that problem. but i did have a...

i haven't had that problem. but i did have a problem after leaving usb enabled in recovery mode...it said my flash0 was empty. had to turn my psp off and back on to fix it.
Раздел: For english speaking 18.09.2007, 17:51
Ответов: 82
Просмотров: 59,436
Автор vinnydisilvio
regarding the delay for the next M33 CFW

of course, M33 has no reason why they should defend themselves for the delay in the next CFW.

you guys do great work. i joined the psp modding scene very late, but i would not consider moving to...
Раздел: For english speaking 14.09.2007, 18:54
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 5,609
Автор vinnydisilvio

actually i tried putting my opening_plugin.prx with a custom bootsound in cxmb/vsh/module and the bootsound works!

i can't believe it.:yahoo:
Раздел: For english speaking 13.09.2007, 23:01
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 5,609
Автор vinnydisilvio

schmilk, this is brilliant!

3.60 m33 gets better and better! it will be interesting if someone figures out how to alter PRXs so we can change the bootsound too.

btw, in case anyone is...
Раздел: For english speaking 13.09.2007, 15:52
Ответов: 18
Просмотров: 14,767
Автор vinnydisilvio
not an m33 bug

actually i think this is a slim psp bug. i too had the same problem before i installed m33 on my slim. only it happens randomly so i can't figure out what causes it, but i would put psp to sleep,...
Раздел: For english speaking 13.09.2007, 06:10
Ответов: 18
Просмотров: 14,767
Автор vinnydisilvio

yeah, undertaxxx. team m33 does rock!

i've noticed no one mentioned that custom gameboots don't work. just get a white screen with PSP branding and no sound. not sure if that counts as a bug but...
Раздел: For english speaking 12.09.2007, 19:02
Ответов: 18
Просмотров: 14,767
Автор vinnydisilvio
PSX game not working

loaded a rip of Simpsons Wrestling (NTSC) onto slim w/CFW. after a few seconds of sound there is a loud screeching noise.

when loading the game, load screen appears for a few seconds and then PSP...
Раздел: For english speaking 04.09.2007, 19:34
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 5,260
Автор vinnydisilvio

wow, i've only posted 2 questions in here before but the answers always come quickly (and correctly).

thanks to both anton and filip!
Раздел: For english speaking 04.09.2007, 18:16
Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 5,260
Автор vinnydisilvio
seplugins not listed in recovery

perhaps someone can help me with this:

i am at 3.52 M33-4. i have downloaded a "powerwatch" PRX which is a pluging that is supposed to work for 3.5x M33-x. I place the PRX file in the "seplugins"...
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 20:15
Ответов: 13
Просмотров: 7,626
Автор vinnydisilvio
is there really any need for devhook on M33? you...

is there really any need for devhook on M33? you can run all things from the XMB, why do you need to emulate anything by using devhook?
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 20:10
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,356
Автор vinnydisilvio
Вопрос custom bootsounds/coldboots don't work?

has anyone been able to make custom bootsounds/coldboots work with 3.52 M33?

i copy the custom bootsound over to vsh/resource as opening_plugin.rco, but the only think that plays at PSP coldboot...
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