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Показано с 1 по 25 из 56. На поиск затрачено 0.01 сек. ПОИСК: Сообщения от: HM33
Раздел: Архив кастомных прошивок 03.10.2007, 13:06
Ответов: 532
Просмотров: 265,156
Автор HM33
Спасибо Dark_Max чтобы распространять новости :)

Спасибо Dark_Max чтобы распространять новости :)
Раздел: For english speaking 24.09.2007, 20:45
Ответов: 34
Просмотров: 33,009
Автор HM33
lol at that guy with nick Dark-AleX... he won't...

lol at that guy with nick Dark-AleX... he won't register here with that nick never, as this account talks for him and the rest of the M33 Team. :)

We have taken good note from those errors that...
Раздел: For english speaking 24.09.2007, 20:39
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 15,269
Автор HM33
NakedFaerie is true in what he answers you,...

NakedFaerie is true in what he answers you, andrewnick, readme is enough clear about that stuff :) It's like past OE/M33 updates with eboot renaming. (Rename it to 371.pbp and copy it inside of...
Раздел: For english speaking 24.09.2007, 00:14
Ответов: 34
Просмотров: 33,009
Автор HM33
Thanks for all your support here at pspx.ru...

Thanks for all your support here at pspx.ru forums. :)

Unbricker and kernel150fat patch to be released soon.
Раздел: For english speaking 23.09.2007, 23:46
Ответов: 34
Просмотров: 33,009
Автор HM33

Раздел: Архив кастомных прошивок 23.09.2007, 23:45
Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 157,550
Автор HM33
3.71 M33 **Общая и единственная тема**


мини фак на русском: http://pspx.ru/forum/showpost.php?p=523153&postcount=157
Раздел: For english speaking 23.09.2007, 04:14
Ответов: 73
Просмотров: 45,903
Автор HM33
Sure :) He's all yours ;) Just lock up the topic...

Sure :) He's all yours ;) Just lock up the topic for posterity when you're done :P
Раздел: For english speaking 23.09.2007, 04:08
Ответов: 73
Просмотров: 45,903
Автор HM33
Ivec: Kill the topic/person please :)

Ivec: Kill the topic/person please :)
Раздел: For english speaking 23.09.2007, 03:58
Ответов: 73
Просмотров: 45,903
Автор HM33
No official interview was given, and the 200$...

No official interview was given, and the 200$ thing smell like pure invention.
Раздел: For english speaking 21.09.2007, 23:29
Ответов: 16
Просмотров: 14,837
Автор HM33
[/COLOR] Stop the harassing. Would you...


Stop the harassing. Would you prefer us to make a daily announcement like other lammers to say "hey, hold on, you will see it soon!" in an infinite loop, or just work and make it?

Раздел: For english speaking 17.09.2007, 14:37
Ответов: 82
Просмотров: 57,576
Автор HM33
The recovery key change is still under study.. we...

The recovery key change is still under study.. we won't probably implement it, as it's better to remember R = Recovery :)

Things like disabling the gameboot via the recovery, kernel autodetection,...
Раздел: For english speaking 17.09.2007, 14:15
Ответов: 17
Просмотров: 20,867
Автор HM33
This thread has become a little bit useless.....

This thread has become a little bit useless.. looks like things are getting more calmed, what is interesting :)

Please close this thread, we hope it won't be needed to be reopened ;D
Раздел: For english speaking 17.09.2007, 14:01
Ответов: 9
Просмотров: 11,781
Автор HM33
Won't make a problem. Even thought the encripted...

Won't make a problem. Even thought the encripted IPL and the modules lightly changed from 3.5x series in Slim, 3.60M33 is out, isn't it? :) We are working on the next cfw right now.

By the way, we...
Раздел: For english speaking 14.09.2007, 02:36
Ответов: 15
Просмотров: 28,562
Автор HM33
New PSARdumper


Download (http://m-33.narod.ru/M33_NEWPSARDUMPER.rar)

- Team M33
Раздел: For english speaking 11.09.2007, 00:25
Ответов: 35
Просмотров: 104,381
Автор HM33
3.60 M33

Password: _I_LOVE_M33_Slim_Conquered


Download (http://m-33.narod.ru/360M33_for_Slim.rar)

- M33 Team
Раздел: Архив кастомных прошивок 11.09.2007, 00:24
Ответов: 150
Важно: 3.60 M33
Просмотров: 212,845
Автор HM33
3.60 M33

Пароль: _I_LOVE_M33_Slim_Conquered


Скачать (http://m-33.narod.ru/360M33_for_Slim.rar)

- Команда M33

English thread:...
Раздел: For english speaking 10.09.2007, 14:05
Ответов: 82
Просмотров: 59,426
Автор HM33
Thanks all, and stay tuned ;)

Thanks all, and stay tuned ;)
Раздел: For english speaking 10.09.2007, 00:50
Ответов: 12
Просмотров: 13,258
Автор HM33
It will be for psp slim, as is told in the...

It will be for psp slim, as is told in the readme. In the future, if possible, it will be also done for the first one.
Раздел: For english speaking 09.09.2007, 23:37
Ответов: 12
Просмотров: 13,258
Автор HM33
Popsloader for all pops


Password: M33_pop_yourself

Download (http://www.m-33.narod.ru/m33popsloader.rar)

-- M33 Team.
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 15:18
Ответов: 17
Просмотров: 20,867
Автор HM33
You are allowed to post this on maxconsole if you...

You are allowed to post this on maxconsole if you want :) We'll post our releases and official stuff on this forum as we all agree since the beggining.
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 14:56
Ответов: 17
Просмотров: 20,867
Автор HM33
-Official statement from M33 Team-

To Dark_AleX:

We've seen your answer to ps3news request @ http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=75478 and we have just to say that we partially know what you have been through, and that if...
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 01:46
Ответов: 56
Просмотров: 73,255
Автор HM33
Sure. (but keep license.txt :P)

Sure. (but keep license.txt :P)
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 00:35
Ответов: 56
Просмотров: 73,255
Автор HM33
3.52 M33-4


Download (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8SBPABU6)

- Team M33
Раздел: Архив кастомных прошивок 21.08.2007, 00:34
Ответов: 259
Важно: 3.52 M33-4
Просмотров: 351,479
Автор HM33
3.52 M33-4

Обновление ставится на прошивку 3.52 М33 (https://www.pspx.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=48920) или поверх предыдущего обновления 3.52 М33-1/2/3.

Вводится новое правило для всех последующих...
Раздел: For english speaking 19.08.2007, 20:43
Ответов: 95
Просмотров: 56,581
Автор HM33
- About flashing in flash0 via XMB. The CRC error...

- About flashing in flash0 via XMB. The CRC error should happen only when writing to kd and vsh/module.
- No JSO support planned
- We do not give update dates.
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