Just a request, I think we should have a N00b and a 1337 (sorry for the stupid leet speak) modes:
Basically, in N00b mode all access to flash (especially from the XMB) should be hidden
in leet mode, everything should be open, but the enabling of leet mode should be designed so that a noob can't simply turn it on.
My reason for this is that I have several friends and family that have had my flash their PSP's one in particular my 12 year old cousin, he's young and naive and doesn't yet understand how easily he can kill his PSP if he does something he shouldn't (which he has a nack for doing things he shouldn't)
Point is, if he did damage his PSP through the CFW i put on it I knw for sure I would be the one to get blame.
Either way, i think this would be useful for a lot of people, even so that we can just hide away features we don't want n00bs playing with should they catch hold of our PSP.