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Показано с 1 по 3 из 3. На поиск затрачено 0.00 сек. ПОИСК: Сообщения от: andrewnick
Раздел: For english speaking 24.09.2007, 16:27
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 15,271
Автор andrewnick
1.Hello i have one question:You say on the readme...

1.Hello i have one question:You say on the readme :

"- Copy the UPDATE directory into /PSP/GAME/UPDATE and copy the EBOOT.PBP of the 3.71 Sony updater
there but with name "371.PBP". Note: the...
Раздел: For english speaking 14.09.2007, 12:32
Ответов: 56
Просмотров: 73,258
Автор andrewnick
Oh really thank you...i downgraded my psp...

Oh really thank you...i downgraded my psp today.Now i can upgrade to M33 3.52 easily?And if i do so could i play psx games on my psp?Or any other homebrew or umd r***ers?And how do i play a r****d...
Раздел: For english speaking 13.09.2007, 20:28
Ответов: 56
Просмотров: 73,258
Автор andrewnick
hello!I have just bought a psp and i would like...

hello!I have just bought a psp and i would like you to help me.I have the official sony 3.51 firmware.Can i install the 3.52 M33 Firmware directly?What should i do?
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