This is a bit of a guide for how to get the most out of this forum, if its un-needed/un-wanted then please just delete it or ignore it depending.
A few things first, I am not Russian so my translations are far less than perfect, also I am not a native English so my grammer is poor, forgiveness.
Page Language
First things first, if everything is in Cyrillic (the alphabet used in Russian) then scroll down to the bottom of the page and change the selection in the "Quick Language Chooser" to (EN). Once changed most things will be in English, though some may not translate and look incomprehensible, like "Поколения" or similar, this may be cleared up by setting you browser to use a different font encoding. If you want to switch back to (RUS) you can change back at anytime, but if you change back while replying to a thread you will have to type the whole thing again, so be careful when you decide to change languages.
Your Profile
You may have noticed that the section called "Additional Information" (under Edit Profile in the User Control Panel) doesn't translate. Heres how to fill it out:
1. Местоположение - Location: put where you are in this box
2. Прошивка - Firmware(?): put the firmware version you use in this box
3. Интересы - Interest: put your hobbies and interest in this box
4. Чем занимаетесь - Your Occupation: put your job in this box
Your Options
The section of the Options settings (under Options in User Control Panel) doesn't translate.
Показать Chatbox - This is asking if you want to display the chatbox
Шрифт - This is asking you to set the font
Размер - This is the size of font
Цвет - This is font color
You may have noticed that the site uses some buttons that do not translate.

is the "New Thread" button.

is the "Reply" button.

is a "Thank you" button that appears after each post, It is not a reply button! Press this button if you found the post helpful, when you do your nickname will be displayed at the bottom of that post as well as the date you said "Thank you." It is just a way to let people know their post is appreciated.
When you post you may have noticed some blue text that does not translate displayed under you nickname.
Поблагодарил - is the number of "Thank yous" you have given
Поблагодарили # раз(а) - is the number of people to have thanked you
в # сообщениях - is the number of posts which you were thanked for
(most of this section may be wrong as I said my Russian is not great)
You may have noticed that the second link from the left in the grey bar at the top of the page, does not translate. "Медали" simply means "Medals."
What are the Medals? You may have noticed that some users have the image of an award or medal displayed next to their avatar. These are the Medals and are given to users for doing different things. Who decides who gets medals, can you help decide who gets medals? I don't know, I have no power here I'm a user just like most of you.
Click on the
link to see who has received what medals. Because none of the award page translates I will make the attempt to explain it all here.
The first column is called "Иконка" and I think this means "icon."
The second column is "Изображение" and this means "image."
The third is marked "Название / Описание" and this means "Name and desсription" this gives you the name of the medal and the desсription of why it is awarded.
The last is "Награждённые пользователи" which is the "awarded users" and this column lists who has received the award. "Пользователей, получивших эту награду: #" is displayed in each row, this means "The number of people who have received this award:" it is followed by a number and the names of the recipients.
The first medal is called "Выдающиеся заслуги" or "Salient Merits" (it might also be "valuable" or "worth while" I'm not sure, my English is not perfect and my Russian is worse). This award "denotes special service to the PSP scene."
The second medal is called "Активный вклад" I translate this to mean "Active Contributor" and it is awarded to "denote an individual who actively contributes to the development of this forum."
The third is called "Активная помощь" and this means "Active Assistance." This award is given to "denote one for actively helping other users."
The forth is "Почетный релизер" and I think it means "Honorable Contributor." This award "denotes one who provides good media (be it video, comics, wall-papers, theme...)."
The fifth is "Победитель конкурса" and this is "Champion of Competition." This "denotes victory in the competitions at PSPx." I believe the competitions in question are in the arcade.
The last is "Старожил" and means "Old Member." This award "denotes one who has been a member for a long time."
Moderator Notices
Sometimes you may notice a bit of red text after one of your posts. This is a message placed there by one of the moderators just to give you a friendly notice that you could be doing something better. The top portion and bottom portion does not translate, the middle portion is the message from the moderator and will be in English in this section of the forum. The top portion is "Замечание модератора" and this means "Moderator Notice." The bottom text after the message will be "С уважением, Name" this is the equivalent of "Sincerely, Name" in English (where Name is the moderator who gave the alert).
Members List
You may have noticed that some of the column headings on the Member List page do not translate,
specifically the second from the left "Награды" (means rewards) and the last four "Местоположение,"
"Прошивка," "Интересы," and "Чем занимаетесь," which mean "location," "firmware," "interests," and "job."
Beneath some users names (in the first column) you may see something that doesn't translate, this is the users custom title, there are many and I will not even attempt to translate them all.
By now you have probably found that almost nothing on the Downloads page translates. I'll provide some basics to help you get around and start enjoying the resources of this site more.
The first of the two boxes on the left is titled "Последние файлы" and this means "Last (possibly latest) Files" In this box are the names of (and links to) the recent additions.
The second box on the left is titled "Популярные файлы" which means "Popular Files." Here you can see the top ten most downloaded files, and how many people have downloaded them.
Below those boxes is a small warning; "Важная информация *Всю информацию вы используите на свой страх и риск!" This is something similar in meaning to "Important Information *All files you download at your own risk!"
The large box filling the rest of the page begins with some helpful links "Навигация" means "Navigation" and bellow it are four links. "Главная" is "Main" and will bring you back to the downloads page. "Все категории" means "All Categories" and will provide you with a list of how many files are available broken down by type. "Статистика" is "Statistics" and shows you a list with three columns, two of them don't translate and are "Файловый архив" - "File Archive" and "Трафик" - "Traffic." "Поиск" is the last of the four links and means "Search." If you select this option you will see a text entry box below some instructions which do not translate. "Ключевые слова или фразы
в поиске, разделяйте запятыми" explains how to use the search box, "Search by keywords or phrases, divide each with a comma." It is very easy and will recognize the names of specific programs, such
as "Bookr", or some categories, such as "game" even if you do not type in Russian.
Back on the main downloads page there are ten different rows, each broken down into three columns.
The first column is "Категория" which means "Category." The second column is "Описание" and this means "Desсription." The last is "Файлов" and this means "Files."
I do not know this best way to set this all up but here goes (my desсriptions will be very brief and I will not list anything under files because this is just a number):
Category - Desсription
01. Saves - Sub-categories: EUR, JPN, USA
02. Video - Films related to PSP, in mp4, PMP video, and others
03. Game Demos - Demos for firmware 2.7 and up
04. Magazines - Magazines put out by
05. Converters - Programs to convert video for viewing on PSP, all require latest quicktime
06. Programs - Various homebrew programs to get the most from your PSP
07. Firmwares - Firmware for the PSP: Sub-categories: Custom Firmware
08. Computer Software - Software for computer that relates to PSP
09. Flash Games - Games and software
10. Emulators - Emulators to play old games on the PSP. Because old games are awesome.
At the very bottom is some things about how much is in the archive for download.
Do not be afraid to use the chatbox. People here are very nice and many of them understand English, (better than I do!) so don't be afraid to use it.
Special Thanks
ZeuseZ is awesome. He is the one who puts all my additions up here and is very patient to do so. You should all do nice things for him.
(I just do my work :hi: - ZZ)
If there are other areas of this site you would like me to try and translate, I will read my Private Messages.
I will maybe translate some of the top level sections of this forum. did you know there is lots of video here? There is, very much!
I hope this clears up curiosity any of you may have had about that page.