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ErikPshat 20.07.2009 00:25

Popsloader для 5.XX и 6.XX прошивок - плагин игр PSX (PlayStation One)
Вложений: 12
Для запуска игр PSX - PlayStation 1 или PSone, как их ещё по другому называют, необходимо установить плагин Popsloader.
Этот плагин необходим для эмуляции игр PSX на консоли SONY PSP, сконверченных с образов оригинальных CD-дисков от приставки SONY PS1. И хотя сейчас, на последних прошивках 6.хх PRO-C2/PROMOD-C2p/(L)ME-2.3 многие образы PSX свободно идут на встроенном в прошивку эмуляторе, однако есть некоторые игры, которые можно запустить только с помощью дополнительного плагина POPSLOADER.

Popsloader для 5.XX прошивок (устарело)
Про Popsloader для 5.ХХ многие давно конечно знают: Popsloader_5.xx - полная версия для прошивок 5.00 - 5.50 CFW.
Рассказывать про него не имеет смысла, как и сами эти прошивки, поэтому сразу перейдём к 6-ым...

Popsloader для 6.XX прошивок!

Вложение 13962 Вложение 13963

  1. Скачайте и разархивируйте архив с плагином:

    • Popsloader v4i - последняя неофициальная модификация от popsdeco, совместим с 6.60/6.61 PRO/PROMOD/(L)ME/PS Vita.

    • Вложение 12552 - если не работает звук в PSX, это плагин, позволяющий проигрывать звук формата CDDA в старых играх.

  2. Скопируйте папку SEPLUGINS в корень карты памяти (соглашаясь на замену, если аналогичная папка уже существует)

  3. Создайте в папке SEPLUGINS текстовой файл POPS.TXT и скопируйте в него одну из подходящих вам строчек:

    • Если плагин лежит на Карте памяти Memory Stick:

      ms0:/seplugins/popsloader/popsloader.prx 1

    • Если плагин лежит во внутренней памяти PSPgo:

      ef0:/seplugins/popsloader/popsloader.prx 1

  4. Запустите любую программу или игру, а затем выйдите из неё или просто перезагрузите PSP (например из VSH Menu через "Reset VSH")

  5. Всё! Плагин должен быть активирован.
    Так же, включить или отключить Popsloader вы можете вызвав VSH Menu кнопкой :select:, зайти в "Recovery Menu" и там в "Plugins".

  1. Папку! с игрой PSX (содержащую файл EBOOT.PBP) скопируйте в папку ms0:/PSP/GAME/

  2. Запускайте игру из меню Игра => Memory Stick™, удерживая кнопку :r_trigger:

  3. Через несколько секунд появится список прошивок, как на скриншоте в заголовке шапки.

    (самый нижний пункт "Original from Flash" будет загружать игру официальным лоадером SONY, встроенным в прошивку)

  4. Пробуйте разные версии до тех пор, пока не найдете ту, на которой игра не начнет работать стабильно.

  5. Имейте в виду, что в файле pops.cfg, который создаётся при первом запуске в папке ms0:/seplugins/popsloader/..., сохраняется последняя выбранная версия ПОПСА. Поэтому, если вы будете в следующий раз запускать другую игру, то она автоматически будет загружаться под версией, сохранённой в файле pops.cfg при последнем выборе.

Так-же, не забывайте про Список совместимости игр PSX, если не удаётся запустить какую-либо игру.


Мультидисковая игра

Поддержка многодискового формата появилась только в версии 3.71 и выше. Поэтому, если вы собираетесь играть в игру, состоящую из нескольких дисков, не имеющую сохранения перед сменой диска, то необходимо выбирать эмулятор прошивки 3.71 и выше. Здесь, по кнопке :home: вы можете вызвать специально добавленную опцию, позволяющую переключить диск, не выходя из игры. Так же, нужно иметь в виду, что в мультидисковой игре, ID игры и ID сейвов должны быть одинаковыми на разных дисках одной игры.
Учитывайте это, если вы сами собираетесь конвертировать игры.

Если в игре предусмотрено сохранение перед сменой дисков, то такую игру можно запускать и на однодисковом эмуляторе прошивок ниже 3.71. Здесь вам позволяют сохранится, затем вы эмулируете следующий диск, загружаете сохранение и продолжаете играть.

Готовые сконверченные образы PSX для PSP можно найти здесь, для большинства игр попс-лоадер не требуется;
Либо ещё здесь или здесь или здесь
  • Распаковать необходимые модули для Popsloader-а из файлов обновления прошивки вы можете с помощью POPSExtractor 1.1.
  • Сконвертировать игру для PSP из образа CD-диска PS1 можно с помощью PSX2PSP v1.4.2

Список совместимости игр PSX

Список совместимости игр PSX на PSP



К сожалению, в Европе и США коды игр не являются взаимозаменяемыми. Например, используя SLUS код от игры "Metal Gear Solid" в UK/PAL работать не будет. Однако, исправив ID игры (для исправления зависания в игре) будет работать в том случае, если оригинальный ID игры и исправленный имеют одинаковый ID в формате S*US или S*ES. Так что, если оригинальный ID вашей игры SLUS...., а потом исправить его на SCUS, то это будет нормально работать.

О таблице
  • Название PSX игры: Название игры PlayStation 1.
  • PSX ID: Идентификационный номер, используемый Sony. Как правило, это название игры с кодом региона на Playstation CD, а также уникальный номер для каждого диска. Например, SLUS-00972 говорит о том, что он предназначен для США.
  • Тип TV: Это тип телевизора для которого эта игра была выпущена. Например, в Европе имеется тенденция использовать как стандарт систему PAL, а в США и Японии используется NTSC.
  • Мануал: Имеется ли инструкция по запуску такой игры на сайте Если да, значит имеется ссылка на инструкцию по запуску данной игры. Если нет, значит вам придётся искать способ самим. Пожалуйста, посетите чтобы поделиться своим успешным методом или отправить его Azumandias, чтобы опубликовать его на сайте, а вам будет вписано авторство метода и много благодарностей пользователей.
  • Примечание: Любая конкретная информация, которая может помочь. Пожалуйста, укажите, на какой версии POPS вы тестировали игру.

[0-9] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
007 Racing SLUS-01300 NTSC-U Да
007 Tommorow never dies SLUS-00975 NTSC-U Да
3Xtreme SCUS-94231 NTSC-U Нет popsloader @ 3.71:boots and plays fine - by killergp123

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Ace Combat 2 SLUS-00404 NTSC-U Да
Ace Combat 3:Electrosphere SLUS-00972 NTSC-U Да
Adventure of Little Ralph, The SLPS-01853 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Adventures of Lomax, The SCUS-94906 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: Music issues if the image is not good - try PAL version. By 2PS
Agent Armstrong SLPS-01073 NTSC-J Нет
Air Combat SLUS-00001 NTSC-U Нет
Akuji The Heartless SLUS-00715 NTSC-U Нет
Alfred Chicken SCES-03817 PAL-E Нет Working great on 3.90 with Zoom Mode, some sound glitches in menu
Alien Trilogy SLES-00101 PAL-E Нет Graphical Glitches
Alien Trilogy SLUS-00007 NTSC-U Да
Alone in the Dark - One Eyed Jack's Revenge SLUS-00239 NTSC-U Нет Tested by MAN-biker
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare SLUS-01201 NTSC-U Нет Works perfectly fine. Tested on 3.90 M33 -Cheska3.80: Crashed after character is chosen at a blank screen if left too long. Solution: After chosen character, the screen will go black, immediately press the X button and the game will run normally. By 2PS
Alundra SLUS-00553 NTSC-U Да On 3.71 works perfect fine by dopi
Alundra 2 SLUS-01017 NTSC-U Да
Apocalypse SLES-00460 PAL-E Нет
Aqua GT SLES-03390 PAL-E Нет
Arc the Lad SLUS-01224 NTSC-U Нет Update from SaintPizzy: Runs perfect on 3.71 and above
Arc the Lad 2 SLUS-01252 NTSC-U Нет Update from SaintPizzy: New update - works under 3.52 firmware. Use the popsloader plugin to select your PSX on PSP version.
Arc the Lad 3 SLUS-01253 NTSC-U Нет Update from SaintPizzy: New update - works under 3.52 firmware. Use the popsloader plugin to select your PSX on PSP version.
Area 51 SLUS-00164 NTSC-U Нет Works only for CFW under 3.40 OE (Such as 3.10 OE)
Arkanoid R 2000 SLPM-86262 NTSC-J Нет
Armored Core SLUS-01323 NTSC-U Да
Armored Core Master of Arena SLUS-01030 NTSC-U Нет
Armored Core Project Phantasma SLUS-00670 NTSC-U Нет
Army Men 3D SLUS-00491 NTSC-U Да No flaws. 3.71 m33-4 ~Beaniehat~
Azure Dreams SLUS-00614 NTSC-U Да

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game SLUS-00387 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: Tested by 2PS.
Battle Arena Toshinden SCUS-94200 NTSC-U Нет
Battle Arena Toshinden 4 SLES-02493 PAL-E Нет
Beatmania SLPM-86126 NTSC-J Нет
BioHazard SLPS-00222 NTSC-J Нет
BioHazard Demo SLPM-80027 NTSC-J Нет
BioHazard Director's Cut SLPS-00998 NTSC-J Да
BioHazard 2 SLPS-01222 NTSC-J Нет
BioHazard 2 [Beta 2] SLPS-00222 NTSC-J Нет SLPS-00222: Freezes when man in gun shop speaks (funnily enough, straight after he says freeze!). Tested on 3.40-3.52-3.71-3.80 pops.

SLPS-01222: Freezes once entered police station, same way it does with american version if game id isnt changed. Tested on 3.52-3.80 pops.

