Сообщение от azharnasir
i'm a novice so please bear with me. after I unzipped the update #4 file, it shows two folders (along with other readme files). one folder says PSP and the other says some plugins. Do I put Eboot.pbp in the X:/PSP/GAME150 folder and then execute?
What do i do with the plugin folder?
Thanks again
Just copy the folder which contains the eboot.pbp in the folder /PSP/GAME150. Execute the update through the XMB (GAME/Memstick). Copy the folder named seplugins to the root of your memstick. The folder seplugins is used to launch add ons for the PSP, like cwcheat, nitepr, etc. These are plug ins to enhance the PSP capabilities. You can enable/disable them in the recovery menu.
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Сообщение от Ranmamez
I don't think so, because with original firmware and under the latest Devhook the adapter is working! I'll try to install 3.52 m33-4 again hoping this time it will work but i don't think it will be any difference  Anyway I think it's a bug of this custom firmware!
Btw, do anyone knows if I can install cfw 3.60 that's for the psp slim on my normal psp?
No, the CFW 3.60 is for the PSP Slim & Light only. You have to wait for 3.71 M33 CFW.
Последний раз редактировалось Jachra; 16.09.2007 в 19:06.
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