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Показано с 1 по 5 из 5. На поиск затрачено 0.00 сек. ПОИСК: Сообщения от: A$h X
Раздел: For english speaking 23.08.2007, 17:29
Ответов: 19
Просмотров: 12,627
Автор A$h X
I can confirm that it works. I have a fake 4GB...

I can confirm that it works. I have a fake 4GB stick, and before it used to lag on certian games. I used the follwoing command from the prompt:

format x: /FS:FAT

And it formatted as FAT16. No...
Раздел: For english speaking 23.08.2007, 17:26
Ответов: 21
Просмотров: 17,313
Автор A$h X
Jeezuz H Christ, you guys are friggin amazing! So...

Jeezuz H Christ, you guys are friggin amazing! So now any who has bricked their psp (and has either 1.5 OR a custom firmware) can revive it? Awesome!
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 21:55
Ответов: 19
Просмотров: 20,347
Автор A$h X
JUST when i finished...

JUST when i finished dumping/extracting/decrypting all the .prx's you come and post them all up! :dash:
Thanks anyway bro, I'm sure people out there will find this helpful.
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 15:01
Ответов: 17
Просмотров: 20,884
Автор A$h X
No mercy indeed. They started all this by...

No mercy indeed. They started all this by publishing dev's home address, so it's fair the same is done to them. Finish them off now.
Раздел: For english speaking 02.08.2007, 18:11
Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 5,607
Автор A$h X
Popsloader 3.02 - 3.11?

Firstly I would like to thank team M33 for all their fantastic work on bringing 3.52 M33-2. I was wondering if in the next update, support for popsloader 3.02, 3.10, and 3.11. It great that...
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