NOTE: Debug menu when pressing select works to change location, including police station.
BioHazard 2 Demo SLPS-00999 NTSC-J Нет Firmware 3.40 OE-A required, and SLPS-01222 MUST be set as the Game ID.
BioHazard Gun Survivor SLPS-02553 NTSC-J Нет
Black Dawn SLUS-00321 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.52 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Blaster Master: Blasting Again SLUS-01031 NTSC-U Нет Crashes in on-foot dungeons as of 3.71 M33-4. tested by Joseph Collins.
Blazing Dragons SLUS-00100 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-2 by Dusteater1983. It works perfect!
Bloody Bride SLPS-00526 NTSC-J Нет Crashes at 'Dec 25' right after the Christmas Party, too bad, it's a great RPG/Dating Sim.
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain SLUS-00027 NTSC-U Да Savegame function does not work correctly; savegames are seen as corrupt when read.Saving seems to be fixed on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Bloody Roar SCUS-94199 NTSC-U Нет According to "John":"Works flawlessly and stretches perfectly in 3.9"
Bloody Roar 2 SCUS-94424 NTSC-U Нет According to "John":"Works flawlessly and stretches perfectly in 3.9"
Bomberman Fantasy Race SLUS-00823 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Brain Dead 13 SLUS-00083 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Brave Fencer Musashi SLUS-00726 NTSC-U Да If you use the default GameID it will freeze after the "Chapter 1" screen. So use one of the GameID's below.When you do use one of these gameIDs you'll sometimes notice a little slowdown or some stuttering in voices, but at least the game works.3.52 and below: Use GameID SLPS-01156, SLPS-01724, or SLPS-01222.3.71 and 3.72: GameID SLPS-01156 and SLPS-01724 will work.3.90: Only GameID SLPS-01156 will work. Also the slowdown and stuttering in voices is slightly better. EBOOT needs to be made with CDDA Popstation 1.24 (don't forget, you'll need keys.bin). Many GUIs make bad eboots...4.01: If you use GameID SLPS-01490 then gameplay and voices are MUCH better. However if you try to watch the opening cinematic after starting a new game it will freeze at a black screen after it zooms in on the castle. So press Start as soon as you can to skip it.
Breakout SLUS-01170 NTSC-U Нет
Breath of Fire 3/III SLUS-00422 NTSC-U Да 4.01: Working fine so far.
Breath Of Fire 4/IV SLUS-01324 NTSC-U Да 3.00 - 3.41: Works, but earlier versions have poorer sound quality. Noticable frame skipping slowdown (video only) in the more detailed 3D environments, like towns. Battles run perfectly, although later spells may change this (unable to test this myself).3.42 3.51: Same as above, but the sound is perfect.3.52 - 3.72: Unplayable! After the Capcom logo you will get a blank white screen. The opening FMV can be heard playing, but the white screen remains and the game doesn't respond to button input. After the FMV you'll be stuck on the main menu until you quit.4.01: Works again, but no noticable improvements over 3.42 3.51. NOTE: Upon first trying this pops the game started fine, but I had a black screen when I loaded my save file to the world map. I restarted and tried a new game instead, which worked fine. Ever since then my save file has worked. The black screen may have been a one-off glitch.

Tested by Milkymoocowmoo using NTSC-U version, 4.01 M33-2
Broken Sword: The Shadow Of Templars SLUS-00484 NTSC-U Да 3.90: Tested on PAL version (SCES-00346) - by 2PS.
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror SCES-00798 PAL-E Нет
Bugs Bunny Taz - Time Busters SLES-02896 PAL-E Нет
Bushido Blade SCUS-94180 NTSC-U Нет Works fine on 3.52 M33-4 / 3.71 M33-4. Tested by euthaherz
Bushido Blade 2 SLUS-00663 NTSC-U Да Works fine on 3.52 M33-4 / 3.71 M33-4. Freezes just before intro movie on 3.90 M33-3. Tested by euthaherz
Bust A Move / Groove SCUS-94263 NTSC-U Да 3.90: Experiencing a little delay when playing Hamm's stage.
Bust A Move / Groove 2 - Dance Tengoku Mix SLPM-86219 NTSC-J Нет 3.90: Tested on US version 'SLUS-01159' - by 2PS.Tested with Popsloader 3.71.

4.01: A bit laggy. But R2/Dodge can be remapped to the L button. Yay. =].

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
C-12 Final Resistance SCUS-94666 PAL-E Нет
Cabela's Ultimate Deer Hunt: Open Season SLUS-01400 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS.
Capcom vs SNK Millennium Fight 2000 Pro SLUS-01476 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.Tested on 3.71 M33-2

Tested on 4.01 M33-2 by Trasgo7
Capcom vs SNK Millennium Fight 2000 Pro SLPM-87053 NTSC-J Нет
Carmageddon [M4] SLES-01960 PAL-E Нет Needs POPS 3.10; didn't work under POPS 3.71. Sound glitches during gameplay, no BGM. (3.10 by PerfectCircle)
Castlevania Chronicles SLUS-01384 NTSC-U Да Black screen with audio after death (in 2nd stage after extended play time)***UPDATE***3.40 OE-A: The game freezes right after you choose a game mode on the main menu.3.52 M33-4: Same result as the previous version.

3.71 M33-4: Fixes the bug on the main game menu. Beyond that, the game runs perfectly.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night SLUS-00067 NTSC-U Да
Chase the Express SCES-02812 PAL-E Нет 3.71m33-4 Works, but freezes in the intro movie, if you just skip them then the game should play fine - khajiit
Chiisana Kyojin Microman SLPS-01926 NTSC-J Нет 3.52: Works - by 2PS3.80/.90: Hangs at loading bar - by 2PS
Chocobo Racing SLPS-01951 NTSC-J Да
Chocobo Racing SLUS-00844 NTSC-U Да Tested in Popsloader 3.71, works fine.
Choro Q SLPS-00242 NTSC-J Нет
Chrono Cross SLUS-01041 NTSC-U Да This game does not let you save before changing discs, so you are going to have to either use a patch made by Psychospacefish, popstation_md (only works on 3.71-4 m33 or higher)3.40: Use GameID SLPS-01222. It will appear a little laggy, but it's less likely to freeze. Update: Use GameID SCUS-94640, it's much better.3.51: Use GameID SCUS-94640.3.52: The game will freeze when accessing the character status.3.71: Update by GamerbyDesign: Tested on 3.71 M33 with SLUS-01041 SLPS-01222 it does not freeze when accessing character status, however it does freeze in the first boss battle against Mama Komodo. If you use GameID SCUS-94640 it wont freeze after Mama Komodo, but going to character status it will freeze.3.72: Use popsloader to run 3.72 pops. With GameID SCUS-94640 it wont freeze on character status or the first boss Mama Komodo! It REALLY matters what converter you use to make the eboot. popsloader to run 3.72 pops.3.90: tested on my 3.90 psp and worked perfectly. i am using original the actual game id and i have both discs in one eboot. By LordJovanius4.01: Status screen freezing both with original and 94640. Loading 3.72 instead fixes it.
Chrono Trigger (Part of Final Fantasy Chronicles) SLUS-01363 NTSC-U Да Bad sound, key items menu not working. (Appears to be fixed in 3.03 OE-A) - Works fine with 4.01
Circuit Breakers SLUS-00697 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
City Of Lost Children SCUS-94150 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Clock Tower SLUS-00539 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Clock Tower: The First Fear SLPS-00917 NTSC-J Нет Tested On PopsLoader 3.71 By NightmareTX. Have Some Not-So-Frequent Sound Issues. Tiny Slow-Downs Due To High 2-D Graphics. Playable At 99.5% Anyway You Get The Idea.
Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within SLUS-00695 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Colin McRae Rally SCUS-94474 NTSC-U Нет use 3.40/3.51 pops; you can change aspect ratio to 16:9 in menu (and in pops to FullScreen)
Colin McRae Rally 2.0 SLUS-01222 NTSC-U Нет
Colony Wars SLUS-00543 NTSC-U Нет
Colony Wars 2: Vengeance SLUS-00722 NTSC-U Да
Colony Wars 3: Red Sun SLUS-00866 NTSC-U Нет Loads up to the main menu but freezes when loading a mission. Tested on 3.52 M33-4 3.71 M33 by GamerbyDesign. Update: Game currently works fine with current SLUS. *No* freezing.
Command and Conquer SLUS-00379 NTSC-U Да
Command and Conquer: Red Alert SLUS-00431 NTSC-U Да
Command and Conquer: Red Alert Retaliation Allied SLUS-00665 NTSC-U Нет
Contender SCUS-94294 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Contender 2 SLUS-01305 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Cool Boarders 1 (A.K.A. Extreme Snowboarding) SCUS-94356 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33 by GamerbyDesign
Cool Boarders 2 SCUS-94358 NTSC-U Нет
Cool Boarders 3 SCUS-94251 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33 by GamerbyDesign
Cool Boarders 4 SCUS-94559 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.52 M33 by GamerbyDesign
Cool Boarders 5 (A.K.A. 2001) SCUS-94597 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33 by GamerbyDesign
Cowboy Bebop SLPS-01126 NTSC-J Нет
Crash Bandicoot SCUS-94900 NTSC-U Да Works perfectly 3.03, 3.40, 3.71, 3.80 3.90. Tested by SephirothX
Crash Bandicoot 2 SCUS-94154 NTSC-U Да Works perfectly 3.03, 3.40, 3.71, 3.80 3.90. Tested by SephirothX
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped SCUS-94244 NTSC-U Да Works perfectly 3.03, 3.40, 3.71, 3.80 3.90. Tested by SephirothX
Crash Bash SCUS-94570 NTSC-U Да Works 3.03, 3.40, 3.71, 3.80 3.90. Slight occasional slowdowns. Tested by SephirothX
Crash Team Racing SCUS-94426 NTSC-U Нет Stuttering mouth animations during the opening sequence; has no affect on gameplay.Has severe glitches and not playable on 3.90 M33 - tested by +DONO

Works 100% fine(including mouth animation) on 3.90m33-3 with exception of Dracula save icon glitch. - tested by murderinthethirst
Critical Blow SLPS-01044 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Croc: Legend of Gobbo SLUS-00530 NTSC-U Нет Works fine, but occassional graphical gliches, and slowdown. Tested on 3.02 POPS. This is solved completely on 3.40 POP's. Tested by SephirothX
Croc: 2 SLUS-00634 NTSC-U Нет Works well. Slowdowns Tested on 3.03. By SephirothX
Crossroad Crisis SLUS-01342 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Crusaders of Might and Magic SLUS-00799 NTSC-U Да
Cybersled SLUS-00008 NTSC-U Нет

