14.05.2011, 17:26
Другие консоли: PS3 60gb
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Сообщение от akela1979
Some news! Mathieulh once more showcases his nonpareil skills by demonstrating "QA Flagged" downgrading.
Say what... QA Flagged? Yeah -- QA Flags, which are new to me, reveal hidden firmware options and remove certain restrictions -- on both retail and debug consoles.
Sony uses this very same method for debugging/repairing/downgrading consoles in the shop.
There are two QA Flag levels:
1) Minimum, and
2) Advanced.
The console in the videos above has been QA Flagged at the Advanced level.
Apparently the hidden XMB menu items are revealed after entering some crazy button combo ...
and you need to pass the actual flag somehow.
So how does Mathieulh do it? No idea -- his method remains on lock.
source: @Mathieulh
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