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Показано с 1 по 2 из 2. На поиск затрачено 0.00 сек. ПОИСК: Сообщения от: zaindapain
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 18:27
Ответов: 56
Просмотров: 36,122
Автор zaindapain
nicely done m33, just installed the update and...

nicely done m33, just installed the update and works great. Although i have a problem. When ever i set a background and play a game. Then when i close the game, i get these 2 icons called psp spot...
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 18:26
Ответов: 56
Просмотров: 73,261
Автор zaindapain
nicely done m33, just installed the update and...

nicely done m33, just installed the update and works great. Although i have a problem. When ever i set a background and play a game. Then when i close the game, i get these 2 icons called psp spot...
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