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
D SLUS-00128 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: Doesn't boot - by 2PS.
Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix SLPM-86897 NTSC-J Нет
Dance Dance Revolution Disney Mix SLUS-01281 NTSC-U Нет
Dance Dance Revolution Konamix SLUS-01446 NTSC-U Нет
Dancing Stage - Euromix Unknown NTSC-J Нет Update from Mr. Mallon: works fine (double arrows are difficult)
Dancing Stage - Featuring Dreams Come True SLPM-86505 NTSC-J Нет Graphical glitches
Dancing Stage:Party Unknown NTSC-J Нет Update from Mr. Mallon: working up to trying to get to level 2 then fails
Danger Girl SLUS-00881 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Darkstone-Evil Reigns SLUS01182 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 no problems by LordJovanius
Dark Hunter: Shita Youma No Mori SLPS-00789 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Dead or Alive SLUS-00606 NTSC-U Да Runs smooth, no problems
Deathtrap Dungeon SLUS-00566 NTSC-U Да
Death Wing SLPS-00489 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Deception III - Dark Delusion SLUS-01067 NTSC-U Нет Does not get passed PSX boot screen. Test on 3.71 M33 by GamerbyDesign.Will not work with 3.71-M33-4. Runs fine with pops 3.72; completed through first mission.
Destruction Derby SCUS-94302 NTSC-U Нет
Destruction Derby 2 SCUS-94350 NTSC-U Нет
Destruction Derby 3 (A.K.A. RAW) SCES-02060 PAL-E Нет Major lag issues. Sound skips. Tested on 3.71 M33 by GamerbyDesign.
Devil Dice SLUS-00672 NTSC-U Нет
Diablo SLUS-00619 NTSC-U Да Sometimes freezes on 3.52. Use 3.40 for perfect gameplay.Freezes after Blizzard logo during intro if disc-load speed is set to fast. Runs fine on 3.72 with disc speed on normal.
Die Hard Trilogy SLUS-00119 NTSC-U Нет
Die Hard Trilogy 2 SLUS-01015 NTSC-U Нет
Digimon World SLUS-01032 NTSC-U Нет 3.52 pops
Digimon World 2 SLUS-01193 NTSC-U Нет 3.9
Digimon World 3 SLUS-01328 NTSC-U Нет 3.71: Make sure you use GameID SLPS01724
Dino Crisis SLUS-00922 NTSC-U Да Voices do not work under 3.52 M33.Update by GamerbyDesign: Everything works perfectly, including the voices. Tested on 3.71 M33.Update 2 by GamerbyDesign: On the PSP Slim when you switch to the shotgun and try to shoot the game freezes and the PSP shuts down. Tested on 3.71 M33-2
Dino Crisis 2 SLUS-01279 NTSC-U Да
Discworld SCUS-94600 NTSC-U Нет Game runs, but graphics are messed up.
Disney's Hercules SCES-00891 PAL-E Нет
Disruptor SLUS-00224 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
DoDonPachi SLPS-00548 NTSC-J Нет Tested and works on 3.40 POPS, 0 compression tested by BootsMegamix
DonPachi SLPS-01364 NTSC-J Нет Works on 3.40 POPS tested by BootsMegamix
Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers, Disney's SLUS-01242 NTSC-U Нет Works on POPSLOADER for 3.80M33 v2 + set game ID=SLPS02180. When popsloader loading menu appears, select 3.00, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03 or 3.10 pops ONLY, game does NOT work on pops versions above (hangs up after 2 intro movies)!!! Tested by MAN-biker on PSP Slim FW v3.80 M33-5
Doom SLUS-00077 NTSC-U Нет Freezes at first loading screen on ANY firmware (3.00-3.73).update* 3.80 pops works! same as PAL, intro is fuzzy; no speed issue. ~Beaniehat~
Doom SLUS-00132 PAL-E Нет Intro is messed up, but works! Gameplay is a little fast, such as faster reloading.*graphics are unviewable 3.00-3.03**3.80 fixes speed issue, intro still broken. ~Beaniehat~
Double Dragon SLPS-00191 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Dr Slump SLPS-01934 NTSC-J Нет
Dracula: The Resurrection SLUS-01440 NTSC-U Нет
Dragon Warrior 7/VII SLUS-01206 NTSC-U Да Locks up at Deathpal bossUPDATE: Stopped locking up on Deathpal boss using 3.10 OE-A and up.Locks up on 3.80. Use 3.40 via popsloader
Dragonball Z GT Final Bout SLUS-00493 NTSC-U Нет Perfect with 3.51 and 3.71 POPS
Dragonball Z Legends SLPS-00355 NTSC-J Нет 3.52: Sometimes freezes. Use 3.40 for perfect gameplay.3.72: Doesn't seem to freeze like it did before.
Driver SLUS-00842 NTSC-U Нет Slow down issues.Update by GamerbyDesign: Tested on 3.52 M33-4 game works perfectly except that you can't restart missions because it freezes.
Driver 2 SLUS-01161 NTSC-U Да
Duke Nukem Time to Kill SLES-01515 PAL-E Нет
Duke Nukem Time to Kill SLUS-00583 NTSC-U Да
Duke Nukem Total Meltdown SLUS-00355 NTSC-U Нет

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Earth Worm Jim 2 PAL-E Нет
Ehrgeiz SLUS-00809 NTSC-U Да 3.71 and lower: Use popsloader and 3.03 or the game will take FOREVER to load.4.01: Runs great, doesn't take forever to load.
Einhander SCUS-94243 NTSC-U Да Played through first two bosses, worked 100%. 3.52, 3.90-3. -Meursault
Emperor's New Groove, The SCUS-94571 NTSC-U Нет
Eretzvaju / Evil Zone SLPS-01790 NTSC-J Нет
Excalibur 2555 A.D. SLUS-00541 NTSC-U Да
Exhumed SLES-00097 PAL-E Нет 3.80 by 2PS

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Fade to Black SLUS-00236 NTSC-U Да Best on 3.72 with Fast Load Speed
Fatal Fury Wild Ambition SLUS-01001 NTSC-U Нет
Fear Effect SLUS-00920 NTSC-U Да
Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix SLUS-01266 NTSC-U Нет
Felony 11-79 SLUS-00533 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PSWorks perfectly. Tested on 3.71-M33-2.
FIFA '99 SLUS-00782 PAL-E Нет
Fighting Force SLUS-00433 NTSC-U Нет
Final Doom SLUS-00331 NTSC-U Да
Final Fantasy IV/4 SLUS-01360 NTSC-U Да A minor sound glitch occurs, an example of this is a song stalling while the game continues playing. This occurs on most versions emulated by 3.80 M33 Popsloader. No gameplay issues have been seen while using 3.80 M33 to emulate 3.40, but the sound glitch still occurs at one point, but it does not affect gameplay.
Final Fantasy V/5 SLUS-00879 NTSC-U Да
Final Fantasy VI/6 SLUS-00900 NTSC-U Да If you use a high version of pops you will get a corrupted save. To solve this, delete your non working save, then use popsloader to run the game on 3.03. Once you get to the title screen you'll have a perfectly working save. You can now reset and use popsloader and use a higher version to play the game.
Final Fantasy VII/7 SCUS-94163 NTSC-U Да Make sure your Disc-Load Speed is set to "Normal". If you have it on Fast the game may glitch after a battle.3.03: Certain enemy moves can cause the the whole screen to turn green or red while still hearing battle sounds and music, the game time will literally slow down to where one attack can take ten minutes to complete. If you do manage to make it to the field screen, save then reset to restore the glitched graphics. Known moves to cause this so far: Hell Bubbles, Sleepel, Ultrasound, and Limit Break: Seal Evil (basically any attack that can cause sleep or silence).3.11: No battle swirl, but sleep and silence attacks don't cause game to glitch.3.40: Battle swirl works fine, but sleep and silence attaks DO cause the game to glitch.3.52: Battle swirl works fine, also sleep and silence attacks no longer cause glitches.3.71: The Music tempo is slightly too quick but other than that it works great didn't crash or glitch at all. -anthall19913.80: Unplayable. The battle swirl causes the game to glitch. Use the new popsloader to run the game under a version that works.3.90: Same problem 3.80 has. Use the popsloader designed for 3.80 m33 and boot up in 3.71 pops.3.90M33-3: Use the popsloader designed for 3.80 m33 to boot up in 3.71 pops. -anthall19914.01: Some attacks sound odd but other than that it runs flawlessly. -anthall1991The first Rocket cinema upon meeting Cid and/or the Gold Saucer date scene may freeze the game. Other FMVs might freeze as well. I'm getting the freezes consistently, anthall1991 is not, and we are both running 4.01 M33-2. If you get this freeze, switch down to 3.71 to get past the cinema. -Tzepish4.01 M33-2: The first Rocket cinema upon meeting Cid DOES NOT freezes the game. Some attacks sound odd but other than that it runs flawlessly. -anthall1991
Final Fantasy VII/7 SCES-00869 PAL-E Нет In 3.03OE-C, the screen is moved to the bottom. Playing in "original" size works, but stretching it in any way crops the screen at the bottom.
Final Fantasy VIII/8 SLUS-00892 NTSC-U Да Set camera movement to 0% in the game's configuration.Try using an alternate GameID (SCUS-94640, SLPS-02180, SLPS-01222, or SLPS-01156). There's also this tool to switch between two popular IDs.Things that may cause the game to freeze (especially on the default GameID):Zell's Duel Burning RaveSome of Quistis' limits.Scanning and casting magic in battle.Drawing for an extended period of time.Many special attacks monsters and bosses can do.Fighting Elvoret in the Comm Tower.Fighting Granaldo in Training Area (3.71 M33-4)Wendigos in the Dollet forest can cause the game to randomly freeze.When fighting Griever if he draws from you, the game may freeze.For specific information on making this game more compatible, go to the Final Fantasy VIII page.4.01: Default GameID on default settings works great. It drops a frame or two when entering a battle, but that's about it.4.01: Still problems with Scan magic:( freezing before or just after scan on 90%. Upd: Works fine when popsloader is disabled.
Final Fantasy VIII/8 SLES-02080 PAL-E Да PAL versions of FFVIII are copy-protected; in order to play them, it's necessary to fix the images with a PPF patch (use PPF-O-Matic 3.0 to apply the patch) before converting them into eboots. Game works with more or less the same flaws afflicting the NTSC version, fixable with the GameID workaround. (3.71 M33'3 by PerfectCircle)Edit: to patch the PAL version of FFVIII (and FFVII for that matter) search for an app called PatchIt (DCEmu has some of the files necessary) and Zapper / Zapper2000 (not sure on this one though it may just fix the screen position between PAL and NTSC). - Keikura
Final Fantasy IX/9 SLUS-01251 NTSC-U Да 3.71:Minor frame dropping during scenes with many characters, nothing to affect playability.Minor sound glitches during some model-based battle scenes on 3.71 M33-3 by MonkeyJamboree.3.90:Opening FMV played for me, however there was no sound. I copied the game with Alcohol 52%, then made the eboot with PSX2PSP v1.3.3.90 m33-3 Slim: The second FMV that plays after Pinnacle Rock (With Zidane and Dagger running through the field towards Lindblum) is like the opening FMV, as it has no sound. - G_SConfirmation: 3.90 M33-3 Plays the intro FMV with no sound irrespective of programs used to copy/convert to eboot. Additionally the FMV at the start of the festival can bug out and make a loud buzzing sound. Other than that works perfect. -Vanit4.01 M33-2: Opening FMV played from the first disk (and probably single disk eboots) has no sound, however you can get the sound to play by switching to one of the later disks and selecting New Game. It'll ask you to put in the first disc. After switching disks it'll start the FMV with all of the sound. This probably won't help any for the later FMV, though. -Ganoran
Final Fantasy IX/9 SLES-02965 PAL-E Да PAL versions of FFIX are copy-protected; in order to play them, it's necessary to fix the images with the appropriate regional patches prior to conevrting them into eboots. Game is perfectly emulated under POPS 3.80; lower versions originate sound issues, due to the emulator skipping regional checks and forcing the game to run at 60 HZ while it was retooled to run at 50.(3.80 M33'5 by PerfectCircle)
Final Fantasy Origins SLUS-01541 NTSC-U Да
Final Fantasy Tactics SCUS-94221 NTSC-U Да
Final Round SLUS-00064 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Fox Hunt SLUS-00101 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
FOX NHL Championship 2000 SLUS-00925 NTSC-U Нет Hangs
Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge SLUS-01172 NTSC-U Нет use 3.40/3.51 pops (best sound)
Front Mission 3 SLUS-01011 NTSC-U Нет From Mallard: Due to a bug, the game crashes (freezes) through the battles, when theHP of the Wanzer legs is 0 (player or enemy). It happens with a chanceof 98% during the battle-animations ...:(So it would be wise to make a battle save with every turn and to avoiddirect attacks to an opponent with Leg HP = 0. Missle attacks andattacks with Flamethrowers will work much better.Aside of that, there are no other problems (i played the game 25 hours

up to now).
Front Mission 3 SLES-02423 PAL-E Нет Behaves the same as above. Although if the enemy wanzer's legs HP is 0 and you destroy the wanzer all parts or the body (not sure on that yet) it won't freeze, yet if you only do damage and no kill then it will freeze - Keikura
Front Mission Alternative SLPS-00953 NTSC-J Нет
Future Cop L.A.P.D. SLUS-00739 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-3 by MonkeyJamboree Tested on 3.51 M33 by Finstern PS. Works great over AD-HOC through IRShell

