Ultimate VSH Menu Revised
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21.09.2009, 07:28
Старый ник:
Прошивка: 5.50GEN-D3(FULL)
Другие консоли: PSP Fat,PSPSlim&Lite, PS3,Wii,XBOX360
Регистрация: 30.12.2006
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Ultimate VSH Menu Revised by Total_Noob
Что нового:
- Плагине работает на всех PSP в том числе и на
PSP 200X (TA088v3)
PSP 300X
- Рабатает на всех Кастомных Прошивках 5.xx (5.00M33, 5.02GEN, 5.03GEN et 5.50GEN)
Features of this plugin are :
* All functions of the official VSH Menu.
* Ability to customize the colors.
* The SELECT button can either open the Recovery(in-VSH Recovery), the VshMenu or nothing.
* Recovery can reboot by holding R and exit the Recovery (useful for VSH plugins and other configurations).
* The SELECT button can be change via the combo R + L + [].
* VSH Recovery can be open in the VSH Menu.
* Random color option is available to change the system color randomly.
* An option in the VSH Menu to quickly start a homebrew (ms0:/PSP/GAME/VSHMENU/EBOOT.PBP).
* Convert battery option is available in the VSH Menu (convert battery to Normal, Pandora or Autoboot).
* Slim Colors Patch by Bubbletune integrate (only for psp phat).
* USB charge can be change in the VSH Menu (only for psp slim).
* Ability to hide the MAC address in the System Information.
* UMD update icon can be hide in the XMB.
* Possibility to take screenshots (combos are NOTE, R + NOTE, L + NOTE, R + SCREEN, L + SCREEN or NOTE + SCREEN).
* Ability to suspend the device in the VSH Menu.
Requirement for use it :
* All PSP with a 5.xx Custom Firmware on board (even PSP-2000v3 and PSP-3000) : 5.00M33, 5.02GEN, 5.03GEN or 5.50GEN
Жду взлома PSVita!!!
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