Сообщение от andrewnick
Oh really  ...i downgraded my psp today.Now i can upgrade to M33 3.52 easily?And if i do so could i play psx games on my psp?Or any other homebrew or umd r***ers?And how do i play a r****d game from my memory stick with this firmware?Do i have to use a loader or in another way?Please can you give me guidelines?
And if i do so could i play psx games on my psp?
Or any other homebrew or umd r***ers?
Yes and no need for an reader. On the xmb press the home-button. You will figure out the rest.
And how do i play a r****d game from my memory stick with this firmware?
Create a directory named ISO in the root of your Memstick. Put your umd game backups in there. Create an directory named VIDEO in the folder ISO. Your umd video backups go in there.
Good Luck.