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
G-Darius SLES-01314 PAL-E Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Gaiaseed: Project Seed Trap SLPS-00624 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Galaxian^3 SCES-00269 PAL-E Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Galerians SLUS-00986 NTSC-U Да
Gatchaman: The Shooting,(Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.08) SLPS-03444 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Gekido - Urban Fighters SLUS-00970 NTSC-U Нет
Gekioh Shooting King(Shinryu) SLUS-01498 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Gekitotsu Toma L'Arc - L'Arc-En-Ciel vs. Tomarunner SCPS-10134 NTSC-J Нет
Gex 3 SLUS-00806 NTSC-U Да popsloader @ 3.71:boots and plays fine - by killergp123
Gex SLUS-00042 NTSC-U Нет popsloader @ 3.71:boots and plays fine - by killergp123
Gex: Enter The Gecko SLUS-00598 NTSC-U Нет popsloader @ 3.71:boots and plays fine - by killergp123
Ghost in the Shell SLUS-00552 NTSC-U Нет Use the SLPS-01222 ID.
Ghost in the Shell SCPS-10043 NTSC-J Нет Hangs when firing gunUpdate: May work when using the SLPS-01222 game ID
Gran Turismo SCUS-94194 NTSC-U Да Tested on 3.71 M33-2
Gran Turismo SCESp00984 PAL-E Нет Tested on Firmware 3.40 OE-A
Gran Turismo 2 SCUS-94455 NTSC-U Да Tested on 3.71 M33-2On 3.90 M33, it seems to work until you begin to race (Excluding license drives) where it freezes.
Gran Turismo 2 SCES-12380 PAL-E Да Tested on 3.90 M33-3, Seems to work fine.
Grand Theft Auto SLUS-00106 NTSC-U Да Unknown - was there actually a PAL release made?No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree (and yes, a PAL release WAS made. SLES-00032, for reference)
Grand Theft Auto 2 SLUS-00789 NTSC-U Да No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Grand Theft Auto: London SLUS-00846 NTSC-U Да No Swapping Needed. No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Grandia SCUS-94457 NTSC-U Нет 4.01: Works great
Granstream Saga, The SLUS-00597 NTSC-U Нет
Groove Adventure Rave: Plue no Daibouken SLPM-87011 NTSC-J Нет
Guilty Gear SLUS-00772 NTSC-U Нет
Gundam Battle Assault SLUS-01226 NTSC-U Нет
Gunship SLUS-00313 NTSC-U Нет

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Hard Boiled SLES-00033 PAL-E Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Harmful Park SLPS-04998 NTSC-J Нет Runs perfectly, tested on 3.71M33-4. Perfectly playable despite being in Japanese.
Harvest Moon: Back To Nature SLUS-01115 NTSC-U Да
HBO Boxing SLUS-1027 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Heart of Darkness SLUS-00696 NTSC-U Нет Works flawlessly just like the Pal version. Again, no save between disc 1 and 2, however, a multi-disk version works perfect so you can change disks. Tested on 3.90 M33 -Cheska
Heart of Darkness SLES-00461 PAL-E Нет Works flawlessly. No save between disc 1 and 2, still have to try a multidisc POPS with it. (3.71 M33'3 by PerfectCircle)
Herc's Adventures SLUS-00298 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PSworks fine on 3.71
Hogs of War SLUS-01195 PAL-E Да Screen position is not valide.
Hokuto No Ken 2 SLPS-02993 NTSC-J Нет
Hoshigami Running Blue Earth SLUS-01375 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-2 by GamerbyDesign
Hot Shots Golf 2 SCUS-94476 NTSC-U Да 3.80 by 2PS
Hot Wheels: Turbo Racing SCUS-00946? NTSC-U Нет Every POPS Version: Does not work and will not work on any version. Loads EA Logo, and then Intro, black screen no load or sound. This is the one PSX game that cannot be emulated on any platform. Tested by SephirothX
Hydro Thunder SLUS-00847 NTSC-U Нет No sound

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Ichigeki: Hagane No Hito SLPS-02199 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Incredible Crisis SLUS-01225 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS.3.90: PAL/US title hangs at the start of the first mission, try other FW (3.80) - by 2PS.

Sometimes choppy but not enough to affect gameplay
The Incredible Hulk - The Pantheon Saga SLUS-00150 NTSC-U Да
Intelligent Qube SCUS-94181 NTSC-U Да
Intellivision Classics SLUS-00906 NTSC-U Да
International Karate+ SLES-04040 PAL-E Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
International Track Field SLES-00333 PAL-E Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Invasion From Beyond - B-Movie SLUS-00709 NTSC-U Нет Technically it does run however your better off looking at a slide show. Its faster then the FPS you get on this game. Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Irem Arcade Classics SLPS-00341 NTSC-J Нет 3.80: Press START to load Kung-Fu Master, if you press X, the game will crash! By 2PS
Irritating Stick SLUS-00775 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
IS: Internal Section SLPS-01868 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS
ISS Pro Evolution Soccer 2 SLES-03321 PAL-E Нет
Italian Job, The SLES-03489 PAL-E Нет 3.90: Title hangs at the loading screen - by 2PS

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Jackie Chan's Stunt Master SLUS-00684 NTSC-U Нет Game hangs after the initial Midway credit screen. Confirmed by j1ggy using 4.01 M33.
Jackie Chan's Stunt Master SLPS-01222 NTSC-J Нет Game hangs right after the Midway credit screen.
Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu SCUS-00854 NTSC-U Нет Game starts and runs, but a fatal crash in the second forest stops all progress in the game. UPDATE Try 3.52 pops to get past forest. If it doesnt let u save like the old bug,then try 3.80 pops

also Try the new 4.01 pops maybe that will work to get past 2nd forest.
Jet Moto SCUS-94309 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.52 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Jet Moto 2 SCUS-94167 NTSC-U Нет
Jet Moto 3 SCUS-94555 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-2 by GamerbyDesign
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure SLUS-01060 NTSC-U Да
Juggernaut SLUS-00894 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Jumping Flash SCUS-94103 NTSC-U Нет Works well 3.03 3.90. Power pill timestop cause temporary slowdowns. Tested by SephirothX
Jumping Flash 2 SCUS-94108 NTSC-U Нет Works well 3.03, 3.40 3.90. Timestop causes temporary slowdown. Tested by SephirothX

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Kagero - Deception II SLUS-00677 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-2 by GamerbyDesign
Kaikan Phrase SLPM-86438 NTSC-J Нет
Kartia - The Word of Fate SLUS-00631 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
King's Field SLUS-00158 NTSC-U Нет
King's Field 2 SLUS-00255 NTSC-U Нет
Klaymen Klaymen (The Neverhood) SLPS-01365 NTSC-J Нет No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Klonoa Door To Phantomile SCUS-00585 NTSC-U Нет 1st area boss does not appear, crashes when boss fight begins; occurs with POPS 3.02 and 3.03 firmware. In 3.80 M33, the game loads and plays well-- up until somewhere in Vision 2, then it seems to freeze at random points. 3.90 m33-3: Game runs great. When you finish Vision 2-1 and try to load the next level the game hangs. Just save at the end of vision 2-1 and when it freezes, quit game then restart it and load your save. Should load Vision 2-2 fine. Did for me. I've almost completed the game so I'll update when I do.
Koudelka SLUS-01051 NTSC-U 4.01: Freezes a few seconds after talking to couple at beginning of game. Multi-disc image, ripped from original discs using CloneCD and converted using PSX2PSP 1.3, maximum compression. Have not tried single-disc images. -- SargeSmash
Krazy Ivan SLES-00128 PAL-E Нет
Kula World SCUS-94303 NTSC-U Нет
Kula World SCES-01000 PAL-E Нет 3.80: Graphical issues during the demo - by 2PS.Tested on Firmware 3.40 OE-A by dvdchas. Note: Background music is CD-Audio, so was absent during my tests.UPDATE: Tested in 3.71 pops, converted using Popstation_toc_tinnus. Working with background music.3.90-m33 Runs flawlessly! -anthall19914.01-m33 Runs flawlessly! -anthall1991

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver SLUS-00708 NTSC-U Да Minor sound deterioration during Talking Sequences on ALL firmwares 3.71 and 3.72 included other then that gameplay has no errors on 3.71m33 and higher Tested by Finstern, works perfectly under 3.90m33-2, no sound defects.Tested by dish: works with 3.72POPS, but with 3.90M33-2 opening CG movie won't start (black screen). 3.72 has some lags especially on "Drowned Abbey" level. Finished the game.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver SLES-01301 PAL-E Нет After Main Menu, game freezes to black screen. unplayable. tested on 3.90m33 2.
Legend of Dragoon SCUS-94491 NTSC-U Да Minor sound deterioration during battles; resolved by saving and restarting on 3.71 m33-3, the sound deterioration disappears, but you get a black screen at parts. Seems to happen at the same spots.While playing on 3.71 you'll get a blackscreen after Lenus fight. Update to 3.80 and it will run fine. Also use popsloader to emulate other firmwares, so you can change back, because there will be more blackscreens and you'll need to change firmware back to 3.71. (At least, that worked for me).Works perfectly on my 3.90 m33-2!!People have found that if you don't turn into a Dragoon during the Lenus fight then it wont freeze. (yes she's hard, but you don't want to risk it freezing, so don't change into your Dragoons.)
Legend of Kartia SLES-01710 PAL-E Нет Actual gameplay works fine on 3.71m33-4, only glitch i've seen is in dialogue sometimes the "press x button" is corrupted, but its barely noticeable - khajiit
Legend of Legaia SCUS-94254 NTSC-U Да Graphics glitches, Using items freeze the game for most people.UPDATE: No Errors found on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree• Change GameID to SCPS10059
Legend of Mana SLUS-01013 NTSC-U Да Graphics glitches when using some artifactsMinor sound glitches(sound is almost perfect with 3.52 M33+).Some Artifacts lock game when placed. Golden Seed locks game on 3.4 OE and 3.52 M33. Golden Seed does not lock game on 3.71 M33Using heavy attacks with the bow and the flail causes severe artifacting, all other weapons work fine (3.40 OE)

