Помогите разобраться с ошибкой (Jasper 512) .Раньше стоял coolrunner . Хочу поставить RGH3. Ключ CPU достал через xell. При попытке Create xeBuild ошибка
**************** WARNING *************************
nanddump.bin has NAND memory unit data, make
sure you back up any important data off the
internal MU before flashing a new image!
***** WARNING: cfldv was not set anywhere, setting it to 1
please set it in ini or on command line and rebuild!
**** could not read smc.bin (-1) ****
******* ERROR: critical bootloader files are missing, cannot proceed!
***** FATAL BUILD ERROR: -1 unable to complete NAND image
xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.