[REQ] FAT16 formatting for 4 GB Memory Stick
First of all:
Keep up great work Team M33, You really rock
I think that it would be very useful feature, but have no ideea is this possible.
When formmating 4 GB MemStick via XMB, it's by default formatted in FAT32 mode, smaller Sticks are formatted in FAT16. FAT32 often causes lagging and really low read speed. Many users confirmed that formatting 4 GB MS via windows in FAT16 mode gives really amazing results (especialy on fake cards). So, my request is to add FAT16 formatting for 4 GB Sticks via XMB.
PS: I always tought that max partition size for FAT16 is 2 GB, but if you have 4 GB MemStick, try formatting it with this command: "format x: /FS:FAT", it really works, and the card still has 4 GB, but read and write speeds are higher.
Последний раз редактировалось soulburn; 12.08.2007 в 21:39.