All issues are cleared up in POPs 3.72 NO sound glitches no artifact glitches everything 100% on 3.72 POPs [Solace]
Loaded SLUS-00076 NTSC-U Нет Works great, no problems in 1st level. 3.80 m33-5 ~Beaniehat~
Lode Runner - The Legend Returns SLPS-00182 NTSC-J Нет Tested by MAN-biker
Lost World: Jurassic Park SLUS-00515 NTSC-U Нет No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete SLUS-00628 NTSC-U Нет Use CWcheat to switch discs.3.90: works fine on this firmware with single eboot. by LordJovanius

4.01: works fine on this firmware with multidisc eboot. by Jonregulo
Lunar 2:Eternal Blue SLUS-01071 NTSC-U Нет 3.71 3.72:Game Hangs on the end of FMV where u exit the Blue Shpere Tower just on the first disc3.80 M33-5: Game no longer hangs on any FMV sequence; I have had no freezes in the game at all. There was no need to use CWCheat to bypass any glitches or problems besides changing discs which is inevitable. Some people say you need to run the game in Normal screen size but I was able to run it in Full Screen the entire game. My specs are CFW 3.80 M33-5 with Popsloader 3.71, (This EBOOT is a Multidisc EBOOT!), im not sure if the game works on ANY other version because i've only checked it on 3.80 M33-5. - Gekkôstate//3.90: This one doesn't even load the FMV, so for those wanting to play the game don't use popstation_md. Just make single disc EBOOTs and play the game on an earlier popsloader

3.90: Ok i am testign this one out now and you can make a single eboot of multidisc for this game and so far it works perfectly, escept you can't change the screen setup. it hung on me in the blue spire garden on full screen, i changed it to original and it works great so far. by LordJovanius

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Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Magic Carpet SLUS-00029 NTSC-U Нет
Magic the Gathering: Battlemage SLUS-00247 NTSC-U Да
Magical Tetris Challenge SCES-02175 PAL-G Нет 3.90: Tested by 2PS.
Manpuku SLPS-03381 NTSC-J Нет
Marvel Super Heroes SLUS-00257 NTSC-J Нет
Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter SLUS-00793 NTSC-J Да
Marvel Vs. Capcom SLUS-01059 NTSC-U Да
Mass Destruction SLUS-00462 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
MDK SLUS-00426 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Mechwarrior 2 SLUS-00401 NTSC-U Да
Medal of Honor SLUS-00974 PAL-E Да
Medal of Honor: Underground SLUS-01270 NTSC-U Нет
Medievil SCES-00311 PAL-E Нет
Medievil SCUS-94227 NTSC-U Нет No Errors any more!
Medievil 2/II SCUS-94564 NTSC-U Да No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Megaman 8 SLUS-00453 NTSC-U Нет Works Perfect on 3.90 M33-3. Tested by Vanit
Megaman Battle Chase SLES-00766 PAL-E Нет No problems I can find as of 3.90 M33
Megaman Legends 1 SLUS-00603 NTSC-U Нет Working on 3.90
Megaman Legends 2 SLUS-01140 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign.I´m using a PSP-Slim with 3.90 M33 and it freezes on the Flutter if you go down the second ladder and try to go up again, the game even turn off my console, I tried the saulcomcor´s EBOOT and making my own with IceTea 1.3 even used Popsloader 3.80 (Full) with the FW on 3.71, but nothing, you can´t go up the ladder and you need to do so a little further in the game by VoltKaizer.
Megaman Legends 2 SLES-03556 PAL-E Нет Voiceovers during cutscenes are not in synch and if the video finishes first it cuts out the remaining dialog. Gameplay seems perfect otherwise. Tested on OE-B
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne SLUS-00896 NTSC-U Нет Crashes after Tiesel gets kidnapped just before you start the actual game.3.72: Best played on this firmware3.80-4.01: Use the 3.80 Popsloader to load 3.72 Tested by shortboy3.90 Working, but may freeze when acquiring certain items on Digging missions.
Megaman X3 SLES-00503 PAL-E Нет Locks up after 'Capcom' video when displaying Now Loading screen as of 3.90 M33
Megaman X4 SLUS-00561 NTSC-U Да If for some reason game freezes during WARNING for Boss, Use SLPS-01222Note: Now works perfectly under 3.9!Also works in 4.01 M33-2 (Trasgo7)
Megaman X5 SLUS-01334 NTSC-U Нет Works fine on 3.90 M33
Megaman X6 SLUS-01395 NTSC-U Нет Works perfectly in 3.9 (tested in 3.90M33 by Trasgo7)
Meta-Ph-List Gamma X 2097 SLPS-00680 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS.
Metal Gear Solid SLUS-00594 NTSC-U Да If you are having problems with stuttering voices in 'codec' conversations, then use GameID SLPM-86114.You can use popstation_md to combine both discs into one eboot. (only works on 3.71-4 m33 and above)If you don't want to make a Multi-disc eboot, then you can switch discs using CWcheat codes, read psychospacefish's post.Hint: During the Psycho Mantis fight go to your Home menu and change controller ports (only works on 3.30 and above).
Metal Gear Solid Integral SCPS-45412 NTSC-J Нет
Metal Gear Solid VR Missions SLPM-86247 NTSC-U Нет
Metal Slug X SLUS-01212 NTSC-U Нет
Micro Machines v3 SLUS-00559 NTSC-U Нет
Mini Moni Dice de Pyon SLPM-87015 NTSC-J Нет
Mini Moni Shakka to Tamborin Da Pyon! SLPM-87079 NTSC-J Нет
Monopoly SLUS-00507 NTSC-U Нет No music
Monster Rancher SLUS-00568 NTSC-U Нет Since you can't change CDs in the emulator to get more monsters you're going to be limited to just a few. However there's CWcheat codes that will help you get what you want. Go to the Monster Rancher page for more info.Works great on 3.71
Monster Rancher 2 SLUS-00917 NTSC-U Нет If you copy this save into your SAVEDATA folder you'll be able to slate a whole bunch of new monsters at the shrine.Otherwise you are going to need to use CWcheat codes. Go to the Monster Rancher 2 page for more info.

Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Mortal Kombat II SLPS-00444 NTSC-J Нет
Mortal Kombat 3 SCUS-94201 NTSC-U Нет
Mortal Kombat 4 SLUS-00605 NTSC-U Да
Mortal Kombat Trilogy SLUS-00330 NTSC-U Да No music, no sound - see the PSX on PSP - Multi-Track Disk Handling manual for fixes.Update by GamerbyDesign: It has music and sound. Runs perfectly. Tested on 3.71 M33-4
Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub Zero SLUS-00476 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 (SLES-01020): Press START/X button at the text screens that follow after boot-up, otherwise the game will hang - by 2PS.Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Moto Racer SLUS-00498 NTSC-U Нет
Moto Racer 2 SLUS-00738 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Moto Racer World Tour SCES-03037 PAL-E Нет
Motor Toon Grand Prix SCUS-94355 NTSC-U Нет 4.01: Works flawlessly!Tested by Milkymoocowmoo, 4.01 M33-2
Mr Driller SLUS-01111 NTSC-U Нет
Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness SLUS-01018 NTSC-U Нет Tested by MAN-biker
MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch SLUS-01453 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Music2000 SLES-01356 PAL-E Нет

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
N2O Nitrous Oxide SLUS-00637 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Nanotek Warrior SLUS-00325 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Naruto: Shinobi no Sato no Jintori Kassen SLPS-03553 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
NASCAR Rumble SLUS-01068 NTSC-U Нет
Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness SLES-13493 PAL-E Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Nectaris Military Madness SLUS-00764 NTSC-U Да No issues - runs fine
Need For Speed SLUS-00204 NTSC-U Да Works great on 3.90 by smithy1185
Need For Speed 2 SLUS-00276 NTSC-U Нет
Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit SLUS-00620 NTSC-U Нет
Need For Speed 4 - High Stakes SLUS-00826 Да Runs fantastic, no problems
Next Tetris (Deluxe), The SLPS-02507 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
NFL Blitz 2000 SLUS-00861 NTSC-U Нет
NFL Gameday 2005 SCUS-94695 NTSC-U Нет Sound stops when starting game
NHL 2000 SLUS-00965 NTSC-U Нет
Nightmare Creatures SLUS-00582 NTSC-U Да
Ninja: Shadow of Darkness SLUS-00435 NTSC-U Да Tested under 3.03 and its working just fine. by Darkace
No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking psp turns off after ps1 intro screen
No one can stop Mr. Domino! SLUS-00804 NTSC-U 3.90 by 2PS.

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Oddworld Abe's Exoddus SLUS-00710 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-3 by MonkeyJamboree.If you have some issues with sound use 3.40/3.51 pops.
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee SLUS-00190 NTSC-U Да Sound hangs on the title screen under 3.52 M33. Clears up during the "Now Loading" screen.Tested with no errors on 3.71 M33-3 by MonkeyJamboreeTested by Finstern, works on 3.10 perfectly for use with 2 player ad-hoc mode under IRShell
Ogre Battle SLUS-00467 PAL-E Нет Limited screen problem - no report on the NTSC versions
Omega Boost SCUS-94449 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-3 by MonkeyJamboree
One SLUS-00469 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: Hangs at boot - by 2PS.popsloader @ 3.71:boots and plays fine - by killergp123
One Piece Mansion SLUS-01406 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Overblood SLUS-00464 NTSC-U Да

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Pandemonium! SLUS-00232 NTSC-U Нет
Pandemonium 2 SLUS-00578 NTSC-U Нет
Panzer Bandit SLPS-00899 NTSC-J Нет
ParanoiaScape SLPS-01375 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Parappa The Rapper SCUS-94183 NTSC-U Нет
Parasite Eve SLUS00662 NTSC-U Да If using 3.52 or below use psychospacefish's patch to combine both discs into one. Works perfectly on 3.71 M33-4, you can use popstation_md to create one eboot of both discs.Not sure whether this happens normally or not, but on 3.71m33-2 ada does not dispose of keys until you reach the hospital, not game breaking, but frustrating!
Parasite Eve 2 SLUS-01042 NTSC-U Нет In order to proceed to disc 2 you need to save your game before getting into the truck at the trailer. Then exit the game, now you can run the disc 2 eboot and continue your game (make sure your disc 2 eboot has the same GameID as disc 1).The Full Motion Videos Have a weird problem which basically makes them unviewable (if that bothers you then don't play this game). SLPS-00025 must be used (on both discs) to get this to boot at all.NOTE: Does not work on m33 3.52-4 or m33 3.71-2 (stops right before the opening sequence like it did on older firmwares).Runs fine on 3.40 OE

