After what he admits as "the worst release of Ultimate VSH Menu," Total_Noob is back with an update for Ultimate VSH Menu, complete with an apology for the crashes from the previous version.
This new v1.07 seeks to mend that with one big bulk of a changelog. This version is now bug free (which means if you're having problems with the previous v1.06, this is a must-download) and adds compatibility with a lot more of those useful plugins (also another big reason why it's a must-download!).
Changelog v1.07:
* - Ultimate VSH Menu is now BUGFREE
* - Compatible with the plugin Game Categories
* - Compatible with cxmb
* - Compatible on psp slim
* - Load recovery menu work now on all psp
* - It don't move automatically more
* - Don't hide Ultimate VSH Menu on PSP store
* - If you use a ctf theme, the mac addresse don't show on Chinese
* - Don't show the battery serial, if you've got a psp slim TA-88 or TA-85 v2
* - It hook the vshctrl to hide M33 VSH Menu, so Ultimate VSH Menu work, if you have "Use VshMenu" on "enabled"
* - Added on installer a uninstall function
* - It's ONLY for the CFW 5.00 M33-6!!!
* - You need flash0:/vsh/resource/13-27.bmp to use slim colors on psp phat
* - Sorry for my english, because I'm from Switzerland