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soulburn 12.08.2007 21:34

[REQ] FAT16 formatting for 4 GB Memory Stick
First of all:

Keep up great work Team M33, You really rock ;)

I think that it would be very useful feature, but have no ideea is this possible.

When formmating 4 GB MemStick via XMB, it's by default formatted in FAT32 mode, smaller Sticks are formatted in FAT16. FAT32 often causes lagging and really low read speed. Many users confirmed that formatting 4 GB MS via windows in FAT16 mode gives really amazing results (especialy on fake cards). So, my request is to add FAT16 formatting for 4 GB Sticks via XMB.

PS: I always tought that max partition size for FAT16 is 2 GB, but if you have 4 GB MemStick, try formatting it with this command: "format x: /FS:FAT", it really works, and the card still has 4 GB, but read and write speeds are higher.

accountforcgs 19.08.2007 10:22

It's impossible
FAT16 standrad only for space lower 2GB
If you want to format in FAT16 you can creat 2 partition.
but the second partition only for computer browsing

sadistlex 19.08.2007 10:34

I formatted my memory stick 4gb myself, and it works!I have fake memory stick, and now there are no laggs in games(like it was before).

xg917 22.08.2007 21:05

my 2gb sandisk (plain blue) memory stick has slow write speeds. no its not fake. and idk why its writing slow. maybe because im using usb port 1.0 instead of 2.0 ? i suppose.

BrandonM33 22.08.2007 21:06

Odd, Sandiscs should be fast :S

xg917 22.08.2007 21:10

its the usb port im using (its 1.0) usb 2.0 is much faster. thats y. o well.
im gona get a 4 gb but i heard it has slow write speeds :/ and read speeds..

soulburn 23.08.2007 00:46

This trick doesn't affect 2 GB Sticks at all. Please read what I wrote before. 2 GB Stcks are by default formated in FAT16 mode, so formating it via Windows gives nothing.

Also it dosn't affect 4 GB SanDisk Ultra II, those Sticks are fast enough without formating.

Now I'm not so sure, if that adding default formating in FAT16 is such a good idea. 4 GB partition with FAT16 are propably supported by Windows XP only (maybe 2003 server also, i'm not sure about Vista)

A$h X 23.08.2007 17:29

I can confirm that it works. I have a fake 4GB stick, and before it used to lag on certian games. I used the follwoing command from the prompt:

format x: /FS:FAT

And it formatted as FAT16. No partitions the entire stick is visible as 4Gb.

ana3zoz 25.08.2007 07:21


Сообщение от A$h X (Сообщение 499550)
I can confirm that it works. I have a fake 4GB stick, and before it used to lag on certian games. I used the follwoing command from the prompt:

format x: /FS:FAT

And it formatted as FAT16. No partitions the entire stick is visible as 4Gb.

what do u mean by fake !!

xg917 25.08.2007 07:49

what else would it mean, lol. it means its a counterfeit card.

ana3zoz 25.08.2007 10:08


Сообщение от xg917 (Сообщение 500744)
what else would it mean, lol. it means its a counterfeit card.

very smart boy i know what the word mean,but what im ask is if i have 4 gb MS it means its FAKE!!

or what ?

Bleahdom 25.08.2007 17:10


Сообщение от ana3zoz (Сообщение 500768)
very smart boy i know what the word mean,but what im ask is if i have 4 gb MS it means its FAKE!!

or what ?

You're the one trying to be a smartass, if you don't ask a proper question how do you expect a proper answer? He gave you a correct answer based on the question you asked.

You can usually tell if your ms is fake by checking if it has MagicGate support by opening its information screen on the PSP. Fake sticks can be pretty much any size, but are generally between 1gb-4gb.

xg917 25.08.2007 20:54

aka. press triangle when you are over "memory stick" and then choose information,
-if it says magic gate: unknown (i think thats what it would say) it means its most likely fake (if so, just format it on the computer and it should work better, hopefully)
-if it says magic gate: supported (its real)

most fake sticks are sony sticks. ive never seen a fake sandisk stick.

Bleahdom 25.08.2007 21:30

I actually have a Sandisk 4gb that doesn't support MG, so it's possibly fake.

xg917 25.08.2007 23:13

really? did u buy it online or at a store? and does it work good? (reading and writing speeds)

Bleahdom 26.08.2007 19:06

I bought it from Amazon via one of their marketplace sellers. It doesn't seem to have any read/write problems, though its slower than the 1GB ms I have it doesn't cause any slowdowns when I load ISOs from it. The make quality of the stick seems pretty good as well, but the serial on the back is etched on using a very low quality method.

xg917 26.08.2007 19:59

hmm, ur lucky it works well for u :p

Bilkoff 27.08.2007 22:26

The solution is not exactly formating in fat16, is to format with a cluster of 64k (if you do so you can format up to 4gb partitions). If you format with fat32 and the cluster size of 64k it works well too. You can format 8gb memory sticks with fat32 and the cluster size of 64k and it works perfectly.

format x: /q /a:64k

ArgonLV 27.08.2007 22:55


Сообщение от Bilkoff (Сообщение 502639)
The solution is not exactly formating in fat16, is to format with a cluster of 64k (if you do so you can format up to 4gb partitions). If you format with fat32 and the cluster size of 64k it works well too. You can format 8gb memory sticks with fat32 and the cluster size of 64k and it works perfectly.

format x: /q /a:64k

So, it works with 8 - gb MS? Some people say, that 8 gb Stick works very slow with PSP games. Any ideas? Is there a point to buy this stick for the games?

biohazardta 30.08.2007 14:01

Support....And I think FAT16 is better than FAT32,and I hope I can format the MSD in XMB in FAT16 in the future.......

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