Runs without graphical glitches w/ popsloader for 3.11 or 3.30 - Running 3.90 m33-2 by Mestopholeese
Parasite Eve 2 SLES-02558 PAL-E Нет Use SLPS-00025 to avoid publisher screen freeze. Works fine on 3.40 POPS. Will not work on 3.90. Movies are watchable but has slight distortion. Certain cutscenes lag and not in sync with the audio on max compression. Saving may fail on rare occasions but all you need to do is put the phone down then try again. Tested by euthaherz
Penny Racers SCES-00391 PAL-E Нет
Pepsiman SLPS-01762 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Persona SLUS-00339 NTSC-U Да Freezes on the first loading screen with seems to be working fine.
Persona 2:Eternal Punishment SLUS-01158 NTSC-U Нет Use 4.01 with GameID SLPS-02100 and you shouldn't have many problems. Rarely the game may freeze, so be sure to save often.
Persona 2:Innocent Sin SLPS-02100 NTSC-J Нет Tested on 4.01 m33-2 maybe slowdown a bit for some time, but still work. no bug, no freeze so far.
PGA Tour'98 SLUS-00517 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Philosoma SCES-00059 PAL-E Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Pikinya! EX SLPS-01345 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Pocket Fighters SLUS-00653 NTSC-U Нет Update from Mr. Zhang - "Sometimes during the light blue “Pocket Fighters” loading screen between rounds while playing “Arcade Mode,” the game freezes. I’m using 3.90 M33-3. As far as I could tell it is random." If anyone has any tips, feel free to let us know.
Point Blank SCES-00886 PAL-E Нет
Point Blank 3 SLUS-01354 NTSC-U Нет
Populous: The Beginning SLUS-00277 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.40 OE-A, works great.
Porsche Challenge SCUS-94187 NTSC-U Нет
Power Shovel SLUS-01343 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Poy Poy SLUS-00486 NTSC-U Нет
Poy Poy 2 SLUS-00486 NTSC-J Нет
Professional Underground League of Pain SCUS-94551 NTSC-U Нет Main Menu music seems to not play, no problems otherwise; tested on 3.71 M33-3 by Don Roberto
Project Overkill SLUS-00045 NTSC-U Нет
Psychic Detective SLUS-00165 NTSC-U Нет Title does not work in ANY firmware/emulator as it requires the game to be run from CD only. There is a copy protection message at the start. By 2PS
Puzzle Arena Toshinden SLPS-00879 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Puzzle Star Sweep SLUS-01307 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Quake 2 SLUS-00757 NTSC-U Нет

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Raiden DX SCPS-45019 NTSC-J Нет 3.90: SLPS-00728 by 2PS
Raiden Project (Anniversary Edition) SCUS-94402 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: Also works on PAL (SLES-00051) - by 2PS.
Rainbow Six: Lone Wolf SLUS-01473 NTSC-U Нет
Rally Cross SCUS-94308 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.52 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Rally De Europe SLPS-02679 NTSC-J Нет
Rampage Through Time SLUS-01065 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: Runs fine - 2PS3.80: Freezes once in-game/demo - 2PS
Ranma 1/2 Renaissance SLPS-00522 NTSC-J Нет
Rapid Reload SCES-0004 PAL-E Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Ray Tracers SLUS-00534 NTSC-U Нет
RayCrisis: Series Termination SLUS-01217 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Rayman SLUS-00005 NTSC-U Нет
Rayman SLES-00049 PAL-E Нет Some great instructions on how to run this game come from jawB.C.. Thanks for the tip!
Rayman 2 SLUS01235 NTSC-U Нет Working only on 3.90 pops, make sure Disc-Load Speed is set to Normal (because of graphics glitches) Tested on 3.93. Works fine until "The Bayou" level. Freezes at the part in which you must hit the switch and get to the door before it closes.
Raystorm SLUS-00482 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: J (SLPS-00678) by 2PS.
RC Helicopter SLUS-01376 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS
RC Revenge SLUS-01168 NTSC-U Нет
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing SLUS-00857 NTSC-U Нет
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 SLUS-01147 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Resident Evil SLUS-00170 NTSC-U Нет Works well 3.71. Some sound glitches. Tested by SephirothX
Resident Evil: Director's Cut SLUS-00551 NTSC-U Да Works perfectly 3.40. Tested by SephirothX. 3.52 M33-4 / 3.71 M33-4 no hitches - euthaherz
Resident Evil: Director's Cut SLES-00969 PAL-E Да
Resident Evil 2 SLUS-00421 NTSC-U Да 3.40/3.52: SLPS-01222 MUST be set as the Game ID.3.71: Disc 1 reported to work if you use the GameID SLPS-01510, however disc 2 freezes at police station.3.80: Both disk 1 and 2 work perfectly using SLPS-01222 again. Tested by Cheska.3.90: Both disk 1 and 2 freeze at Violence Warning screen on SLPS-01222. Leon/Claire A Scenarios (Disk 1) works perfectly using SLPS-01510, but B Scenarios freeze at random points when going up stairs or ladders in the police station.
Resident Evil 2 SLES-00972 PAL-E Да The PAL version does work. POPS v3.40 required (Download all POPS versions using POPLoader - activate plugins in Recovery Menu). Tested on SLIM 3.71 M33-3.
Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition SLUS-00748 NTSC-U Нет 3.52: Works perfectly - Use SLPS-01222 - by 2PS3.80/.90: Crashes at violence warning screen even when using SLPS-01222 - use other fw (3.52) - by 2PS
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis SLUS-00923 Да Use SLPS-01222 (BioHazard 2 Game ID) to avoid Clock Tower game freeze. To avoid game freeze after getting the firehose, instead of going directly to the alley, go back to the parking lot to deposit the hose in the chest. Now go directly to the alley (without the fire hose) and then there you withdraw the hose skipping the door where the game freezes.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis SLES-02529 PAL-E Да Freezes on violence warning screen on boot up. Tested on 3.71 M33-2 Use an .IMG file. Then run on 3.40, with popsloader. Tested by SephirothX
Resident Evil: Survivor SLUS-01087 NTSC-U Нет Works perfectly 3.40, 3.71 3.90. Tested by SephirothX
Resident Evil: Survivor SLES-02732 PAL-E Нет Minor screen clipping at the bottom. Everything else works fine on 3.90 M33-3. Tested by euthaherz
Re-Volt SLES-01973 PAL-E Нет
Return Fire SLUS-00184 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure SLUS-01073 NTSC-U Нет
Ridge Racer (Greatest Hits) SLUS-00540 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-2
Ridge Racer SCES-00001 PAL-E Нет Screen clipping at bottom
Ridge Racer 2 (A.K.A. Revolution) SLUS-00214 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-2
Ridge Racer 3 (A.K.A. Rage Racer) SLUS-00403 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-2
Ridge Racer 4 (A.K.A. R4: Ridge Racer Type 4) SLUS-00797 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-2
Ridge Racer High Definition Edition (RR Type 4 Bonus Disc) SLUS-90049 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.71 M33-2; hangs at the Namco logo
Rival Schools: United by Fate (Arcade Disc) SLUS-00681 NTSC-U Нет
Rival Schools: United by Fate (Evolution Disc) SLUS-00771 NTSC-U Нет
Road Rash 3D SLUS-00524 NTSC-U Да
Road Rash Jailbreak SLUS-01053 NTSC-U Нет
Rock'em Sock'em Robots Arena SLUS-01124 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Rockman X5 SLPM-86666 NTSC-J Нет
Roll Away/Kula World SLUS-00724 NTSC-U Нет
Rollcage SLUS-00800 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: PAL (SLES-00539) by 2PS.
Rollcage Stage II SLUS-00867 NTSC-U Нет Does not boot at all. (3.90 M33)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire SLUS-00195 NTSC-U Нет Works fine on 3.90 M33-3. Tested by euthaherz
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI: Awakening of the Dragon SLUS-00918 NTSC-U Нет FMV's have no sound. Everything else works fine. Tested on 3.71 M33-4 / 3.90 M33-3 by euthaherz
R-Types SLUS-00753 NTSC-U Нет Works on 3.10OE-A'No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
R-Type Delta SLUS-00877 NTSC-U Нет No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Running Wild SCUS-94272 NTSC-U Нет

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Saga Frontier SCUS-94230 NTSC-U Да May encounter flickering backgrounds on lower firmware/Popstation versions. Use 3.10 Popstation with Popsloader if using 3.03 OE-C or lower, or use firmware 3.30 OE-A.
Saga Frontier 2 SLUS-00933 NTSC-U Нет Does not load Duel fights, causing the game to be unplayable on 3.71 M33-2.
Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage SLPM-86345 NTSC-J Нет Also known as Samurai Spirits Shinshou - kenkaku Ibunroku Yomigaerishi Soukou no Yaiba
Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage SLUS-01039 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Sentient SCUS-94110 NTSC-U Нет
Sentinel Returns SLUS-00604 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Sexy Parodius SLPM-86009 NTSC-J Нет
Shadow Man SLUS-00895 NTSC-U Нет Working, but slow (like on PSX)
Shaolin SLES-01658 PAL-E Нет 3.80 Runs ok but crashes when coming out of options menu - by 2PS
Sheep Dog and Wolf SLES-02895 PAL-E Нет Some sound desynchronization
Silhouette Mirage SLUS-00728 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Silent Bomber SLUS-00902 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: Severe slowdown issues whenever explosions occur at the tutorial, after that everything runs fine! - by 2PS
Silent Hill SLUS-00707 NTSC-U Да No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboreeWorks fine on 3.90 M33-3. Tested by euthaherz
Silent Hill SLES-01514 PAL-E Да Tested on Firmware 3.40 OE-A by dvdchas
Silverload SLUS-00050 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Simpsons Wrestling SLUS-01227 NTSC-U Да
Skeleton Warriors SLUS-00209 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PSNo Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Skullmonkeys SLUS-00601 NTSC-U Нет 3.52/.80/.90: Same issue applies as with 3.71 M33-3. By 2PSWill not work on PSP at all as of 3.71 M33-3, nor on PS2 with original disc. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Slap Happy Rhythm Busters SLPS-02789 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Smash Court 3 SLPS-03001 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Smurfs, The SLUS-01008 NTSC-U Нет
Sonic Wings Special SLPS-00307 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Soul Blade SLUS-00240 NTSC-U Да Not at fullspeed, Crashes at 2nd stage(3.51 update: Now runs at fullspeed, 2nd-stage bug fixed. Edge Master mode freezes at 'Mission 1' screen. SLPS-01222 increases compatibility, but re-introduces slowdown.)

UPDATE: Running at full speed, no crashes in 3.71 pops. Converted using Icetea using id SLUS00240
Soul Blade SCES-00577 PAL-E Нет Screen Offset due to PAL, but not severe, Fullspeed(3.51 update: Screen centering fixed, Edge Master mode freezes at 'Mission 1' screen. SLPS-01222 introduces the same compatibility and slowdown issues as the NTSC version.)
Soul Edge SLPS-00555 NTSC-J Да Fullspeed(Running 3.80 with popstation: Popped in 3.71 and it ran fine. This is a Jap PS game I imported this off ebay. Created using all the default numbers. GIDN off disk etc. Tested by MasterTurkey. see youtube ncpr707.
Soul Of The Samurai SLUS-00822 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: No problems, dojo-crash bypassed! - by 2PS3.80 M33-5: Crash occurs when attemping to exit out of the dojo sparring-game when SELECT is pressed - by 2PS
Southpark SLES-02158 PAL-E Нет
Soviet Strike SLUS-00061 NTSC-U Нет3.90 by 2PS.Tested on 3.52 M33 by GamerbyDesign
Speed Freaks SCES-01763 PAL-E Нет
Spider - The Video Game SLUS-00230 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Spiderman 2 - Enter Electro SLUS-01378 NTSC-U Нет Sound and video seem fine, tested in 3.71 M33-3 by Don Roberto
Spyro The Dragon SCUS-94228 NTSC-U Да cutscene sound out of sync, screen offset slightlyUPDATE: Everything seems working ok in 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage SCUS-94425 NTSC-U Да The voiceovers sometimes drop out
Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon SCUS-94467 NTSC-U Да Works poorly 3.71 3.40. Can crash randomly while entering worlds. Tested by SephirothX. Update from Mr. Mallon: working up to trying to get to level 2 then fails.
Stahlfeder SLPS-00162 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Star Gladiator SLPS-00539 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 (SLUS-00372) by 2PS
Star Ocean: The Second Story SCUS-94421 NTSC-U Да Possible freeze when you first enter Fienal Tower and watch FMV with fast disc loading setting. Change to normal to fix this. Update from neoxavien - "seems to freeze randomly during battles the farther I got into the game. tested on popsloader 3.72 and 3.90 with cfw 3.90 m33-3". If you have more information to pass along or fixes, pass them on!
Star Sweep SLPS-01040 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Star Wars: Dark Forces SLUS-00297 NTSC-U Нет Seems to play fine but the weapon graphics and enemy sprites are "junked" and blend with the wall texture.
Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi SCUS-00562 NTSC-U Нет Extreme graphical problems 3.02. Tested by SephirothX
Starblade Alpha SLUS-00057 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 Works fine on NTSC-J (SLPS-00022) - by 2PS.Continuing or pausing the game will send you back to the start of the first level, may sometimes warp you to the second level.
Starfighter SLUS-00241 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Starfighter Sanvein SLUS-01302 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold (Street Fighter Collection Disc 1) SLUS-00258 NTSC-U Нет
Street Fighter Alpha 3 SLUS-00821 NTSC-U Да
Street Fighter Collection SLUS-00423 NTSC-U Нет
Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha SLUS-00548 PAL-E Нет
Street Fighter Plus EX 2 SLUS-01105 NTSC-U Нет
Street Sk8er SLUS-00818 NTSC-U Нет popsloader @ 3.71:boots and plays fine - by killergp123
Strider 1 SLPS-02620 NTSC-J Нет
Strider 2 SLPS-02621 NTSC-J Нет
Strikers 1945 SLUS-01337 NTSC-U Нет
Suiko Enbu: Outlaws of the lost dynasty SLPS-00137 NTSC-J Нет 3.52 M33-4: On the VS screen and the victory screen, the overall picture is discolored. Other than that, it runs smoothly
Suikoden SLUS-00292 NTSC-U Да 3.90 Freezes when you entered then exit Neclord's Castle in Neclord Sidequest. Just Set the Disc-Load Speed to normal - tested by kryst abegnalie
Suikoden 2 SLUS-00958 NTSC-U Да Freezes on Mist monster in 3.40 and below.WORKS 100% on new 3.51 M33 Firmware - see Installing PSP 3.51 M33 Firmware.3.90 Works perfectly - tested by kryst abegnalie
Super Bubble Pop SLUS-01528 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo SLES-00605 PAL-E Нет
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo SLUS-00418 NTSC-U Нет
Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden SLPS-03147 NTSC-J Нет
Super Robot Wars F SLPS-01727 NTSC-J Нет
Syndicate Wars SLUS-00262 NTSC-U Да
Syphon Filter SCUS-94240 NTSC-U Да Works fine on 3.90 M33-3. Tested by euthaherz
Syphon Filter 2 SCUS-94451 NTSC-U Нет Doesn't go past beginning FMV on 3.90 M33_2. Loaded fine with popsloader using 3.71 official.Works fine on 3.90 M33-3. Tested by euthaherz
Syphon Filter 3 SCUS-94640 NTSC-U Нет Works fine on 3.90 M33-3. Tested by euthaherz

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Tail Concerto SLUS-00660 NTSC-U Нет
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together SLUS-00560 NTSC-U Нет Works great on 3.71 and above - big thanks to Mr. SaintPizzy for the update.
Tail of the Sun SLUS-94607 NTSC-U Нет Works perfectly on 3.71 M33
Tales of Destiny SLUS-00626 NTSC-U Нет 3.03 OE-C: When using spells with animations(spells that make every unit on the screen stop their movement until the attack finishes), the game may freeze. Spells that don't have animation may freeze but with extremely low chance(only encountered once out of 20+ hours).3.71: When I was playing on 3.71 sometimes after a battle it would get stuck at a black screen, this was really rare though. Other than that the game works great just be sure to save often.

3.72: Using popsloader to run 3.72 it seemed to freeze less than other versions, but I haven't tested it thoroughly, I only used it the last half of the game.
Tales of Destiny II SLUS-01355 NTSC-U Нет
Team Buddies SLUS-00869 NTSC-U Нет Freezes on loading screen on 3.71 m33 - 2 4
Tecmo Stackers SLUS-00560 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Tecmo's Deception: Invitation To Darkness SLUS-00340 NTSC-U Нет
Tekken 2 SLUS-00213 NTSC-U Да
Tekken 3 SLUS-00402 NTSC-U Да
Tekken 3 Golden Lion Edition SLUS-00402 NTSC-J Нет
Tempest X3 SLUS-00283 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Tenchu Stealth Assassins SLUS-00706 NTSC-U Да
Tenchu 2 SLUS-00939 NTSC-U Да Lots of skipping during cutscenes, music, and dialogue.
Test Drive 5 SLUS-00610 NTSC-U Нет
Test Drive Offroad SLUS-00396 NTSC-U Нет
Tetris Plus SLUS-00338 NTSC-U Нет
Theme Hospital SLUS-00275 NTSC-U Нет Runs great on 3.71.
Theme Park SLES-02688 PAL-E Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Thousand Arms SLUS-00845 NTSC-U Нет Hangs during opening sequence on 3.52 M33.
Thrasher Skate and Destroy SLUS-00935 NTSC-U Нет
Thrasher Skate and Destroy SLES-02340 PAL-E Нет
Threads of Fate SLUS-01019 NTSC-U Нет Haven't had any problems on 3.71.
Thrill Kill SLUS-00752 NTSC-U Нет Freezes on exit load 3.80 M33 (Tested by J30H30)Tested on 3.52 M33 by GamerbyDesign
Thunder Force V: Perfect System SLUS-00727 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Time Bokan Series: Bokan to Ippatsu! Doronbo SLPS-00609 NTSC-J Нет 3.80 by 2PS.
Time Bokan: Yattaman SLES-03651 PAL-I Нет 3.80 by 2PS.
Time Crisis SLUS-00405 NTSC-U Нет No Music 3.71 M33-4 ~Beaniehat~
Time Crisis - Project Titan SLUS-00405 NTSC-U Нет
Tiny Tank SCUS-94427 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS.
Tom Jerry In: House Trap SLUS-00638 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Tomb Raider SLUS-00152 NTSC-U Да
Tomb Raider SLES-00024 PAL-E Да Tested on Firmware 3.40 OE-A by dvdchas
Tomb Raider II SLUS-00437 NTSC-U Нет It loads up but freezes after 5 seconds after loading the trianning level. Tested on 3.52 M33-4 by GamerbyDesignTested on slim psp 3.90 m33 3.03 pops. Works perfectly(as far as I can tell) doesn't freeze at training level. Used alcohol 52% to rip .ccd,.sub,.img from disc then PSX2PSP v.1.2 to make the eboot. by Mornaug
Tomb Raider II SLES-00718 PAL-E Нет Works with the new CDDA enabled version of Popstation - we'll post a link once we have one! Doesn't work with Firmware 3.40 OE-A by dvdchas
Tomb Raider III SLUS-00691 NTSC-U Нет
Tomb Raider IV (A.K.A. The Last Revelation) SLUS-00885 NTSC-U Нет Works with 3.03 OE-C ripped with CloneCD and processed with Zinga Burga PopstationGUI 3.00
Tomb Raider V (A.K.A. Chronicles) SLUS-01311 NTSC-U Нет
Tomba! SCUS-94236 NTSC-U Да
Tomba! 2 SCUS-94454 NTSC-U Нет
Tony Hawk Pro Skater SLUS-00860 NTSC-U Да Works great on 3.90 by smithy1185
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 SLUS-01066 NTSC-U Нет works on 3.72. failed at main screen on 3.90
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 SLUS-01419 NTSC-U Нет
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 SLUS-00967 NTSC-U Нет
Trap Gunner SLPS-01076 NTSC-J Нет 3.90: US version doesn't work either (SCUS-94397) try Trap Runner - By 2PS.
Trap Runner (PAL version of Trap Gunner) SLES-01628 PAL-E Нет 3.90: Runs great! by 2PS.
Treasures of the Deep SLUS-00430 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Triple Play '99 SLUS-00618 NTSC-U Нет
Turnabout SLUS-01499 NTSC-U Нет 3.80 by 2PS
Twisted Metal SCUS-94304 NTSC-U Нет Works fine. ~Beaniehat~
Twisted Metal 2 SCUS-94306 NTSC-U Да
Twisted Metal 3 SCUS-94249 NTSC-U Нет Odd audio glitch when approached by enemy vehicle
Twisted Metal 4 SCUS-94560 NTSC-U Нет

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) SLES-02903 PAL-E Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Um Jammer Lammy SCUS-94448 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 Sound issues - by 2PS.Sound is messed up
Umihara Kawase Shun: Second Edition SLPS-02549 NTSC-J Нет
Unholy War SLUS-00676 NTSC-U Да 3.03: Freezes on Pause screen after starting a new game.3.10-3.72: Works fine

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Vagrant Story SLUS01040 NTSC-U Да Some slowdown at cut scenes with heavy 3D
Valkyrie Profile SLUS-01156 NTSC-U Да 3.03 OE-C: Dialog voices are glitchy. Freezes after talking with Odin.
Vampire Hunter D SLUS-01138 NTSC-U Нет
Vanark - Astro Trooper SLUS-01035 NTSC-U Нет 3.90: No probs. 3.80: Hangs at boot - by 2PS.
Vandal Hearts SLUS-00447 NTSC-U Нет 4.01: Worked perfectly - Hitcher
Vandal Hearts II SLUS-00940 NTSC-U Нет 4.01: Working perfectly so far. Will update when completed - Hitcher.
Vanguard Bandits SLUS-01071 NTSC-U Нет Flawless with 3.03 OEA 3.90: works flawlessly on my 3.90 firmware by LordJovanius
Vib Ribbon SCES-02873 PAL-E Нет 3.80: Runs fine BUT is not playable as the game does not appear to stream any music from the game itself (once in-game the level is just straight (Flatlined). By 2PS3.90: Crashes after the initial menus are bypassed (graphical crash). By 2PS
Victory Boxing Challenger SLES-02727 PAL-E Нет 3.90 by 2PS
Viewpoint SLES-00123 PAL-E Нет 3.52: Runs fine - by 2PS3.80/90: Loops to PS logo when game is started (After the 'Prepare to Engage' screen)- by 2PS
Vigilante 8 SLUS-00510 NTSC-U Нет Half of the levels won't run, redraw problems for distant objects (no textures), some sound problemsUpdate from dopi:On POP's 3.40 - sound works only sfx no music. Every level works no freezes, completed "quest mode" with no prob.
Vigilante 8: Second Offense SLUS-00868 NTSC-U Нет Redraw problems for distant objects (no textures), lens flare redraw problem, some sound problems, occasional crash--edit 3.03 oe-A has sound(music) problems when you change music in game but when used in 3.30 oe-A sound(music) work fine.
Virtual Hiyru No Ken SLPS-00338 NTSC-J Нет 3.90 by 2PS
VIRUS: It is aware SLES-01317 PAL-E Нет 3.90 by 2PS
VR Powerboat Racing SLUS-00625 NTSC-U Нет
V-Rally '97 SLES-00250 PAL-E Нет
V-Tennis SLES-00285 PAL Нет 3.80 by 2PS

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Warcraft II: The Dark Saga SLUS-00480 NTSC-U Да
Warhammer: Shadows of the Horned Rat SLUS-00117 PAL-E Нет
Warhawk SCUS-94305 NTSC-U Нет Plays fine on 3.72. Minor strangeness during some FMV's. By RandomManA.
WCW vs. NWO: Thunder SLUS-00779 NTSC-U Да
Wild Arms SCUS-94608 NTSC-U Да
Wild Arms 2 SCUS-94484 NTSC-U Нет Load screen does not come up on 3.40 using 3.80 M33 Popsloader to emulate the prior version. 3.90 M33-3 seems to work after a few hours of play
Wild 9 SLUS-00425 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PSMusic works just fine on 3.71 M33-3 if using a GOOD disc image. most out there seem to be without the audio track info in the .cue file. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
WipeOut SCUS-94301 NTSC-U Нет Tested on 3.52 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
WipeOut SCES-00010 PAL-E Нет Tested on 3.80m33-5
WipeOut 2097 SLES-00327 PAL-E Нет Hangs after intro. Tested on Firmware 3.40 OE-A by dvdchas

UPDATE: Working fine in 3.80 M33-5.
WipeOut XL SCUS-94351 NTSC-U Да Tested on 3.52 M33 by GamerbyDesign
Wip3Out (WipeOut 3) SCES-01909 PAL-E Нет Crashes 2-5 secs after starting race on all courses/teams. Tested on 3.71 M33-2 + 3.80 M33-5
Worms SLUS-00336 NTSC-U Нет
WTC World Touring Championship SLPS-02852 NTSC-J Нет
Wu-Tang Shaolin Style SLUS-00929 NTSC-U Нет
WWF Attitude SLUS-00831 NTSC-U Нет
WWF Smackdown SLUS-0927 NTSC-U Да
WWF Smackdown 2: Know Your Role SLUS-01234 NTSC-U Нет Works fine on 3.71 M33-4. Tested by euthaherz4.01 M33-2: Entrances or loading screens do not load, otherwise the game plays fine.
WWF Smackdown 2: Know Your Role SLES-03251 PAL-E Нет
WWF Warzone SLUS-00495 NTSC-U Да
WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game SLUS-00013 NTSC-U Нет

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
X-Com: Terror from the Deep SLES-00077 PAL-E Да
X-Com UFO Defence SLUS-00141 NTSC-U Нет
X-Files SLUS-00915 NTSC-U Нет
X-Men Vs Street Fighter SLUS-00627 NTSC-U Нет
Xenogears SLUS-00664 NTSC-U Да First form Deus has an attack that locks game. (beat him quickly)3.52 m33: May freeze during the "Old Movie Countdown" scene. Use 3.40 if this happens.There's no need to beat Deus quickly, you only must wait his attack wich drops his energy and yours at 50%, but do not fear, that attack do not kill anybody, then wait until his energy (and maybe yours) is below of 1000 HPs then use System ID with Fei and attack with X button, that attack should kill Deus, is important that you don't attack Deus before, if you do, then Deus will counterattack with the attack that freeze the game. By JuanMan.3.71 M33: Seems to work without problems, except a small sound hitch upon leaving the Save menu. May be in the original game?3.90 M33: Freezes after the "shatter" effect during the first battle of the intro, with a sound loop. Use 3.71 if you require multi-disc PBP support.4.01 M33: Freezes after the "shatter" effect during the first battle of the intro, with a sound loop. Use 3.71 if you require multi-disc PBP support.

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories SLUS-01411 NTSC-U Нет

В начало

Название PSX игры PSX ID Тип TV Мануал Примечание
Zanac X Zanac SLPS-03354 NTSC-U Нет 3.90 by 2PS.
Zero Divide 2 SCES-01094 PAL-E Нет 3.90 by 2PS.

В начало

burnxx 22.07.2009 22:34

простите, если пишу не по адресу
хотел поделиться ссылкой
это список совместимости

pr89 27.10.2009 20:21

а на 5,03 будет эта фишка работать?

alex90 27.10.2009 20:47

popsloader на виртуальных прошивках? или

Jocksor 28.10.2009 18:27

Хм... не подскажите как раз по поводу?

В общем решил я переиграть в любимый Сайлент Хил. И на те... на прошивке ГЕН Д-2 при загрузке любым из эмуляторов - виснет и выключается (при повисании горят лампочки павер и мемстик). Тот же EBOOTник отлично грузится на 3.90м-33. Пробовал как компрессед, так и анкомпресд EBOOT файл. Как быть? :( Поиграть очень хочется, да и данная версия прошивки мне нравится...


UOD. Простите за невнимательность. Проблема решена. (я просто забыл заменить пару файлов по инструкции)

Maxim4ik 12.11.2009 21:38

Супер!!! классно! спасибки что выложили!:dance:я достал игруху детства тони хавка 3 и сэмулировал! все прокатило! и причем из сборника!:shok:так что гамлю ща в игруху на русском языке, все без тормозов! респект автару! прошива 5.03 М33

lale05 13.11.2009 01:54

Какие страшные прогнозы по-поводу работы сборников и перелопаченые пиратами диски...Столько уже запускал, из всех игр на моей практике не работал только сборник с Диабло))

CrazyJoe 20.11.2009 14:49

Не запускаются PS1 игры на 5.50 GEN-D2, PSP Slim 2000

Уже и не знаю, что делать, пробовал POPUPS для различных прошивок, как часть PSP игр не запускалась так и не запускаются, поодскажите,Ю что может помочь, что сделать.
Может даунгрейдиться до последней Dark Alex-овской прошивки?

update :

Сообщение от Jocksor (Сообщение 836555)
Хм... не подскажите как раз по поводу?

В общем решил я переиграть в любимый Сайлент Хил. И на те... на прошивке ГЕН Д-2 при загрузке любым из эмуляторов - виснет и выключается (при повисании горят лампочки павер и мемстик). Тот же EBOOTник отлично грузится на 3.90м-33. Пробовал как компрессед, так и анкомпресд EBOOT файл. Как быть? Поиграть очень хочется, да и данная версия прошивки мне нравится...


UOD. Простите за невнимательность. Проблема решена. (я просто забыл заменить пару файлов по инструкции)

Попробую повторить, опыт этого товарища.

CrazyJoe добавил 20-11-2009 в 14:49
не работает :(

alex90 21.11.2009 19:14

1) Popsloader ставь отсюда , т.к. в этой теме он старый. Можно и до dark alex'овской прошивки даунгрейдиться, хотя вряд ли поможет.
2) Если конвертируешь сам, см , т.к. для работы некоторых игр при конвертации надо менять ID, а на psp потом выбирать определенную версию прошивки в popsloader'e (например, Disney's Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers). Можешь попрбовать конвертировать с помощью popstation md или psx2psp, хотя не знаю, есть какая разница по сравнению с AutoPopstation4

Retrobit 28.11.2009 23:48

Большое спасибо за то, что так популярно всё разжевали)) Сделал образ с пиратского руссифицированного диска Теккена 3, конвертанул.... Не поверите, но идёт всё прекрасно без малейших тормазулек и косяков. Даже ролики персонажей (прошёл игру по быстрому за Кинга) в порядке. Супер! Одна проблема ток. Никак масштабироваться изображение толком не хочет. Или растянутое на весь экран, или нормальное, но маленькое (изображение чёткое и пропорции нужные, но не во всю высоту экрана). Это как то правится?

Dr.House 29.11.2009 20:04

Не очень понял о чем ты... Может об этом?

Retrobit 01.12.2009 04:15

Да нет. Я о том, что изображение на самой PSP не во весь экран. Есть настройки, но они тоже не позволяют сделать как нужно. Хотя вот сейчас конвертанул One Piece: Grand Battle 2 и с ним всё в порядке.

SD6719 01.12.2009 06:28

Руссифицированный Теккен 3 наверняка в системе PAL, а у PSP с играми PSX в системе PAL бывают проблемы.
Попробуй конвертнуть по этой инструкции -
Там надо обратить внимание на патчи в меню options и на галочку Apply patches - должно помочь.

Retrobit 03.12.2009 05:59

Спасибо за ссылку, попробую перегнать что-нибудь...

DarkAnge 03.12.2009 22:18

Я, конечно, извиняюсь, но откуда скачивать PS1 игры, с какого сайта?:pardon:

Setsuna-ch4n 04.12.2009 12:38

вопрос - а на какой прошивке GTA 1 запускается?

Chrono1313 27.12.2009 01:44


Сообщение от Jocksor (Сообщение 836555)
Хм... не подскажите как раз по поводу?

В общем решил я переиграть в любимый Сайлент Хил. И на те... на прошивке ГЕН Д-2 при загрузке любым из эмуляторов - виснет и выключается (при повисании горят лампочки павер и мемстик). Тот же EBOOTник отлично грузится на 3.90м-33. Пробовал как компрессед, так и анкомпресд EBOOT файл. Как быть? :( Поиграть очень хочется, да и данная версия прошивки мне нравится...


UOD. Простите за невнимательность. Проблема решена. (я просто забыл заменить пару файлов по инструкции)

тебе проще сайлент хилл с скачать там он уже съэмулирован))

Alex178 28.12.2009 11:50

Таже фигня с Дональдом. А переконвертировать образ псх сразу в нормальну прошивку можно, чтобы не грузить попслоадер?

alex90 28.12.2009 17:38

Вроде нельзя.
А с Дональдом все несколько сложней, чем просто сконвертить и выбрать попс.
Образ должен быть NTSC-U, SLUS-01242. При конвертации надо выставлять game ID=SLPS02180. а попс выбирать 3.00 - 3.10. См тут
Хы, так я же, оказывается, об этом здесь же писал с месяц назад =)

stiffmaster 08.01.2010 23:14

У меня почему-то во всех сейвах игр с PSX картинка не с игры кот. принадлежит сейв, а из кастельвании какая-то. В чем может быть дело.

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